Here you can pay little tributes to the musicians and actors that have passed away.
Hey Beatlebob! I noticed that too! Sometimes there's a little green dot eventhough the user isn't online! LOL!!! That happened many times with BeatleGirl/Candy O. She won't answer us anyway :-(
I just saw your posts right now. Sorry I haven't been online until now (Thursday the third) so I don't know why it showed a green dot for me? WTF? Hopefully it's just a notification glitch and I don't have a secret hacker or something! Makes me want to change my password! LOL!!! I really enjoyed those videos you shared on the Beatle site! Omg! Yes, Dhani Harrison is more like a clone than a son! It's almost creepy! LOL!!! I saw Rick Nelson's sons in concert and they didn't look or sound anywhere near as close to him as Dhani does with George. Not all sons are identical to their father like Dhani is! He's lucky! I'm looking forward to his new album soon too and of course Paul & Ringo's! Thank you for sharing some more information about that French actress eventhough I still don't really know who she is. I wasn't that familiar with the Italian actress who recently passed away either. I know alot more about American actresses. I don't use my computer or any electronics during thunderstorms either to avoid any possible damage. I need new glasses too but my next eye doctor's appointment isn't until October 2. A bit of a wait, but oh well. That's the soonest appointment slot they had available when I scheduled. I'll just have to tough it out until then! I hate how it takes a few more weeks for them to be ordered and arrive. Mine recently broke, so I had to put some tape on the side and I also think my prescription got a bit worse, as it does nearly every year with my astigmatism and near sighted-ness. I hate the fact that I have to wear glasses! If it wasn't for my insurance I could barely even pay for them either! John Lennon hated wearing glasses too. In the early years of The Beatles he never wore them onstage eventhough he was reportedly "blind as a bat". LOL! Hope everything goes fine if you go with your mother to get new glasses for her. I know how that is. Most lenses get scratched up so easily! Mine are like that. It feels like no matter how many times I clean them they still feel cloudy. It's definitely time for me to get a new pair of glasses! Yes, bad parts of town are no place for the elderly. That's great you're accompanying her! Well I hope you'll get back to me as soon as possible, maybe after your laundry day? Enjoy the first weekend of August, my friend! :-)
Hey Sadie! I'm Glad you noticed that too! I thought it was just my browser having problems. LOL! Yes, sometimes there is a little green dot even though the user isn't online!! LOL!! I noticed that many times too with BeatleGirl/Candy O on Both Sites! Yeah, I know even IF she was here she won't answer us anyway! :-( I see you haven't been online until (Thursday the third)! This was the First time I've seen the green dot show up under Your Icon!! WTF?? It probably is just a notification glitch or something like that!! I wouldn't worry about it! Like I said, after I sign out on this site, I notice sometimes My little green light Still is lit, like I was still logged into the site. We've experienced some Odd things in the past on this site. LOL!! I think Ning just has to get their act together. I'm sure you don't have a secret hacker after you!! LOL!! ;-) Don't be sorry that you haven't been online until now!! We all get busy with things we have to do!!! It turns out we didn't go to the eye glasses place today. My mother just didn't feel up to going. We will just have to go another time. I'm glad that you also don't use your computer or any electronics during thunderstorms to avoid any possible damage!! You just never know what might happen? I see you need new glasses too! I'm Sorry to hear the soonest appointment slot they had available when you scheduled isn't until October 2. :-( All Doctors seem to be so booked up these days! SUCKS!! Yeah, what can you do? You'll just have to tough it out until then. It Sucks that it takes so long for them to be ordered and arrive!! So, that makes it even longer of a wait for you!!! :-( Wait to see the Eye Doctor, then wait a few weeks for them to be ordered and arrive!!! :-( I'm Sorry to hear your glasses recently broke!! So you had to put some tape on the side so you could still use them! :-( I had to do that one time too! I see you also think your prescription got a bit worse, as it does nearly every year with your astigmatism and near sighted-ness. :-( I had to look up "astigmatism", "a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which results in distorted images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus." I see you need glasses for distance! I need two sets of glasses for distance and reading. My prescription gets worse about every two years or so. I also hate the fact that I have to wear glasses!! Oh well, what can we do? Same for me!! If it wasn't for my insurance I could barely even pay for them either!!! :-( Yeah, I know John Lennon hated wearing glasses too!! Yes, in the early years of The Beatles he never wore them onstage even though he was reportedly "blind as a bat". LOL!!!!! ;-) Yeah, you only seen him wearing glasses during studio sessions pictures. Then he finally wore the granny type of glasses in Public starting in 1967. Thanks!!! Even though we didn't go today, I Hope everything will go well when I do go with my mother to get new glasses for her! I see you know how that is! Yes, most glasses get scratched up so easily!!! :-( Mine get like that too. I know what you mean, no matter how many times we clean them they still feel cloudy!! Yes, it's definitely time for you to get a new pair of glasses! I'll be due for new glasses again next year! I have to wait because my insurance won't chip in to pay for them until then!! They only do it every two years. Oh Well. I agree! Bad parts of town are no place for the elderly!! I'm Glad to go with her when it comes to going to areas like that!!! I would be too worried about her, if I didn't!!
