Here you can pay little tributes to the musicians and actors that have passed away.
Hey Sadie! Just stopping by quick to tell you I'm Still alive! LOL!! ;-) Sorry, but I don't have time to answer what you wrote here. Sometime next week I'll get back to you and catch up again!!! I just came online to order cat food again. Haven't been online since the last time I was here. I've been feeling So Shitty!!!
Yesterday I went for my Lactose Breath Test. Another 3 hour Test!! SUCKED!! And I felt like shit after getting home, and still feel shitty!! This Friday I go for the "Anorectal Manometry" test!!! FUN!!! I thought that test was Next Friday. I looked at my sheets again and it said Friday August 3. Plus they confirmed that yesterday when I was there. So, FUN on Friday!!! I know it's going to be painful!!! Have to take a fleet enema before I go there. FUN!! But, Hopefully SOON I'll get some answers to what's causing this!!! Hopefully they will have the answers and results this Friday, after the test!! If not, I guess I'll be going back sometime next week IF all the results aren't in yet. Will see?? I've been feeling like SHIT Every Day for weeks now!!! I Hope he will know WHY!!! I've been feeling so bad I haven't even been online since I wrote you here last!! SUCKS!!! But, still doing laundry etc. Have to!! Will keep you posted when I find out what's causing this, Next Week sometime!!!
Thank You So Much for sending me your Best Wishes, My Friend!!!! :-)
I'm just feeling too lousy to stay online right now! And I have to do some chores soon!!
I'm Glad to hear your dentist appointment went well!!! :-) Best Wishes on August 7!!! Thanks!! I'm Hanging In There!! YES!!! It Will all be worth it in the end!!!! :-)
I'll catch up with you next week Sometime!!!!
Have a Great August too!!!! :-)
I Miss You, My Friend!!!!!
Hey Beatlebob! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you're still alive! LOL!
No problem about not being able to respond to absolutely everything yet.
I understand! Just catch up with me more, whenever you finally get the chance to! :-)
Sorry to hear you're still not feeling better yet!
At least all your exams are over with now.
Hopefully that last one didn't turn out so bad afterall?
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
I noticed this "Rest In Peace" topic now has over 35 pages! WOW!!!
Sad how we've lost so many retro people in the past few years! 35 pages worth! :-(
I sadly have a few new deaths to report...
Actress Charlotte Rae dies at age 92
She is best known from "The Facts Of Life" and "Diff'rent Strokes"
Aww! I used to watch "The Facts Of Life" show all the time!
RIP "Mrs Garrett"
Actress Mary Carlisle dies at age 104
I know that actress from a movie called "Kentucky Kernels" and probably more.
Omg! Age ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR!!! What an impressive lifespan!
If only we could ALL live that long! RIP.
Rockabilly Legend Lorrie Collins dies at age 76
I loved that 1950s group called "The Collins Kids"!
I remember when she was on the Ozzie & Harriet show a few times.
I was always jealous of her for dating Ricky Nelson,
but I also admired her and am saddened by her passing.
I felt the same way when his ex-wife Kristin Harmon died earlier this year.
It's a comforting thought that they both can finally see him again now. RIP.
Well that's all for now.
I'll try not to say much else today since you still have some old stuff to catch up on.
I've been praying for you everyday and wondering how your last exam went!
Did you get your results back yet??
I'm really looking forward to hearing back from you again, my friend!
Have a great month of August! :-)
Hey Sadie! You're Welcome for stopping by and letting you know I'm still alive!! LOL!! ;-)Thanks So Much for understanding!! Yes, at least the Tests are over with now!! Unless I have to go for more tests? I don't know yet? This is the Latest so far with me: Last week I had my Lactose Breath Test on Tuesday. And Friday I had my Anorectal Manometry test. FUN!! But, it wasn't as bad as the test I had many years ago, at least!! He told me that Both my Fructose and Glucose Breath Tests came out Positive! He "Thinks" I "Might" have "celiac disease". But, he's not sure yet. The Lactose Breath Test results weren't in yet. He gave me the Anorectal Manometry test, and told me that his Assistant will give me the last part of the test. Because He was booked up with many patients on Friday, and had to see his next patient. Before he left, he told me he wants me to try "Linzess", that his Assistant will give me the samples and tell me how to take the capsules. So, he actually wants me to Try the Linzess!! I started it on Saturday morning. I'll give it a Try and see what happens? And he told me to call him this coming Friday, and ask to speak to him. He will tell me the results of the Anorectal Manometry test, the Lactose Test, and see how I'm doing on the "Linzess". I then finished up the Anorectal Manometry test with his Assistant. It was the last part of the test and I had to do THAT part in the Bathroom there. I don't think I did that well with the test, mainly the part in the bathroom. But, I don't know the results yet. Then his Assistant sent me across the hall to the Lab to have Blood Work done. Celiac Disease Comp Panel and Vitamin B12. He's not sure if the blood test results will be in by this coming Friday or not, when I call him. But, at least he can give me the other results etc on the phone. So, it's Still a Mystery to what's causing my problems. But, he is really trying to find out!! I still am feeling pretty bad most of the day, every day! But, Hopefully Soon my Gastro Doctor will know what's going on and will take care of it!! Might need more Tests? I just don't know yet? Will wait for ALL of the test results and see what he says. Who knows, Maybe the Linzess might Help Me?? But, it Could take up to 2 months to start seeing any benefits from it. Will see?? And will see IF I get any bad side effects from taking it or not?? My Urological problems are still pretty much the same. Seeing my Urologist the middle of next month. All of this is taking time. But, I'm Trying to remain positive that the answers to This Mystery will be taken care of as soon as it's possible!! Will see?? FUN!!!! When I had the blood tests done, that area on my arm is Really Black and Blue Big Time!! I'm a Wreck!!! LOL!! The lady who took my blood said she is known as The Vampire. LOL!! Maybe she is? LOL!! So, Hopefully I can get to talk to my Gastro Doctor This Friday!! And Hopefully I will know more about ALL of the test results!! And see what the next step will be!!! Will see? And will keep you posted when I know more!!! Thanks So Much for wishing me a speedy recovery!!
