Here you can pay little tributes to the musicians and actors that have passed away.

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Hey Sadie! Yeah, it's the same way for me too!! The First Two weeks are very busy for me, as well!! So, I understand why you haven't been on here in a while too!! Thanks!! Welcome Back, My Friend!! :-) Sorry I wasn't online yesterday!! I had to go Grocery Shopping with my Mother!!! FUN!! And even more FUN with the way I've been feeling lately. But, we needed to go, and my Mother can't go to the grocery store by herself.

Thanks!!! And Thanks for hoping I'll feel better soon!! I'm Still going through the complications from my Urologist visit last Thursday! I'm going to give it another week, if I don't get rid of the symptoms I'll have to call his office to set up an appointment to see him again!! I Sure Hope that won't be the case!! Hoping for the BEST!!! Will see? Well, I see him "Once" every Three months. He checks me over and does a Treatment on me. Then we set up another appointment for Three months from now. That's the way it works when I see him. Thanks for sending me the Best Wishes, My Friend!!! I'm Hoping I'll feel Better by next week, if not sooner!!!

I was so surprised to hear of Anthony Bourdain's suicide too!! I was watching the news on CNN and it said breaking news. They said Anthony Bourdain dead at age 61. I thought what happened to him?? Then many hours later they confirmed Anthony Bourdain has died from an apparent suicide in France. I couldn't believe it!! Yes, he did seem to be a happy person!! And like you said, had such a great job that paid well and enabled him to travel all over the world, meet people, eat, etc!! You're Right!! You never know when someone is struggling with depression!! Very SAD!! I will miss his show too!!! :-(

I Know these last 6 months have been very hard on you about David!!! Thanks for the Link!!!
I clicked on the Link and a pop up message came up at the Top of the A&E site, it said this:
"Your browser is either out of date or unsupported. Some features may not display properly.
We support current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE 11. With IE11, video (playback will not work on Windows 7.)"
I Still have Windows 7!!! Dammit!!! So, I couldn't watch it!!! :-( I'm Hoping A&E will show it again on TV!!! So, I can have a chance to see it!!! I Really appreciate that you posted the Link, though!!! I'm Glad it worked fine for you!! I see you watched it twice. Both on TV and then on the Website. Thanks for letting me know what you thought about the new David Cassidy special!! I'm So Sorry to hear it was so painful for you to watch, though!! :-( From what you said I'm sure it would have been painful for me too, if I watched it!! I'm Sure it was so painful seeing him in such bad condition shortly before he passed away!! I'm Sorry to hear that!!! :-( And I can imagine you cried a lot while watching it seeing him in such bad condition!! :-( But, at least you feel a sense of closure now after seeing it the Second time!!! I see that it was made along with his last musical recordings. Although both were released posthumously! :-( Knowing the way he is I'm sure he really tried hard to finish that album, and was actually working on contributing to that documentary!! Even though he was in such bad condition!! It's So Sad that he unfortunately passed away in the middle of making it!! :-( It sure is Ironic, that this documentary which he participated in and was originally meant to show his recording session, "is now seen as a tribute to him"!! I'm Glad to hear that A&E did a Great job putting together all the pictures, audio, and video footage!! Sounds like they did a Great Job with the documentary!! I'm sure it was interesting to also see some famous people talk about him!! Such as Danny Bonaduce and Alice Cooper!! I had a feeling that Danny Bonaduce would talk about him!! Cool that Alice Cooper did too!! I heard that Alice Cooper was friends with David for many years. I'm Sorry that the First time you saw it was the worst!!! But, I'm Glad after seeing it the Second time, you feel a sense of closure!!! I'm also, Glad that A&E did a Great job with the documentary!! I'm Hoping that A&E will show it again on TV!! Even though it's Very Sad, I'm sure I would also enjoy seeing it!!

