Here you can pay little tributes to the musicians and actors that have passed away.
I'm Sorry to hear about Rosalie Hamlin too!! I remember that song "Angel Baby"!! I Liked that song too!!
And John Lennon's Cover
☮ ♥ Sadie ☮ ♥ said:
Oh yeah, and I read about this online a while ago but forgot to post it here.
Rosalie Hamlin, the lead singer of Rosie and the Originals who recorded the early '60s one-hit wonder classic “Angel Baby,” has died at age 71.
A note by a family member posted on the group's official website said she passed away on Thursday (March 30). The cause of Hamlin’s death was unknown as of press time, but she had suffered from fibromyalgia for years.
“Very Saddened to say that my mom Rosalie Hamlin passed away today March 30, 2017,” the statement on the website began. “She was 71 and passed in her sleep. She didn't perform anymore, and had removed herself from the music scene because of health concerns. She did still paint and tended a very lovely garden. She will be greatly missed by so many. Thank you for all your wishes and time and kind words. It meant a lot to her. God bless.”
I've always loved that song! RIP Rosie!
I remember both of those movies:
☮ ♥ Sadie ☮ ♥ said:
Thanks for posting the Video of "Angel Baby"!! RIP to ALL 3 of them!
COOL! I see you changed your Avatar again for Sgt. Pepper anniversary! :-)
Sorry I haven't been here lately. I've been having problems with my computer!! Hope You have a FAB Day And a FAB Week My Friend!! :-) Hope to catch up Soon!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! I am also sorry for not being online much anymore.
I've been having some computer problems too and am sad because Ann still won't talk to me and I'm not going to the Paul McCartney concert. I know you understand. I really miss you!
I've always liked John Lennon's version of "Angel Baby" and that whole "Rock N Roll" album of his from '75. I like the photo on the album cover too. Thanks for the compliment on my cartoon Sgt. Pepper picture! I didn't make it or the Ringo one. I just found them online but thought they were so cute to put on my profile.
RIP Martin Landau
I remember him from the Mission, Impossible TV show.
He was 89 years old.
Beatlebob, I hope to catch up with you soon too! Hope everything is alright! Have a fab day! :-)
Hey Sadie!! I'm So Glad to hear from you again!!
I see why you haven't been online much lately too!! :-( I'm Sorry to hear you've been having some computer problems too!! I Surely Understand why you're sad that Ann still won't talk to you!! And that you're not able to go to the Paul McCartney concert!! So Sorry My Friend!!! :-( I Really Miss You Too!!!!! I Hope we can Both get our computer problems straightened out as soon as we can!!! I Hope you have been Alright, other than the things you mentioned!!! I have to see my Urologist again this Thursday for my three month exam with him!! Not looking forward to that Painful exam again!!! :-(
That version of "Angel Baby" was from his Menlove Ave album in 1986 that I posted in the above video. I Like John's cover of that song too!! I Also, like the "Rock N Roll" album of his from '75!!! I Love the photo on the album cover too!!! You're Welcome for the compliment on your Sgt. Pepper picture!!! I Love It!! I see you found it and the Ringo one online! COOL! They both are so Cute!! :-)
I heard about Martin Landau on the news this morning. Thanks for posting the picture!! Yes, I remember him from the Mission Impossible TV show too. And movies like Crimes and Misdemeanors, City Hall, and many other films. RIP Martin Landau
I also heard about George Romero on the news this morning too! I Loved the "Night of the Living Dead" movie from October 1968!!! Sure is a cult Classic!!! I agree! This "cult classic that kick started the zombie phenomenon! So many zombie movies & TV shows wouldn't exist without it!" So TRUE!!!!
Thanks So Much for posting the Movie Poster!! And WOW!! Thanks for posting the Night of the Living Dead (HD, FULL MOVIE, 1968) It' Really FULL HD!!! COOL!!
And Thanks for posting the Colorized Version too!!! I never seen the Colorized Version before. COOL!! I like the Black and White version better, though! Seems to make it even scarier!! Brings back memories of watching this many years ago!!! RIP George A. Romero
I Really Miss You My Friend!!! It was Great hearing from you!!! Thanks!!! I Hope everything is going Alright with you too!!!! So Sorry about the all the things that you mentioned above!!! I Truly Understand!!! :-( I Hope we can catch up soon!!! Have a FAB Day Too, My Friend!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! I'm glad you enjoyed. I prefer Black & White to colorized versions too. I agree. It looks scarier that way. I really miss you too! Other than my regular depression, everything is going alright with me. Thanks for asking. I hope the same for you! Paul McCartney is playing a show in Des Moines, Iowa tonight and the temperature over there is expected to reach around 115 degrees Fahrenheit! Wow! Imagine all those people standing outside in long lines in that scorching heat! LOL!!! Have a good weekend, my friend! :-)
Hey Sadie!!! So Glad to hear from you again!!! :-) Thanks again, I Did Enjoy!!! :-) I see you agree about the Black & White versions over the colorized versions! It does look scarier that way! ;-) Aw! I Really Miss You Too!!!! I'm So Glad to hear everything is going alright with you!!! Other than your regular depression. You're Welcome for asking!! Thanks!!! Pretty much the same with me. I went to my three month exam with my Urologist yesterday. That was FUN!!!! LOL! :-( OUCH!!! I see him again in October. WOW!!!!! The temperature over there is expected to reach around 115 degrees Fahrenheit!!!! Yes, imagine all of those people standing outside in long lines in that scorching heat!!!! LOL!!!! Well, people will endure much to get the chance to see Paul McCartney!! But, that's a bit much!!! LOL!! It was Great to hear from you again!!!! Hope we can catch up soon!!!!! Thanks!!! Hope you also have a Good Weekend, My Friend!!!! :-)
Sad news: Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington took his own life at the age of 41.