I'm Glad you really enjoyed those videos I shared on the Beatles site!!! :-) Really!!! Dhani Harrison is more like a clone than a son!! It IS almost creepy! LOL!!!!!! Yes, I know you saw Rick Nelson's sons in concert and they didn't look or sound anywhere near as close to him as Dhani does with George.It's Very Rare that sons look and sound identical to their father like Dhani!!! He Is Lucky!! I'm also looking forward to his album soon!! And yes, of course Paul & Ringo's too!!! You're Welcome for sharing some more information about that French actress!! I still don't know who she really is either! LOL! I see you know a lot more about American actresses. You're not that familiar with the Italian actress who recently passed away either. But, you do usually know a lot about some foreign actresses!! A lot more than I do!! :-) I'm Glad I could get back to you Today!!! Yes, Laundry FUN again tomorrow! LOL! I Hope we can get back to each other Very Soon!!! Thanks!!! I Hope you also Enjoy the first weekend of August, My Friend!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! This month just started and I've already been so busy! I haven't had barely any time to be online! Ugh!!! I am glad that the first week of August and my appointment are over. Now that I think of it, I actually do remember hearing about "George Fest" a few years ago. But I thought it was just a CD. I didn't know there was a DVD too until now! Thanks for letting me know! I've definitely got to buy it soon. It will be a great addition to the "Living In The Material World" and "Concert For George" DVDs I already have.
Rest In Peace!!!
Hope to catch up with you soon Beatlebob! If you're not busy too! Have a good week! :-)
Hey Sadie! I Understand!!! It has been the same for me!! I've been very busy too!! And this week has been a Nightmare!! My Mother was at her senior center on Monday. She slipped and fell to the floor and hit the floor hard!! The senior center called me and told me the Ambulance just took her to the hospital. So, I took a cab there! We were there All day! She's in very bad shape!! She fell on her left side, and has a cut just above her eye and, all around her eye and that side of her face is very red! She hurt her knee too. That's very bruised ! The Worst part is her Left Hand! Right behind her pinkie the bones on her out edge of her hand has bad fractures!! They gave her all kinds of tests in the ER, x-rays, cat scan, etc! We had to wait forever for the results!! They told her about the Fractured bones and kept telling us a Doctor will be down as soon as he can to put a temporary splint on it. We kept waiting and waiting and they kept saying he will be down soon!! It was getting very late and he still didn't show up!! My Mother wanted to get out of there already!! One of the Doctors there put some kind of thing along the top of her hand and wrapped an ace bandage around it so we can go home. They said to call this Doctor first thing in the morning on Tuesday to see him ASAP to set her hand!! We called and he was on Vacation!! WTF?? They gave us a name of another Doctor to see and set up an appointment to see him. We had to go back to the Hospital where his office is. We stayed there for many Hours too!! He had all of her information from the ER on the computer. Then he put a Brace on her hand. And said she has to wear it for 4 to 6 weeks. She can't use that arm at all and it Hurts bad!! She's a real Mess!! I have to Help her with everything including helping her get up off the toilet! We have to look for some rails for her to grab on to for around the toilet. That's why I'm on the computer Today, searching for that! I'll have to be doing Everything around here at home etc till she heals!! And helping her get around the apartment. I've been having a problem with my left foot!! It's been feeling Numb and swollen, even though it's NOT swollen! I'm seeing a Foot Doctor Tomorrow at 3 PM to see if he knows what's causing this. WTF?? :-( So far this Month SUCKS!!!! :-(
I see you also haven't had barely any time to be online!!! :-( I'm Sure you're glad that the first week of August and your appointments are over with!!! I guess mine are just starting between my Mother and Me with my Foot!!! Will see how it all goes??