I'll catch up on what you wrote here now! I'm Glad your Dentist appointment went well!!! Did you go back to the Dentist Yesterday August 7 to get those few fillings done? I Hope So!! And Hope ALL went well!! Did you also schedule those two shrink appointments for August yet? Yeah, that Glucose Test sure was Horrible!! :-( I see you know that stuff they make you drink before those exams usually tastes real bad!! And it Sure Does Suck even more how the flavor seems even stronger after fasting for a while!! Was Horrible!!! I see you also wanted to vomit and use the bathroom when you had a similar test done!!! So, you know what that's like!! I see they found out you were allergic to Penicillin!! I'm allergic to Penicillin too!! Yes, I sure was Dreading going for that big final rectal exam last Friday!! But, this time it wasn't That Bad!! The one I had many years ago was so much worse!!! At least that!! No, my nose didn't heal up yet. It's pretty much the same as it was. I'm not using anything on it. I'm just keeping the area clean! At least it didn't get any worse! After all the stuff is done with my Gastro Doctor I'll then make an appointment with a Dermatologist. I don't know when that will be though? In case I might need more tests done and might not be able to take any antibiotics?? Will see when the time comes? My constipation, nausea & bloating is Still going on every Damn Day!! I Still Feel Horrible!! :-( Hopefully SOON I'll know what's causing this after I talk to my Gastro Doctor!!! And Hopefully will Finally get some relief!! Will let you know more, when I know more!! Thank You again, for always wishing me all the best, My Friend!!! And I'll certainly keep you posted on the days I'm not busy or feeling too horrible!!!
Thanks!!! I Hope August will be a Much Better Month too!!! Well, at least later this month!!! LOL!! :-)
No, I Didn't hear about This!!! :-( "Monkees’ Michael Nesmith Recovering From Quadruple Bypass Heart Surgery.....
“I think, candidly, I’m back to 80 percent,” says the Monkees singer-guitarist. “I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It all feels like a natural healing process.”
WOW!!!! I'm So Sorry to hear about this!!! But, at least he survived that procedure and is doing better now!!! I Hope his health lasts too!!! Yes, it would be Really Sad if he had to retire soon!!! And Even Worse IF he passed away!!! I Know You couldn't handle anymore devastation, my friend!!!! :-( Let's Hope for the Best with him!!!
Yeah, I thought it was Great too that BeatleNut9 left a comment on my profile over at the Beatles site!!! It was Really Good to hear from her again!! I left her a short comment back on her profile page!! I can imagine you were shocked to see her back over there again!!! And I know you were also surprised to see that everything on the site is now unlocked!!! I was surprised about that too!!! Yes, it would be Nice if BeatleGirl would finally say something!!! But, I too think that seems highly unlikely!! :-( I see that BeatleNut asked on your profile page if you had any idea how long that site will last? No, she didn't ask me about that. She just said she was glad to be back and that she missed me! I thought that was So Sweet!! I told her I'm Glad she was back too, and I missed her too!! And told her when I'm feeling better, I hope to catch up with her more!! About if we had any idea how long the site would last, I also wish we had the answer about that!!! But, only Ann would know!! :-(
You're Welcome for telling you what I thought about that "MTV Classic" channel!! You figured Right!! It sure isn't as good as "VH1 Classic"!! :-( The closest you can find to that is "AXS TV". I Wish I had that too!! I see you read some other people's reviews online about "MTV Classic" and they all said the same thing I said about it. YES, nothing too impressive!!! I sure understand why you're not really interested in upgrading your cable package anymore to get that!!! Not worth it!!! I also see you recently dropped "FXM" because it was considered a premium channel and cost more!! My "FXM" is part of that cable package I have. If I had to pay extra for it, I would drop it too!!! Yeah, it's not worth the extra price since they mostly just air the same old movies!!! And they are mostly shown when you're not even awake, around 4 AM!!! :-( I agree, those movies do go on demand but, they expire too quickly and "FXM" isn't a full time classic movie channel anymore!!! I know!! I'm sure you liked it much better when it used to be called "FXM Retro" and was very similar to "TCM" with all day classic programming!!! But, not anymore which is Sad!!! Yeah, it stinks that it changed and it's more like "HBO" now with a few classic films thrown in after midnight!!! SUCKS!! I agree with you about "Turner Classic Movies" not being as good as it used to be!!! :-( But, you will always keep that channel since it's your Absolute Favorite!!! I still watch it from time to time too!! I always check it out to see if they are showing something I would like to watch!!! And sometimes they sure show some good things!!!! :-) At least that!!