I know what you mean!! This month so far has been going by so fast!! I too can hardly believe that Paul's birthday is just 4 days from now!! Thanks!!!! I'm So Glad you Loved the pictures I posted here for June 18th!! I posted the Same pictures over at The Beatles site, after I posted them here. The pictures are ones that I made a couple of years ago. I just included a couple of pictures of Paul from 2018 that I found online to a couple of them. So Glad you Enjoyed them!! :-) It's Good that you'll be stopping by The Beatles site soon!! You'll see my same Paul pictures there. LOL! But, it would be nice for you to catch up with Mike Pell too!! I caught up with him a bit when I posted the Paul Pics there. But, I haven't listened the latest 4 podcasts he made yet. They look like Good Ones!! I'm Sure you'll Enjoy them!! When I can I'll listen to them too!!

BTW...When I went to our Beatles site, instead of showing the front page it only showed the log in box. After I logged in, then I saw the Front page. Strange!! Does that happen to you too? Maybe because I'm using Windows 7? LOL!!! Strange!!

Thanks My Friend!!! It was Great hearing from you again, too!!!! Thanks!!!!! Hopefully I'll start feeling Better Soon!!! I Hope you're having a FAB Week Too!!! Hope to hear from you SOON, My Friend!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Good to finally hear from you again! That's better how you see your Urologist only once every three months. That gives you plenty of time to recover. I do hope you start feeling better soon, my friend! :-)

That's too bad the A&E website wouldn't let you see any videos. My desktop computer still has Windows 8.1 and my laptop has Windows 10. So I know first hand how some things don't work on the older version of Windows. Like when the little symbols in the shoutbox weren't showing up for you. Sometimes I really miss that shoutbox! :-(

You're welcome for the "glowing reviews" on your Photoshops! Thanks again for sharing them both here and over at the Beatles site. I hope you enjoy celebrating Paul McCartney's birthday for the next few days! I even re-scheduled my doctor's appointment next week for Tuesday since Monday is Paul's birthday and I'd rather be at home celebrating. 

I sadly have yet another new death to mention...

Elvis Presley's Drummer DJ Fontana has died at age 87. 

Rest In Peace! 

I recorded (DVR) the new David Cassidy documentary off TV and also bought the video on iTunes (for a better quality version with no commercials) Here it is uploaded in entirety, if you're interested in watching it. It's very sad but also interesting to see. I think you will enjoy it overall. Hopefully the video will work for you this time! :-)

If that didn't work, here is a link... 

David Cassidy The Last Session

Have a fab weekend, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! Sorry it took a while to get back to you again!! I've been busy since Friday till today! Had to get more stuff from the stores, and doing cooking and cleaning and helping my Mother with things, plus doing Laundry! FUN!! Thanks!! It was Great to finally hear from you again too!! Yes, Much better that I see my Urologist only once every three months!! It does give me plenty of time to recover till I have to see him again!! Thanks So Much for hoping that I start feeling better soon, My Friend!! :-) I've been seeing my Urologist for around 3 years now. Maybe longer, I forget. This latest treatment I had with him two weeks ago, is taking the Longest time I ever had to recover from!! :-( I'm Still doing pretty much the same with the complications from that treatment he gave me!! I'm still giving it some more time though, in the Hopes that it will get Better!!! It usually takes me time to heal up from things. I'll give it two more weeks. IF it doesn't get better by then I'll have to set up an appointment to see him!! I'm worried because he said IF these treatments Stop Working, I'll probably need Surgery!! He said that a long time ago. Surgery will give me all kinds of new problems that are even worse that what I'm going through now!! So, I'm Hoping this will get Better within two weeks from Now!!! So, I won't have to call him!! And just see him three months from our last visit. Will see? Tomorrow I have to bring my Mother to her Podiatrist. And this Thursday I have to see my Shrink in NYC again!! FUN!! Even with the complications from that treatment I had, I can still do things. It just takes longer for me and I have to pace myself and not over do anything. I'm just hoping I can make it through this Thursday's Shrink visit Alright with all that traveling time!!! But, I have to Go!! Should Be FUN!!! :-(