Wow! I read he was good friends with the Soundgarden singer who recently committed suicide too.
I was never a big fan of that band Linkin Park but I thought some of their songs were ok. I remember seeing them play with Paul McCartney on TV once...
I remember watching that when it happened. I think it was in 2005 or 2006 and it was on an awards show like The Grammys or something. I remember being happy to see Paul but I was also disappointed that he was playing with these people. Especially Jay-Z. I got mad because he wore a John Lennon shirt. LOL!
RIP to the Linkin Park singer! I know the pain of depression. I just wish more people would have reached out for help like I did instead of giving up. It's so easy to just get on medicine and go to therapy. I know it saved my life.
Also more Retro news related, Rest In Peace Barbara Sinatra. I don't know much about her other than she was Frank Sinatra's 4th wife. I'm not sure if she was an actress or whatever? But RIP nonetheless. She was 90.
Beatlebob, I hope you're doing fine! I'm alright but sad lately. Hopefully August will be better! :-)
Hey Sadie! Yes, that is Sad News! Thanks for posting the Two Videos! In the First video, it was Nice that he was honored to be there with Paul McCartney!
"He was the father of six children and married to model Talinda Ann Bentley.
Bennington, a pioneer of the nu-metal genre, was found dead in the same home he'd bought less than two months previous with the county coroner later ruling his death suicide by hanging.
In the wake of his passing, the singer's Linkin Park band mates set up a suicide-prevention website offering advice to those who may be seeking help.
It was revealed that the 41-year-old singer - one of the leading pioneers of the nu-metal genre - died on the 53rd birthday of Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell, his close friend who also died by suicide in May - something that prevention experts believe may bear some importance."
YES! He was good friends with the Soundgarden singer who recently committed suicide too! I was never a big fan of Linkin Park too. Yes, the Second video you posted was at the Grammy Awards in 2006.
Here is another Video I found. With Some RAP Crap! LOL!
"Linkin Park was joined by Jay-Z for Numb/Encore. After the first chorus, the piano part was changed up and it was revealed that the band was doing a form of 'Yesterday' by The Beatles. Instead of doing the 'Numb' part of the song, Paul McCartney came out and they sang part of 'Yesterday' to end the song.
- A full orchestra was present behind the band.
- The song is referred to as 'Yesternumb'.
- This is the only performance of the song ever, outside of rehearsals." LOL!!!
It's Something that you remember watching that when it happened!
re: "I remember being happy to see Paul but I was also disappointed that he was playing with these people. Especially Jay-Z. I got mad because he wore a John Lennon shirt. LOL!"
LOL!!!!!!!!! I'd be disappointed too!!!! I was disappointed watching that Video I just posted too!!! RAP CRAP!!!
I know You Know the pain of depression!! :-( "In the wake of his passing, the singer's Linkin Park band mates set up a suicide-prevention website offering advice to those who may be seeking help." It was a Good Thing that they did that!! Hopefully it will Help some people!!! I Wish more people Will reach out for help like YOU did, instead of giving up!!!! YES! Like You said: "It's so easy to just get on medicine and go to therapy. I know it saved my life." I'm So Glad YOU chose to do That!!!!
RIP Chester Bennington :-(
I didn't know Barbara Sinatra died. I found some information about her:
Long before she became a successful model, long before she met Frank Sinatra at the height of his career, married him, took his name and tamed him, Barbara Blakeley grew up “broke” in Bosworth, a Missouri town of fewer than 500 people. She pulled herself from poverty after World War II, when she was accepted into the Robert Edward School of Professional Modeling in Long Beach and became queen of the Belmont Shore pageant. From there, she answered the alluring call of New York City modeling jobs with big-time publications such as Vogue and Life.
Eventually, she became a showgirl in Las Vegas and married Zeppo Marx of the Marx Brothers comedy team, which embedded her in the lives of the rich and famous. Eventually, she and Marx divorced and she married Frank Sinatra, with whom she had shared a years-long friendship.
RIP Barbara Sinatra :-(
Thanks Sadie!!!! I Hope You are doing Well!!!! I'm Glad you're Alright!!! :-) But, Sorry you have been sad lately!!! :-( I haven't been feeling too well lately, and have been kind of sad lately too. Hopefully August WILL be Better for the Both of Us!!!! :-) I see my Shrink Tomorrow in NYC again. I like seeing him! But, that long trip there and back I Dread!!! FUN!! Oh well. I Hope You have a Good Weekend My Friend!!! Hope we can catch up soon!!!! :-)
June Foray, the voice of Rocky the Flying Squirrel from the iconic animated series The Bullwinkle Show has died at the age of 99. Dave Nimitz, a close friend of Foray confirmed her death on Facebook, saying “With a heavy heart again I want to let you all know that we lost our little June today at 99 years old.”
Aww! That was always one of my favorite animated series! She was also the voice of "Natasha", the villian. It's cool how they were 2 totally different voices, and funny how the "Natasha" cartoon somewhat resembled her real life self! RIP.
Hey Beatlebob! Thanks for posting that video, eventhough to be honest I'm not too fond of "Yesternumb", as they call it! I can see why it's the only performance of it ever. LOL!!!! Paul needs to stay away from rap crap! I don't know what he was thinking collaborating with people like Jay-Z and Kanye West! WTF! Also thank you for sharing some more information about Barbara Sinatra. I've heard of that small town in Missouri. It's not too far from where I live. So she was a model! Now I know more about her. Interesting how she was married to a Marx Brother before Frank Sinatra. A true rags to riches story!
Good luck at the shrink! I see mine again soon too, in early August. I dread long trips too! Luckily mine is nearby and I even get free transportation rides to it. Hope to catch up soon too! You have a good weekend too, my friend! :-)
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