Again, I Hope your Dentist Visit went well Yesterday August 7!!! Hope you got those few fillings done and all went well!!! Did you also schedule those two shrink appointments for August yet? Hope so!! So, I know you were busy too!!! Thanks My Friend!!! I'm Hoping that nothing is seriously wrong with me and I'll know exactly what's going on with my Gastro problems soon!! I'm Hanging In There!!! Yes,it will all be worth it in the end!!! Thanks!!!
Now to the next page:
I answered what you wrote up top about what's going on with me so far!! Thanks So Much, My Friend!!!
WOW!!!! Yeah, this "Rest In Peace" topic now has over 35 pages!!! It is So Sad how we've lost so many retro people in the past few years!!! Now 35 pages worth!! :-( And I see you sadly have a few new deaths to report!!! :-(
Actress Charlotte Rae dies at age 92. :-( I seen that about her on TV. My Mother said she really liked her too, and was Sad that she passed away!! Yes, she is best known from "The Facts Of Life" and "Different Strokes"! She also played Sylvia Schnauser, wife to Leo Schnauser, "Al Lewis" on Car 54, Where Are You? :-) She was an American character actress, comedienne, singer and dancer whose career spanned six decades!! RIP! :-( Thanks for posting the Nice picture of her!!! I see you used to watch "The Facts Of Life" show all the time! Yes, RIP "Mrs Garrett"!
Actress Mary Carlisle dies at age 104. Very Nice picture you posted of her!! I see you know that actress from a movie called "Kentucky Kernels" and probably more. I don't really remember her? YES!!! Age ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR!!! What an impressive lifespan!!! Yeah, if only we could ALL live that long!! RIP.
Rockabilly Legend Lorrie Collins dies at age 76. WOW!! Yet another Really Great picture you posted!!!
I see why you loved that 1950s group called "The Collins Kids"!!! Very Talented!!! Thanks for posting the video from one of the times she was on the Ozzie & Harriet show!!! Nice Quality Video! Ricky Nelson and Lorrie Collins "Just Because". I think I remember seeing that episode? COOL!! I see you were always jealous of her for dating Ricky Nelson!! ;-) But you also admired her and am saddened by her passing!! And I know you felt the same way when his ex-wife Kristin Harmon died earlier this year!! I remember you mentioning that!! Yes, it is a comforting thought that they both can finally see him again now. RIP.
I found a couple of videos too:
The Collins Kids - Hop, Skip and Jump - 1957. From the syndicated TV show "Ranch Party" which featured county, hillbilly and rockabilly artists. Carl Perkins, Wanda Jackson and other rockabillies gave blistering performances on the show. Hop, Skip and Jump was written by 13 yr-old Larry Collins. He later wrote several famous songs for other artists including: "Delta Dawn."
The Collins Kids on Toronto's Country & Western TV show, "Star Route." The Collins Kids (Larry & Lorrie) were rockabilly stars as teenagers in the 1950s. Here they are all grown up. Lorrie dated Ricky Nelson in the '50s and encouraged him to make a record. She appeared on "Ozzie and Harriet" as Ricky's girlfriend and they played and sang together.
Thanks for posting these!!!
Thanks My Friend!!! Well, I think I caught up on things here. :-) I Really Appreciate that you've been praying for me everyday, and wondering how my last exam went!!!! That's So Sweet of You!!!! I told you all about my last exam and everything else that's new so far with me, at the Top!! I'm just Hoping I'll find out some new things when I call my Doctor on Friday!!! And see what happens from there. And Hoping by the End of August this will be all taken care of!!! I was really looking forward to catching back up with you again too!!!! Had to go with my Mother to her Dentist appointment yesterday. Still feeling lousy!! But, Hope to catch back up with you again SOON, My Friend!!!