Yes, I was disappointed that the A&E website wouldn't let me see any videos!! :-( Yes, I remember you telling me that your desktop computer still has Windows 8.1 and my laptop has Windows 10. So, you do know how some things don't work on the older version of Windows. Yes, like when the little symbols in the shoutbox weren't showing up for me! Sometimes I really miss that shoutbox too!! :-(

BUT, WOW!!!!!!! Thank You So Much for posting the Entire David Cassidy documentary Here for me!!!! I Really Appreciate that you did that, My Friend!!!! :-) That's So Sweet of you!!!! I Can't Thank You Enough!!! And the Video IS Working GREAT for me!!!! I see it's 2 hours and 5 minutes, and the Quality is Very Good!!! :-)

I see you recorded (DVR) the new David Cassidy documentary off your TV and you also bought the video on iTunes (for a better quality version with no commercials)!!!! That's GREAT!!!! I'm watching it Right Now!!!! :-) YES!!! It's Very Sad!!! But, also, Very Interesting at the same time!!!! It's So Sad to see him in Such Bad Shape!!!! :-( OMG!!! :-( I'm Glad they showed some old clips and pictures from the past too!!! And listening to David's comments!! It does show a few commercials, but I don't mind!! And Yes, there's Danny Bonaduce and Alice Cooper too!!! COOL!!! I see you also, posted another Link, Thank You for that too!!! But, I didn't need to click on it!! The Video you uploaded Works GREAT!!!! :-) WOW!!! What a FAN Base He Had!!! And Elliot Mintz is in here too!! COOL!! It's Very Interesting hearing from these people while seeing all the pictures!! A lot of interesting people talking in this documentary!!! WOW!! So Much Merchandise and magazines etc!! He Really admired his Father and learned a lot from him by watching his performances I see! And always wanted to please his father!! He Really worked hard on the whole project!!! And the people who worked with him seemed to really care about him!! Even though he was so weak and in such bad shape he kept doing his best to try to complete it!!! All the way through!! He Really wanted to finish that album and worked so hard contributing to the documentary!!! It's So Sad that he passed away in the middle of making it!!!!! :-( But, I'm Glad it was made along with his last musical recordings!!! And you're So Right when you said: "It's ironic, how the documentary which he participated in and was originally meant to show his recording session is now seen as a tribute to him"!!!!!! A&E did a Great Job putting this all together!!! The last few minutes when they took him to the hospital was Very Sad!!! :-( But, at least he passed away surrounded by his friends and family!! And the album "songs that my father taught me" was completed. I Will watch this again HERE, Thanks To You, My Friend!!!!! Right now it's hard to type with my eyes tearing up seeing David in that condition!! I'm having a hard time taking the Whole documentary in and really concentrating on it!!! A Must See, Again!!! THANK YOU, My Friend!!!

Thanks again for the Glowing Reviews on my Photoshops!! You're So Welcome for sharing them on Both Sites!! I Hope you are Enjoying celebrating Paul McCartney's birthday!!! I see you even re-scheduled your doctor's appointment for tomorrow since today is Paul's Birthday!! Because you rather be home celebrating!! :-) I'm going to watch some of my of my DVD's!! Get Back, Wingspan, and The Space Within Us.

I see you sadly have yet another new death to mention! Elvis Presley's Drummer DJ Fontana has died at age 87. Thanks for the picture!!! RIP DJ Fontana! And I see you posted some more pictures!! Thanks!!! :-) I'll check them out!! I just read the private letter you sent me!!! I see it's just not me!! With the log in at our Beatles Site!!! I'm So Sorry to see what you said about Both You and BeatleNut9!!! I just don't understand it!!! I don't have enough time right now to answer your email!!! I have to log off for the day!! I'll Certainly write you back about this!!! Best Wishes at the Doctor Tomorrow!! I'll catch back up with you as soon as I can!!!
Again, Thank You So Much for the Video!!!!!
Have a FAB Day, My Friend!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! No problem! You don't have to apologize for not being online every single day or answering my private message/e-mail yet. I understand, since I often get busy too. Thanks for letting me know you plan on responding soon. I'll wait patiently until you do. :-)

