We All Need Some Humor
Post some funnies here  :-)

I'll start off with some....

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LMFAO!!!!!!! I really enjoyed all of these!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting, Beatlebob!!


LMFAO!!!!! :-) I'm So Glad You Enjoyed Them Sadie!! :-) You're Very Welcome for posting them!!

With All the "Stuff" My Beatle Buddies / Retro Sugar Buddies and I go through in our daily lives, we need some Laughs! So, I wanted to post this in the "Anything Goes" section! ;-) I Hope You and Candy O post some Funnies too!  :-D  We All Need Some Laughs!!  :-)

So Glad You Enjoyed These Too Candy O!!! LMAO!!!  :-D

Thanks again Beatlebob. It's true how we could all really use a laugh with all the sad stuff happening lately.

BeatleGirl and I feared the worst... that Paul could actually die! :-( 

It's the first time I've ever really thought about how I'm going to deal with a Beatle dying someday.

I try not to even think about it ever.

And Candy O's beloved pet turtle recently fell out of it's tank and got injured. I suffered a similar sad incident, by finding the bodies of 3 dead kittens outside! I don't know if they were hit by a car, or accidently ate poison, or if another bigger cat maybe bit them. I just found them dead, and plan on burying them soon.


You're Welcome again Sadie!! Yes we could all need a laugh with all the sad stuff that happens in our daily lives!! And Lately Too!!  

I feared for the worst too with Paul!! :-( After all he's not young and he really puts a lot into his concert tours. He pushes the limit doing these concerts and it must take a lot out of him! Even though he enjoys doing it so much!! Paul having such a bad virus during this is very scary!!! So, of course we worry!! :-((

It really devastated me when John died!! And when George died I was so sad too!! Paul has been and still is so important to us and we Love him so much!! I Don't ever want to deal with losing Paul, like I did when we lost John!! And that goes for Ringo too! I Try not to even think about it too!! I'm So Glad that Paul is doing Alright Now!!!!!!

I'm So Sorry to hear that Candy O's turtle fell out of it's tank and got injured!!!! :-((( Our Pets are our loving pals and part of our families!! I can imagine Candy O was so worried about this!! I Sure Hope her Turtle is doing Alright now!!!!!!

OMG!! That's So Sad that you found 3 dead kittens outside!!! So Horrible!!! However they died, it's such a horror to find them like that!!! :-((( So Sorry you experienced this!!! :-((( It's very nice of you to take on this Sad chore to bury them!!! It's a Very Nice thing to do for them!! So Sorry to hear this!!! And So Sorry to hear about Candy O's Turtle!!! :-(((

The Three of us have illnesses and money problems to deal with!! And we try our best to deal with this the best we can!!! That's Bad Enough!!! When other bad things happen it surely is rough to endure!! Hang In There My Friends!!! Feel Better!!!!

YES!! We sure could use some Laughs!!!

Some Funnies to cheer you up....


LOL! It hurts when "IP"? Lmao!!!!!!!

And is that a real published book???? Or Photoshopped???

I enjoyed these funnies too! Thanks for posting!

Sadly, this isn't the first time I've had to deal with dead cats :-(  

I don't think those kittens were born sick because they seemed just fine the other day.

I think something happened to them! :,-(

Maybe it's better if I just call the animal control to come pick up the bodies? I'm too sad to try burying them :-( 

But if the animal control says they are busy today, I guess I will have no other choice. :/

We hope your turtle will be alright, Ann!! :-)

"LOL! It hurts when "IP"? Lmao!!!!!!!"

LMAO!!!!  ;-)

I would Imagine that book was Photoshopped. I Hope it was! LOL!

So Glad you enjoyed these funnies too!! You're Welcome!!  :-)

You had to deal with dead cats before??  :-((

Sounds like something happened to them!  :-(

I think it would be Beter if animal control picked them up and took care of it!! I sure Hope they can come there Today!!! It would be very hard on you to bury them!! :-(( I Hope they take care of it!!

Yes! We Surely Hope your Turtle will be Alright, BeatleGirl!!!!  Best Wishes!!

Sadie, I Hope Animal Control got there yesterday and took care of it!!!!

Candy O, I Hope your Turtle is doing Alright!!!!

Sadie, I see you posted this on your FaceBook!
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love It!!! :-)
It Cracked Me Up!!! :-)

Shish Kabob Shrimp On The "Barbie"

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