Thanks!!! I Hope You have a Great month of August!!! :-) Have a Good rest of the week!! And a Great Weekend too!!! I'll catch back up with you as soon as I can!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! Sorry it took me so long to finally get back to you! I've been extremely busy lately! Glad your final exam wasn't as bad as the last time you had it done years ago, but I bet it still wasn't fun! You must be so relieved that it's finally over now! I'm very relieved that my dentist appointment is over and done with! It went awful! Half of my face stayed numb for days!!! I only had 3 teeth that needed to be filled. It was a minor procedure but they still injected my mouth like 5 times to numb it up! I thought that was going a bit overboard! I could barely even speak or eat or even open my mouth or feel that side of my face (it was numb all the way up to my eyeball area!!!) for about 2 and a half days straight. The numbness is only supposed to last for around an hour or two! But it took DAYS for me to finally feel back to normal! UGH! Some people are saying I should sue that dental clinic. At least they didn't give me LSD like they did to The Beatles at the dentist in the 60s! LOL!!!!! That incident was the inspiration behind the song "Dr. Robert". And that song always reminds me of you. Only because of it's name though! ;-)
I see you recently went to the dentist too, but to accompany your mother. How is she doing these days? Sorry to hear you've been going through some painful stuff lately! That's funny how people call that female Phlebotomist a vampire! I call that dentist who recently worked on me an Executioner! LOL!!!! I HATE getting blood drawn! My veins are deep and they always have trouble even finding them! I also get bad dark bruises like you, after getting blood work done. Did you get the second part of your rectal exam results yet? Did taking "Linzess" help you any? Did you find out for sure if you have "Celiac disease"? I hope you feel better soon, my friend! Please let me know how your current condition is and if there's been any changes! :-)
Yes I remember actress Charlotte Rae was in "Car 54, Where Are You" too. I was surprised when they showed & mentioned her role in that show on the little tribute news segment on TV. Most just remember her from "The Facts Of Life", "Different Strokes" and some other movies & shows. Thanks for sharing some information and videos of "The Collins Kids". I really enjoyed that!!! Wow! I didn't know the little boy from that group later went on to write "Delta Dawn"? Interesting fact and great song! Have you heard of Aretha Franklin being in hospice care right now?? They said she's gravely ill and is not expected to make it much longer. Very sad news! I remember when Rolling Stone magazine made a list of the greatest singers of all time and she was #1. She is also known as "The Queen Of Soul". I like her song "Respect" and a few others. I'm scared to see who else is going to die during the rest of this year! I'm relieved and overjoyed that Mike Nesmith made it fine out of that major heart surgery. That sure was a scary close call! I will be very devastated the day he, and the other 2 surviving Monkees sadly passes away! :-(
Well I've got to go for now. I hope to hear back from you soon! Again I apologize for not responding sooner, I haven't even been online at all lately! Even BeatleNut9 was wondering where I've been! I noticed Mike Pell mentioned some new episodes of his podcast over at the Beatles site that I still need to check out. I have to finally catch up with him too! Hard to believe August is already half way over! Have a fab week!!!!! :-)
RIP Aretha Franklin
(1942 - 2018)
Sadly it's now official. "The Queen Of Soul" has passed away at age 76.
The world will never see another voice like hers again! Rest In Peace.
Beatlebob, I miss you! Hope to hear from you again soon!
Have you heard Paul McCartney's new song yet??
To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed!
I think the other 2 songs "Come On To Me" and "I Don't Know" were better, and this one is just alright.
The lyrics made me laugh though! I think the chorus is probably saying "I just want it for you" but with a British pronunciation it also sounds like "I just want to f*** you!" which is much more vulgar! LOL!!!! Silly Paul! ;-)
I hope you and your mother are doing alright Beatlebob!
I finally got a chance to catch up with Mike Pell over at the Beatles site.
Hope to catch up with you soon too!
Have a fab week! :-)
Hey Sadie!! I'm Still in Bad Shape with my stomach problems!!! That's why it took so long to get back to you!!!