Thanks for wishing me good luck with my doctor's appointment. I'm going to be seen for my recent upset stomach problems. I think I may have "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" like you do, which sucks!
Hopefully you're just experiencing a longer recovery time than usual from the Urologist treatments and it's nothing too serious like an infection that would cause you to need surgery instead. Yes, that could end up being a worse form of treatment and give you even more complications! Hopefully that won't be necessary. I'll be wishing the best for you, my friend! Feel better soon! :-(

Thanks for commenting on all the stuff I uploaded to this site for Father's Day and Paul McCartney's Birthday. I really appreciate it! No, I didn't make that picture of Paul with a microphone. I found it online. It already said "Happy Birthday" on it but was from a few years ago. Yes, that picture of young Paul with a big cake was from his 21st birthday party. That's what the original caption said on the site where I found it from. WOW!!! I really enjoyed all the Paul pictures you shared here! My favorite is the one of him standing near a jukebox! I had never seen that one or the other one of him walking out of a store with a shopping bag either. Cool! Did you make the one with the hand that says "Happy 76th Birthday"? And were the animated GIF ones of him blowing out the candles from today or last year? I bet he had a great celebration! Can't believe he is now 76 and Ringo is soon to be 78! It's a blessing that they are both still around and in such good health at that age! That's awesome how you have all those Paul DVDs. I never had "Get Back" or "Wingspan" but those two DVDs were always in my Wish List! I do have "The Space Within Us" and a few other Paul McCartney DVDs, all of live shows. I still have one called "Paul Is Live In Concert On The New World Tour" that is similar to "Get Back". I didn't have time to watch anything in his honor today since I've been getting ready for my appointment on the 19th, so I just listened to Wings songs instead. You should check out what I just posted over at the Beatles site, if you haven't done so already. Paul has a new album coming out soon and has been hinting about it lately on social media! Exciting! 

That's great how the David Cassidy documentary video I shared here worked fine for you this time! Glad you enjoyed seeing it! I still recommend clicking on that link to view it in a larger size. For some weird reason, it won't allow clicking on full screen mode straight from the little video on this page itself.
Maybe because I shared it from Google Drive and not YouTube? 
The version I bought on iTunes looks and sounds a bit better, with no commercials and doesn't say A&E on it. I'm hoping it will be on DVD soon too. It took me a few times of watching that documentary for it all to finally sink in, since some scenes were so disturbing and raw. Even watching it again right now still tears me up! The very first time I saw it, was so emotional and traumatizing! I cried hard for about 2 hours straight afterwards and had trouble falling asleep. That night almost felt as bad as the actual evening when he died! It's difficult seeing what bad shape he was in during his final days! Painful to watch! In some scenes, he could barely even sing or walk. And yes, that ending when they took him to the hospital was so sad!!! It was also very sad whenever he would talk about and cry over his deceased parents. I hope he's finally made peace with his father and reunited with him, and his mother now. The fact that he had somewhat of a troubled childhood was obviously a big factor in his drinking! One interesting thing that was mentioned at the end of the documentary is how he didn't have "Dementia" afterall, all his problems were just from Alcoholism. When he was still alive, I suspected he could be lying about having Dementia to cover up his drinking problem, and turns out I was right! To find this out for sure 6 months later after he's gone is heartbreaking! I wish he would have been more honest about it! If so, he might have been able to be helped sooner before it was too late! I also thought it was sweet how much his band members seemed to care about him and his declining health. They really were like a second family! I think it's sad how his real family and friends seemed to be estranged towards the end of his life but at least they showed up at the hospital to say goodbye when he was on his deathbed. :-(

Yes, what an incredible fan base he had! It was like Beatlemania all over again! Those crazy girls at his concerts in the footage reminded me of myself! LOL!!! I agree that the classic video footage, photos, and commentary from all those people was very interesting and enjoyable! It was the only uplifting part of the documentary, in my opinion. It was good to see Elliot Mintz. I always enjoyed hearing his input in John Lennon documentaries. That's amazing how he had all those tapes of David's conversations saved away all these years and how they were never publicly released until now. Well I hope you find time to watch it again soon and concentrate on it better this time.