I see now that you do remember hearing about "George Fest" a few years ago. I didn't know about it till I found those 2 videos. I'm Glad that you now know there was a DVD for "George Fest" too!! :-) You're Welcome for letting you know! I Hope you can buy it soon! Sure would be a Great addition to the "Living In The Material World" and "Concert For George" DVDs that you already have!! :-) I also have "Living In The Material World" and "Concert For George" DVD's too!! Love them!!
Sorry to hear Ty Hardin passed away!!! Sad! RIP Ty Hardin. :-( Thanks for posting the photo!
Yes!! VERY Sad News!! I Really Liked Glen Campbell!!! :-(
I Hate Alzheimer's disease Too!!! My Sister has it. She's in a Nursing Home. :-( Although her Alzheimer's isn't very bad yet. Sometimes she forgets a lot of things, etc. :-(
Thanks for Posting the Very Nice tribute photo of Glen!!
Wichita Lineman is one of my Favorite songs from Glen!! Thanks for posting the video/ song!!
RIP Glenn! :-(
I Hope to catch up with You Too, as soon as I'm Able too!!!! As soon as I can get a break from things, I Will!!!! Thanks!!! Hope you have a Good Week, My Friend!!!! :-) Will catch up when I can!!!!
Hey Beatlebob. OMG!!!! Sorry to hear all the bad news!! That sounds awful! If I were you I would be mad at the senior center for not supervising her better and possibly preventing the fall. I'd also be very angry at the doctor who spontaneously took a vacation knowing she still needed help! And to top everything off you've got foot pain! Ugh!!! I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for the both of you! I agree, Alzheimer's sucks! That's sad how your sister has it. Hopefully her nursing home takes good care of her. One of my grandmothers currently has it. Besides the memory loss, she often talks alot of nonsense. It's a weird disease! You're welcome for posting that picture of Ty Hardin (There were so many Western shows back then but "Bronco" was one of the best!) and I'm glad you liked that picture of Glen Campbell I posted. It's from the "Wichita Lineman" album. I've always liked that song too, especially since I live near the city of Wichita. :-)
Thanks for letting me know what's been going on with you. Don't worry about catching up. Just get back to me whenever possible. Please keep me updated on how your mother is doing too. Hope your foot feels better soon! :-(
Have a good weekend, my friend!!! :-)
Hey Sadie! Thanks my friend!!! Sure has been Awful!! Both my Mother and I are Mad at the Senior Center! But, there are so many Seniors there and not enough Staff to constantly be on top of everything! I've been Very Busy taking care of my Mother and Everything around here!! I took a cab and had to get her a one piece Grab Bar unit to fit around the toilet. I put that together for her.
The Following day I took a cab again to a surgical supply place and got her a Walker. The cane she uses just isn't good enough for her anymore! I went to my Podiatrist and he said this is a Mystery after taking x-rays etc. He wants me to take an OTC supplement called Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg 3 times a day. And will see me again on September 7th.
If the supplement doesn't help, he will send me to a neurologist! He said it must be Neurological and also, might have something to do with my Back? Will See? On top of everything I caught a Bad Cold yesterday and have a big cold sore on my lip! LOL! So Both my Mother and I are a Mess!!!
Thanks For All the Best Wishes for My Mother and I, My Friend!!! Yes, it IS Sad that my Sister has Alzheimer's!! :-( The nursing home does take good care of her, Thank Goodness!! I'm Sorry to hear that One of your grandmothers currently has it!! :-( And besides the memory loss, she often talks alot of nonsense. :-( My Sister is on and off with the memory loss. And once in a while talks some nonsense! But, not too often!! YES, It's a weird disease!!! :-(
Thanks again for posting the Picture of Ty Hardin!! Oh Yeah, there Were So Many Western shows back then on TV!!! Bronco was Really Good!! A lot of Good ones to Enjoy!! Yes, I Really DID like that picture of Glen Campbell you posted!! I Really Like the "Wichita Lineman" album!!! I think it's Great!!! And Love That Song!!!! I see one of the reasons why you always liked that song, is because you live near the city of Wichita!!! :-) COOL!!