The latest with me: I Stopped taking the Linzess. I called my Doctor Last Friday and he asked how I was doing on it. I said so far it isn't helping. He said it should have helped me by now, at least some. So, he said to stop taking it. "I guess because of the possible bad side effects if I continue with it?" He said my Lactose Test came back Negative. He was really surprised about that. He still didn't get the results of the Blood Work I had done. He said I didn't do well on that Rectal Test!! I Figured that!! He said my reflexes and muscles are worn down in my rectum and said I should try Bio Feedback treatments. To help relax the muscles in my rectum. He's trying to set me up for that! Will see? The problem I have with the severe Bloating and belching is mainly due to me having a bacterial overgrowth in the wall of the small intestine. He prescribed a medication that is made specifically to take care of that! Said to take it three times a day and to call him back in 10 days, Next Monday and let him know how I'm doing. I called my pharmacist at my drug store to see if he got the prescription. My pharmacist told me that it was turned down by my Drug Plan, because it's VERY Expensive!! :-( My pharmacist sent a fax to my Doctor about it. To try to get the medication pre-approved. I called my Doctor's office but, by that time the office was closed so I left a message. I called my Doctor's office this past Monday about it, and the girl there said he got the Fax and sent a form and a fax to a "Special Pharmacy" to get it from them. She said if I don't hear from that "Special Pharmacy" by 1:00 to call her back. So, I called her back and she gave me the phone number so I can call Them about it. I called them and they somehow got my Part D prescription plan to approve the medication by 4 PM. And they sent out a guy to deliver it in the late afternoon the following day. So, I started the New Medication 2 days ago. I have to take it three times a day for 14 days. I'm Hoping it will help get rid of the bacterial overgrowth!! And will help me feel less bloated etc!!! Will see? When I talked to my doctor on Friday he also said to stop taking my Senokot XTRA. And take 4 pills of Regular senna before bed time. To see how that works, and If I feel the urge to go more after I move my bowels in the morning to take a Fleets enema. He said to play it by ear, and if needed take the enema. When I started the 4 senna as soon as I got up in the morning I had a brown Watery bowel movement. And since I started taking the New Medication, I have a watery bowel movement that's like a Rust Color? After having some coffee I sometimes feel the urge to go again. The second time I go it's just a very tiny bit!! I called my Doctor again this morning to ask him some more questions about the New Medication and the Rust Colored stool. Waiting for him to call me back!! That Awful Bloating, Cramps, and some belching Is Still with me most of the day!! Starts around a half hour after I'm done moving my bowels in the morning and lasts through the day. :-( Still Feel Horrible pretty much all day long with the bloating and pain!! And Still not going enough! That's because of the bacterial overgrowth I have!!! And I'll find out more about what's causing this as well, when I call him on Monday. Will know more when I call him on Monday about the blood work etc and IF I can go for those bio feedback treatments. I guess I'll know more by then IF I have Celiac Disease too? So, the Horrid Saga Continues!! :-( It's taking time!! Will see what happens?? Sorry for rambling on and on!!!!
Don't be sorry about taking so long to get back to me!! I Surely Understand!!! I'm Sorry it took so long to get back to you, as well!! I'm Sure you're very relieved that your dentist appointment is over and done with!!! So Sorry to hear it went awful!!! :-( And I See WHY!!!!! WOW!!!! Half of your face stayed Numb for Days!!!! Horrible!!!! You only had 3 teeth that needed to be filled! But, they injected your mouth like 5 times to numb it up!!! WTF??? They sure went Overboard doing That!!! I'm So Sorry to hear what you went through for 2 and a half days straight!!! I'm Glad to hear at least, you finally feel back to normal again!!! I bet you feel like suing that dental clinic!!! DAMN!!! :-( Yeah, at least they didn't give you LSD like they did to The Beatles at the dentist in the 60's! LOL!!!!! ;-) I know that incident was the inspiration behind the song "Dr. Robert"!! LOL!! And I see that song always reminds you of me, only because of it's name, though! :-)
Thanks for asking!! My Mother's dentist appointment went well. He did a lot of work on her!!! Took X-Rays, filled and filed down Three teeth. Two were cavitys. And fixed her lower bridge by filing it down and smoothing it out on one side. So, her Bridge is feeling much better now!! :-) But, all of that work cost her $630.00 DAMN!!!! :-( Of course she put it on the credit card! She is Dreading the next credit card bill!! But, it had to be done!!! And that was that. Will just have to pay it off along with the other stuff we have to put on the Card!! What can we do? :-( It's going to take a while to pay this off.
And Thank You So Much for Hoping I feel Better Soon, My Friend!!! I told you up above the latest FUN with me. I had a Bad morning Today and Still Feel Horrible!! And have to start my chores soon!!! Still waiting for my Doctor to call me back too. Hope he calls!!!
I'm So Sorry that I can't stay on the computer anymore now!! As soon as I can I'll catch back up with everything you posted here!!!! I just don't know when, yet? Hopefully by Monday!!!! Have Laundry tomorrow! That's Not going to be too FUN the way I'm Feeling!!!