I read this about Elvis' drummer: He played on some of Presley's biggest hits, including "Blue Suede Shoes," "Hound Dog" and "All Shook Up."  Wow! Cool! I found this written interview with him online too that was an interesting read: DJ Fontana Interviewed in 1987  

You know I will always give glowing reviews on your Photoshop creations since you're such an expert at them!!! I still wish I could be half as good at making graphics as you! :-) 

BeatleNut9 says hi, and understands how you don't want to join Facebook. I don't like FB either, and mostly keep it to stay in touch with her! She told me to tell you hello and that she misses the good old days of the Beatles sites too!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you again!

Thanks again for wishing me luck at the Dr. 

I'll catch up on Wednesday!

Have a fab week, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! Thanks for understanding!! I just answered your email and sent it!! :-) And I logged in over at our Beatles Site and commented on the pictures you posted about Paul's upcoming new album!! Very Exciting!!! Can't wait for this Fall's release!! :-) Thanks for sending me that letter and thanks for sharing the Pictures and the Link about Paul's New Album!! :-)

You're Welcome for wishing you Good Luck with your doctor's appointment!! I'm Glad that you went for your recent upset stomach problems!! I Hope Everything went Alright and I Hope you know what's causing your stomach problems now!! Let me know what your Doctor said!! I Sure Hope you Don't have "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" like I do!!! Sure does Suck!! Let me know!!! Thanks for wishing me the best to feel better soon, my friend!! :-) I'm still doing pretty much the same with the complications from that treatment my Urologist gave me!! It sure is taking a long time, this time!! Hoping I will see a change for the better soon!! Well, I think I'm just experiencing a longer recovery time than usual this time, because the treatment I had was more intense this time, plus had some other troubles from it!! I'm Hoping it isn't anything more than that, and I'm Hoping I won't need Surgery!! YES! Hopefully that won't be necessary!! Am giving it some more time!! Have to call and Cancel tomorrow's visit with my Shrink In NYC. And Hopefully will get another phone visit with him again!! I went with my Mother to her podiatrist visit yesterday, and had a bit of a hard time going there. And that's only 9 blocks away from where we live by cab! So, going to NYC the way I'm feeling, forget that!! Hopefully I'll be seeing an improvement soon!! I Hope ALL went well with You Yesterday!!! Hope it's just something minor, and manageable!!! You'll let me know!!

You're Welcome for commenting on all the stuff you uploaded to this site for Father's Day and Paul McCartney's Birthday!!! Loved them!! :-) Even though you found that picture online of Paul with a microphone I really Liked it!! And Cool that already said "Happy Birthday" on it!! :-) So COOL that the picture of young Paul with a big cake was from his 21st birthday party!!! :-) Thanks!!! So Glad you really enjoyed the Paul pictures I shared here!!! :-) I'm Glad I found two that you never seen before!! :-) I really like that one of him standing near a jukebox too!! I also, liked that one of him walking out of a store with a shopping bag! :-) Yeah, pretty Cool pictures. No, I just found that one online with the hand that says "Happy 76th Birthday". The animated GIF ones of him blowing out the candles were from last year. But, still Cool!! :-) I also, am Sure he had a great celebration!!! Really!! I too can't believe he is now 76 and Ringo is soon to be 78!!! I agree!! It sure is a Blessing that they are both still around and in such good health at that age!!! :-) Those are the only DVD's of "Paul" that I have. Wish I had more!! I see you never had "Get Back" or "Wingspan" but those two DVDs were always in your Wish List! They're Good Ones. Maybe someday you'll get them!! I remember you telling me you also have "The Space Within Us"!! COOL! And you also have a few other Paul McCartney DVDs, all of live shows!! COOL!! And you still have one called "Paul Is Live In Concert On The New World Tour"!! Yeah, I think that one is similar to the "Get Back" one!! GREAT!!! Paul Is Live In Concert On The New World Tour: Recorded live during Paul McCartney's 1993 world tour, following the release of his album Off the Ground, this live video ... Release Date: 08/12/2003. Paul McCartney's Get Back World Tour: It's the 1989/90 "Flowers In The Dirt" tour, which I had on VHS. Then got it later on DVD in 2005 I think. :-) Too bad you didn't have time to watch anything in his honor of his birthday since you were getting ready for your appointment on the 19th! So, you just listened to Wings songs instead! I was busy those days too. I watched "The Space Within Us" last night. Yes, I did check out what you posted over at the Beatles site!!! Thanks for sharing those pictures and that Link!! Very Exciting!!!! :-) Can't wait for that New Album!!!!!!