You're Welcome for letting you know what's been going on with me and my mother!! Thanks for ALL the Warm Wishes!!! I've been So Busy with taking care of Everything, Today is the first time I had a chance to come online!! I Wanted to catch up with you!!!! This Friday I have to take my Mother to Her foot doctor to get her nails trimmed. They are long and really bothering her. Always things to take care of! I Hope Everything is going Alright with You, My Friend!!!!! And Thanks!!!! I Will keep you updated on everything whenever possible!!!!!! Hopefully I can catch up with you soon!!! I Miss You!!!!! Just Very Busy now with all that's going on!! Thank You So Much for ALL the Warm Wishes!!!!!! :-)
I Hope the Month will start getting Better for All of us, Soon!!!
Thanks!!!!! Have a Good Week and Weekend My Friend!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! Good to see you back again. Finally! I was getting worried... :-(
Hope your mother is getting better and all goes well at the foot doctor for her. I hope they figure out the mystery with your pain too and that your cold and sore will go away. All that sucks! But glad you got a new walker and toilet bar for her. Just hang in there, my friend! Things will eventually get better. You're welcome for the warm wishes. Sorry to hear all that bad news! I miss you too! I'm also super busy lately. So I don't have much time to write today. But I will catch up more with you later... I'm glad August is already half way over. Although not as bad as yours, it hasn't been a good month for me either. I'm looking forward to September because that's when my local Walmart store has a "Layaway" program. From September 1 to December 11 you can slowly pay for your item(s). I'm planning on getting a new computer from them. I just can't decide which one to get yet! They have so many laptops and a few nice desktops too. I just hope the HP brand won't fail me again! I can't afford a better brand like Apple right now. Well I'll talk to you later. Have a fab day! :-)
Hey Sadie! Thanks!!!! I just had to catch up with you yesterday!!! If you were gone that long I'd be Worried about You Too!!! :-(
Thanks My Friend!!! My Mother is hanging in there the best she can. It takes time! I Hope all goes well Tomorrow at her foot doctor too! Her Knees have been bothering her, especially the left one on the side that she fell. She wrapped her knee with an ace bandage and it seems to help some. She might have to see a Doctor about this and get some kind of special kind of soft brace to wrap around her knees. Will see? Thanks!! The Grab Bars and the Walker seems to be helping her pretty good!
Well, I took the Supplements for a few days, and had to Stop taking them!!! All of a sudden I winded up with a BAD Cold!! "As you know"! My nose is running like a faucet and I get sneezing attacks and headaches!! Also have a big cold sore on my lip. Plus broke out with a few hives on my face. They MIGHT be big Pimples? I'm Not Sure? But, it seemed Odd that this All came on a few days after I started the Supplements! That's why I quit taking them!! Maybe those supplements just don't agree with my System? I Feel like SHIT!!!! Awful!! When I see my Foot Doctor in the beginning of September I'll tell him what happened. And Felt I had to Quit taking them! I have my doubts if they would of helped my problem!! Most likely will have to see a Neurologist!! FUN!! I'll have to try to find one that takes my coverage!!! Hopefully he will know of one, or my MD will know of one!!! I'm sure it's going to take a lot of time going through tests etc!! Sure will be Scary too!!! FUN!!!!! Will see what happens after I see my Foot Doctor and take it from there!! Have to get rid of these Cold symptoms anyway!!! FUN!!!! :-(
To boot, I woke up this morning with my lower back Hurting Bad!!! Maybe because I've been doing so much around here? FUN!!!