Hope you understand!!! So Sorry to see that Aretha Franklin passed away!!! :-( RIP!! :-(
I'll catch back up with you as soon as I can!!!! Thanks for the Best Wishes for my Mother and I!!!! I Hope You have a FAB Weekend, My Friend!!!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! It's great to finally hear from you again! Sorry that it's under such sad circumstances though! Thanks for letting me know how you and your mother have been lately. That's horrible how your rectal exam results were not good, and that sucks how you've been taking new medications and an enema but are still getting bad reactions! I can imagine those "bio feedback treatments" are very expensive. Too bad your particular insurance plan won't do it. Wow! That's alot of dental work they did to your mother! $630 worth and done all in one day?! I thought my recent visit to the dentist would be fully covered by my medical insurance but it wasn't. It came out to $147 total. That's expensive but it could have been even worse! I once had a dental bill of $1,200! I thought that was covered too, but it wasn't, and I even had to go to court twice over it! What a nightmare! I hate how they always trick me into getting stuff done without even telling me in advance that it won't be free! This deception has happened at several different dentist clinics too! I've never had an appointment as painful as my last one though! I hate how I have to pay them nearly $200 after they practically paralyzed me. LOL! Luckily this time around, they are letting me pay $40 this month and the remaining $107 in September. That was the only relief. Well, sorry for MY little rambling. I didn't mind yours! I actually appreciate it whenever you tell me in great detail what's been going on! Especially when it's been a while since we last talked! I didn't even mind when you described your bowel movements. LOL!!! I think you probably do have Celiac Disease along with Irritable Bowel Syndrome! At least you now know that you have bacterial overgrowth, worn out muscles & reflexes, and allergic reactions to certain medication. Hopefully any further results will tell you even more! Hang in there, my friend and please keep me updated! Don't worry about catching up with anything else on this site or the Beatles one yet until you start feeling better! Thanks again for taking the time to stop by and I hope you finally start feeling better soon! Here's a few pictures to hopefully cheer you up!
Have a fab day! :-)
Hey Sadie!! Thank You!!! It was Great to hear from You again Too!!! You're Welcome for letting you know how my Mother and I have been doing lately! Yeah, it's Not Good that my rectal exam results didn't turn out good at all!! :-( And it Sucks that taking the New Medication still isn't working for me yet! I also, can imagine those "bio feedback treatments" are very expensive!!! I'm Not sure yet, IF my insurance plan will cover it or not, yet?? Will see?
Well, this is the latest so far: My Doctor called me back over this weekend. My Blood Tests came back "Negative" for "Celiac Disease"! Thank Goodness!! Since last Wednesday I've been on that medication that is specifically made to help treat the bacterial overgrowth I have in the wall of my small intestine. I have to take it 3 times a day for 14 days. The medication is also supposed to help cut down on the Severe Bloating and Cramps I've been having all day. So far it didn't help me much at all with That! But, my Doctor told me that it will take more time on the medication before I start feeling some relief. He also told me to stretch the time period further apart during the day taking this medication. So, I started doing that! Am taking 4 pills of Regular senna before bed time to try to help me along with moving my bowels in the morning. Still not going enough! :-( Because I didn't do well on that Rectal Test I had, he is still Trying to set up Bio Feedback treatments for me, to help relax the muscles in my rectum. Hopefully he will be able to!! He told me to call him back "one week" after I finish taking the new medication I'm on. To see how I'm doing by then, and to see IF any further action is needed. IF the medication didn't help me by that time. I'm Hoping by then the medication Will have taken care of the Bloating problems!!! Which will mean that it also treated the bacterial overgrowth I have!! At that time I'll see if I can get the Bio Feedback treatments. I'm Hoping I'll be able to!!
So, that's the latest so far. As of now I'm Still going through the Severe Bloating and Cramps all day and still not going enough in the mornings!! Feeling Pretty Bad Still!! Hoping that Soon I'll start seeing some relief!! Will see how it goes?