Thank You again, for sharing the David Cassidy documentary video!!! Yes, it did work fine playing it Here!! I did enjoy watching it!! And as soon as I can I want to watch it over again!! Thanks for recommending clicking on that link to view it in a larger size!!! Yeah, it could be because you shared it from Google Drive and not YouTube, that it won't allow clicking on full screen mode straight from the little video on this page itself? Next time I watch it I'll click on the Link!! Thanks!!! :-) So Cool that the version you bought on iTunes looks and sounds a bit better, with no commercials and doesn't say A&E on it!!! Sounds Great!! Hopefully it will be on DVD Soon!! I see it took You a few times of watching that documentary for it all to finally sink in, since some scenes were so disturbing and raw!!!! :-( Some scenes were Very Disturbing!!! :-( I can imagine even watching it again still tears you up!!! I had a Very Hard time watching it the first time the other day for the same reasons!!! I can only imagine you cried hard for about 2 hours straight afterwards and had trouble falling asleep!!! :-( WOW!!! After seeing it the first time that night, almost felt as bad as the actual evening when he died!!! :-( I can imagine!!!! Yes, it's very difficult seeing what bad shape he was in during his final days!!! :-( I know, in some scenes he could barely even sing or walk!!!! That's what made me tear up too!!! Yes, the ending when they took him to the hospital was so sad!!! I agree that it was also Very Sad whenever he would talk about and cry over his deceased parents!!! Very Painful to see him like that!!!! :-( I also, Hope he's finally made peace with his father and reunited with him!!! And his Mother too!! I sure feel that the fact that he had somewhat of a troubled childhood, was obviously a Big factor in his drinking!!!! YES, it was interesting that was mentioned at the end of the documentary, is how he didn't have "Dementia" after all, all his problems were just from Alcoholism!!! Yes, you were Right!!! I see you suspected he could be lying about having Dementia to cover up his drinking problem!!! Sure is hard to find this out 6 months later!!!! I know what you mean!!! If he was more honest about it, he might have been able to be helped sooner before it was too late!!!!! :-( I Sure Wish he would have!!! Yes, it was Very Sweet how much his band members seemed to care about him and his declining health!!! They Really were like a second family to him!! I also think it's sad how his real family and friends seemed to be estranged towards the end of his life to him!!! But, at least they showed up at the hospital to say goodbye when he was on his deathbed!!! :-( So SAD!!!!

DAMN!! I'm Sorry!!! But, I have to get started on my daily chores here!!! :-( I'll finish catching up with the rest of what you wrote here, as soon as I can!!!

Say Hi to BeatleNut9 from me!!! I miss her!! I look forward to hearing from you again, My Dear Friend!!! Let me know what the Doctor said!!! BEST Wishes!!!! Will catch up SOON!!!!!! Have a FAB Week Too, My Friend!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Thanks for the best wishes on my latest doctor's appointment! I just got my results today and it turns out I am "lactose intolerant". I only get IBS when I drink milk, eat alot of ice cream, etc. I'm relieved my upset stomach isn't caused by something more serious like cancer! But I don't regret going to the doctor for an exam! Better to be safe than sorry! I hate how it somewhat ruined my Paul McCartney birthday celebrations though! Oh well, Ringo's birthday is coming up soon too which gives me another opportunity to celebrate! :-)