Thanks!!! Just hanging in there the Best I can. I Know things will eventually get better!! :-) Thanks Again, for ALL the Warm Wishes My Friend!!!! I Really Miss You Too!!! I'm Glad I found time to catch up with you again Today!! Sorry you have been Super Busy lately too!! I understand!! Just Glad you wrote, and just catch up again when you have some time. I see We Both are Glad that August is already half way over!! I'm So Sorry it hasn't been a good month for You either!! :-( I See Why you're looking forward to September!!! :-) It's Great that's when your local Walmart store has a "Layaway" program. From September 1 to December 11 you can slowly pay for your item(s). GREAT!! I see you're planning on getting a new computer from them! :-) Yes, it's hard to decide which one to get!! I'm sure they have a lot of laptops and a few nice desktops too. If you decide on HP, I Sure Hope that brand won't fail on you again!!! When you have some time, try to read as many reviews on the one(s) you like before you pick the one to get. Get the Brand and the model number(s) from Walmart and find as many reviews as you can about those computers you are interested in. And go over to Amazon's site. Search for the brand and model number to see if they have it there. Amazon seems to have a lot of reviews to look at. Even though you'll be getting the computer at Walmart! Then you'll know which is the best bet when you narrow it down to the one to get!! Yeah, it's hard to afford a better brand like Apple right now!! :-( I Wish You The Best with finding a Good One that you can afford!!!
I'm Glad we had a chance to catch up again!!! :-) Not sure when I'll be back on here? Busy the next few days. But, as soon as I get a chance I'll catch up with you!!!!! Thanks!!! Have a FAB Day, My Friend!!! :-)
RIP Jerry Lewis
He was a great actor, so funny! Loved all the movies he did with Dean Martin and some others like "The Nutty Professor", "The Bellboy", "The Patsy", "Rock-A-Bye Baby", and more. He had a TV series called The Jerry Lewis Show which was a variety show that lasted from 1967 to 1969. He is also known for being the founder of the telethon for Muscular Dystrophy which started in 1956. He was still hosting it in 2011! Wow! I remember hearing he was sick and hospitalized earlier this year. Sad. He will be missed! :-(
RIP Sonny Burgess
Rockabilly star and Sun Records veteran dies at age 88.
Beatlebob, Thanks for the advice. I've already been reading some reviews online (mostly Amazon) about the computers I'm considering buying. I've put a computer on layaway at Walmart before, but I might not be able to do it again this year (with all my bills!) Too bad their Layaway program only lasts a few months and comes just once a year. I have tried Toshiba, HP, Acer, and Compaq computers and they have all broke down on me! So I might just wait it out until I can afford something better, like an Apple. Sorry to hear you're still feeling bad! I've had similar bad allergic reactions to medication. I know how awful that is! Good luck with your mother's health too. If she needs a knee brace or something, hope all goes well! Best wishes!! :-)
Well I've got to go for now but I will catch up more with you later.
I really hope to hear back from you soon!
Have a good week, my friend! :-)
Hi Sadie! It was Sad to hear that Jerry Lewis passed away! :-( I remember most of the movies he did with Dean Martin! I Loved that movie "The Nutty Professor", and liked "The Bellboy" too!! He did such a Great Job with the telethons for Muscular Dystrophy for so many years!! Yes!! Very Sad!! He Will Be Missed!! RIP Jerry Lewis :-(
I also, heard on the News that Sonny Burgess passed away too!
Thanks For posting the Pictures and the "red headed woman" song!
RIP Sonny Burgess :-(
Sadie, You're Welcome for the advice!! I see you've been reading some reviews online (mostly on Amazon) about the computers you're considering buying. And you also, put a computer on layaway at Walmart before. But, So Sorry to hear you might not be able to do it again, This Year!! :-( Hard to afford it with all your Bills!! :-( I Certainly can understand That! I see you tried a bunch of brand name computers, and they All have broke down on you!! :-( And the Brand Name computers get worse each year. :-( They are slapped together quickly and are made overseas with proprietary cheaper parts!! With poor Tech Support! And the boutique custom PC system builders are VERY Expensive these days and are mainly geared towards Gaming PC's!! :-( Much More Expensive than when I bought my PC in 2012!! So, it's very hard to find a Good computer!! :-( So, now it looks like you might just wait it out until you can afford something better, like an Apple. Sounds like the only thing you can do!! I found a Link about a Tech Support - Showdown on brand name computers. Something you might want to look at in the meantime. Gives a quick rundown on their tech support options and also has links to reviews they did about the tech support for each brand. You want the best Tech Support possible when buying a computer these days! So Sorry you have to wait until you can afford to get a new computer!!! But, what can you do? :-(
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