Yeah, that was a lot of dental work they did on my Mother!! Yeah, they did all of it in one day!! But, it cost $630 which Sucks!! :-( I see you thought your recent visit to the dentist would be fully covered by your medical insurance, but it wasn't!! :-( And it came to $147 total. Yeah, that's expensive too, but it could have been even worse like you said!!! WOW!!! You Once had a dental bill of $1,200!!! You thought that was covered too, but it wasn't!! :-( And you even had to go to court twice over it!! That must have been a Nightmare!!! So Sorry to hear that!! :-( Yes, it Sucks how they always tricked you into getting stuff done without even telling you in advance that it Won't be free!!! DAMN!!! I see that this deception has happened at several different dentist clinics too!! What a Rip Off!!!! In my Mother's case she knew she wasn't covered for the work that needed to be done! But, she Really needed it done, and had to pay a hefty price for it!! SUCKS!! From what you said above, I'm Sure you never had an appointment as painful as your last one!!! DAMN!!!! I'm Sure you hated to have to pay them nearly $200 after they practically paralyzed You!!! :-( LOL!! I'm Glad to hear at least, that this time around they are letting you pay $40 this month and the remaining $107 in September. At Least That!! Yeah, That was the Only relief!! Don't be sorry for your little rambling!!! I'm Always rambling on and on to you!!! I don't mind your's either!! I'm Glad that you actually appreciate it whenever I tell you in great detail what's been going on!!! I would always be Glad to hear what's happening with you in great detail as well, my friend!!! Yes, especially when it's been a while since we last talked!!! I'm So Glad you Didn't mind when I described my bowel movements to you!!! LOL!!! I was Hoping that you wouldn't!!! When I write these things I THINK, Is this too Gross to say to Sadie? LOL!! Glad you don't mind!! ;-) No, my Doctor thought I "Might" have Celiac Disease when he was doing those tests on me, that's why he did the blood tests for it. But, it turned out that I Don't have it!!! So Glad about that, at least!!! But, yes I sure do have the Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Severe Constipation "IBS-C". For so many years now. And now at least I know that I have the bacterial overgrowth, worn out muscles & reflexes in my rectum!! NOT good news! But, at least I know!! LOL!! Am Hoping the medication will help with the bacterial overgrowth!! And I Do Hope I can get the Biofeedback for the rectum problems!! Hope Nothing Else is wrong, as well!! Won't know till after I call him the next time, IF the medication doesn't help me!! Will see? Thanks My Friend!!!! I'm Hanging In There!!! And I'll keep you updated when I know more as time goes on!!! I Hope You are doing Alright!!!!! Sorry that all I have time for today is catching up with the last post you wrote me and the pictures you posted for me too!!! I'll catch up with the earlier things you posted here as soon as I can!!! Thanks for Understanding, as Always!!! And Hoping that I'll finally start feeling better soon!!! I wanted to at least, stop by for a little while today to catch up a bit with you!!! And Thank You So Much for posting these Pictures!!!!!!! They DID Cheer Me Up!!! :-)
These Pictures are So Appropriate!!! :-) LOL!! And that Rare picture at the bottom "Dr. Robert" I've never seen before!! So Cool!!! And as you mentioned earlier about "Dr. Robert", I appreciate that!!! :-)
Thanks So Much, My Friend!!!!! :-) Hope to catch up with you more Soon!!!! Have a FAB Day and Week!!! :-)
Hey Beatlebob! Glad you finally know more about your results and overall gastrointestinal heath.
Now you know you have "IBS-C" with rectal bacterial overgrowth, worn out muscles & reflexes.
See? I told you all those tests would be worth it in the long run!
That's great how you don't have Celiac Disease!
Hopefully you won't need any "Bio Feedback" treatment, and your medication reaction will improve.
I hope you're feeling at least a little bit better by now!
All those cramps, bloating, and constipation will eventually ease up.
I know it's difficult to deal with and may seem never-ending, but just hang in there! :-)
I can imagine how you and your mother are dreading September's credit card bill, after that $630.
I am really dreading paying that dentist off soon!
Eventhough $107 may not be much to most, it's practically a fortune to me!
I hate how my particular medical insurance doesn't cover "fillings".
And I hate how they tricked me into getting them done, like always!
Finding out I had to pay at the end of my appointment, was almost as painful as the actual dental procedure itself. LOL!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed and appreciated the pictures I shared above!
That "Doctor Robert" one appears to be from a bootleg or foreign release.
Glad I was able to cheer you up a bit during this painful time! :-)
I read this today:
Lynyrd Skynyrd and Strawberry Alarm Clock’s Ed King Dead at 68
King wrote the famous “Sweet Home Alabama” riff, among other Lynyrd Skynyrd songs.
Wow! I never knew there was any connection between those two bands until now!
I also read how it's his voice that can be heard counting into the beginning of "Sweet Home Alabama"
and that intro actually wasn't intentional but they left it in there anyway!
Interesting facts! Rest In Peace to him.
Hope we can catch up soon, Beatlebob!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the third new Paul McCartney song which was just released the other day! I'm so excited to hear the full album soon, especially now that September 7 is just around the corner! YAY!!!!
Enjoy the rest of August!
Feel better soon, my friend!
Have a fab weekend! :-)
Hey Sadie! Sorry it took a while to get back to you again!! Still Not Feeling Good at all!!! And had to do Laundry and my usual stuff on the weekends! Thanks!! I'm Glad I know more about my results too!! Yes, I Surely have "IBS-C" and for the past many weeks now I Finally know I have a bacterial overgrowth in my stomach and the problems with my rectum with the worn out muscles & reflexes!! I knew I had IBS-C for many years though!! But, this just confirms it!! The bacterial overgrowth and the problems with my rectum was the New News for me!! Yes, you Did tell me all those tests would be worth it in the long run!!! And You were Right about that!! Thanks!! I'm So Glad I don't have Celiac Disease!!! Actually I Hope I will be able to get the "Bio Feedback" treatment because I Need to learn how to Relax my muscles in my Rectum, so I can move my bowels better!! The Medication is for the bacterial overgrowth in my Stomach only! Thanks So Much for the Warm Wishes!!!! But, I'm Still Not doing good!! Tomorrow will be the last full day on the Medication and I'm Still having the same problems with Severe Bloating, etc!!
Won't know till Next Week, what the next step will be with This?? My Doctor told me to call him a "Week After" I finish the Medication. To see how I'm feeling by "That Time", to make a determination! Will see?? Yeah, it sure IS difficult to deal with and seems never-ending!! But, I'm Hanging In There, and Hoping that sometime soon my cramps, bloating, and constipation will ease up!!! Thanks, My Friend!!!
Yes, my Mother and I are surely dreading September's credit card bill, after that $630. I'm Sure you're really dreading paying that dentist off soon too!!! Even though $107 may not be much to most, it's practically a fortune to you!!! I Know what you mean!!! :-( It Sucks that your particular medical insurance doesn't cover "fillings"!! And I know you Hate how they tricked you into getting them done, like always!!! That's So Screwed Up!!! :-( So Sorry that happened!!! :-(
Really!!! I can imagine finding out you had to pay at the end of your appointment, was almost as painful as the actual dental procedure itself!!! LOL!!!! DAMN!!! :-( Thanks!!! I Really Did Enjoy and Appreciated the pictures that you shared above!!! :-) I see that "Doctor Robert" one appears to be from a bootleg or foreign release. A Rare find! Thanks My Friend!!! You Did Cheer Me Up!!! I needed that!! :-)
I Didn't know Ed King died!!! I've been watching a Lynyrd Skynyrd documentary on Showtime this past week. I seen it a few times!! Very Interesting!! I Liked it!! "Lynyrd Skynyrd : If I Leave Here Tomorrow (2018) SHOWTIME Documentary".
Thanks for letting me know he died. SAD!! :-( And Thanks for posting the photo! I never knew there was any connection between those two bands until I saw the documentary last week! Thanks for the Interesting facts about “Sweet Home Alabama”!! Very COOL!!
Ed King “Sweet Home Alabama” Yeah, here is more about “Sweet Home Alabama”:
Rest In Peace to him!
My thoughts on the third new Paul McCartney song which was just released the other day!
First time I heard this song!! Thanks for posting the Video and your thoughts about it!!
I also, thought the other 2 songs "Come On To Me" and "I Don't Know" were better too. The song made me laugh too!! LOL!!! Yeah, I would think that the chorus is saying "I just want it for you"! As you said with a British pronunciation it also sounds like "I just want to f*** you!"!! ;-) Which IS much more vulgar! LOL!!! "I just want it fuh you". ;-) When I looked up the Lyrics. Silly Paul!!! LOL!!! ;-)
A comment under the song on YouTube. ;-)
It's Paul Mc-Fuhing-Cartney, member of the Beatles. They changed the music landscape forever, so I think he's allowed to fuh around at this point in his life.? LOL!!!! ;-)
From Rolling Stone:
Paul McCartney teamed with Grammy-winning hitmaker Ryan Tedder for his new single “Fuh You.” The song has a bouncy piano and harpsichord line, helium-voiced backing vocals and a danceable rhythm, as the former Beatle recalls meeting a lover.
“I just wanna know how you feel, I want a love that’s so proud and real,” he sings in the chorus, “You make me want to go out and steal/I just want it fuh you.” Though it’s safe to assume that McCartney, who uses the word “raunchy” to describe the tune, wouldn’t be surprised if you misheard that last line. The song will appear on his upcoming album, Egypt Station, due out September 7th.
“With this one I was in the studio with Ryan Tedder whereas the rest of the album has been made with [producer] Greg Kurstin,” McCartney said in a statement. “We were just thinking of ideas and little pieces of melody and chords and the song just came together bit by bit. And then I would try and make some kind of sense of the story.
“So it was like ‘Come on baby now,'” he continued. “‘Talk about yourself. Tell the truth, let me get to know you’ and basically I wanna know how you feel, you make me wanna go out and steal. I just want it for you. So that was the basic idea and it developed from there… sort of a love song, but a raunchy love song. There you go – fuh you.” :-) LOL!!
I'm Also So Excited to hear the full album soon, especially now that September 7 is just around the corner! GREAT!!!! :-)
Thanks My Friend!!! I Hope You Enjoy the rest of August!!! We are having a Heat Wave here again starting Today and lasting to Wednesday or Thursday!!! Oh What FUN!!! :-( I see you'll be busy this week!!! BEST WISHES this Week, My Friend!!! I see you posted a Status. And also said: "See You In September"! :-) I liked That!!! A song that started out in 1959 and Best known to Me from "Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons", later on!! :-) Thanks for Hoping I feel better soon!!!
Hope you have a FAB Week, My Friend!!!
Hope we can catch up Soon!!! :-)
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