Thanks for taking some time out of your daily chores to stop by and respond to the majority of what I last said! I also sent you a new e-mail! Don't worry about responding to it or anything else I said on the sites until you have time to. I basically just expressed my upset feelings over the apparent gradual demise of the Beatles website, gave you greetings from BeatleNut, and mentioned the David Cassidy documentary and Elvis Presley's drummer again. No need to even comment back on any of it unless you want to! I just needed to get all that out! :-)

Thanks for commenting on the stuff I put on the Beatles site about Paul's new album! There's been a few updates since then, but still no exact official release date, other than "Autumn 2018". It's interesting to see the album cover artwork and title "Egypt Station", I wonder what that means or is a reference to? It reminds me of the title "London Town" from Wings. I haven't had time to check out the 2 new songs that have already been leaked but will later today. I'm really looking forward to hearing them and of course, excited for the new album coming later this year! It's about time he put out some new music, it's been 5 years since he last had a full album of new material! Also thank you for posting the release date of that Paul McCartney DVD I have called "Paul Is Live..." I actually bought it in August 2003 when it first came out! I also had some Beatles VHS video tapes like you, and then I started buying several Beatles DVDs in the early 2000s after I got my first DVD player in early 2003. I remember buying Concert For George, The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show DVD, etc... whenever I saw a new one at the store I would immediately buy it. I don't even buy DVDs anymore since there's so many videos to watch on the Internet like YouTube, etc. Same with CDs! But I did back then. The first DVDs I ever bought for my new DVD Player were in fact The Beatles Anthology DVD Box Set and Paul's Back In The Us Tour 2002 DVD. I bought them all at once, the DVD player included! The Anthology was actually the main reason I got a DVD Player! I still remember how the cashier looked at me like I was crazy for spending over $100 that day. LOL!!!! The "Paul Is Live In Concert On The New World Tour" one I have is similar to the "Get Back" one you have, as both contain footage from his early '90s tour. Didn't you see Paul live in 1990? I imagine your concert experience was very similar to what's shown on those DVDs! I like how Linda is in those DVDs but it's sad how those are some of her last public apppearances onstage with Paul. That's so cool how you go to see her live too! The Paul DVD from 2009 called "Good Evening New York City" is the one that's most similar to the concert experience I had, since I saw him in 2010, but in Kansas City, not NYC. The setlist, stage setup, pyrotechnics, etc in that DVD are much like the concert I went to. 

Wow! Look what I found on Instagram!

Paul celebrating his birthday 2018...

So cool! Posted by one of his daughters! Interesting to see him at home, having a humble birthday celebration like a normal person! LOL!!! I'm really looking forward to his new album soon and hearing back from you again too! 

Have a fab weekend, my friend! :-) 

Hey Sadie! You're So Welcome for the best wishes on your latest doctor's appointment!! I'm So Glad you got your Results, and it turns out that you're "lactose intolerant"!!! That's Not That Bad!! Many people are lactose intolerant!! And there are a lot of substitutes out there such as lactaid milk, ice cream and more! I see you only get IBS when you drink milk, eat a lot of ice cream, etc. I'm Sure you're relieved your upset stomach isn't caused by something more serious like cancer!!! So Am I!! I'm sure you don't regret going to the doctor for an exam!!! Yes! Better to be safe than sorry!! I'm so Glad you went and found out why you've been having an upset stomach!! And it's Nothing serious at all!! :-) Look into the dairy/milk substitutes out there to avoid having an upset stomach! A lot of information online for that!! Thanks for letting me know!! I had a phone visit with my Shrink yesterday, and he was very understanding!! That's why I wasn't online! Had to get paperwork together for the phone visit, and call his personal assistant, and we talked for a good while before he got there. Then he called me back for the phone visit. Did my chores earlier because of the phone visit. Even though you didn't regret going to the doctor for an exam, I know you hated that it somewhat ruined your Paul McCartney birthday celebrations! Yes, Ringo's birthday is coming up soon too!! Which gives you another opportunity to celebrate!! :-)

You're So Welcome that I took some time out of my daily chores to respond to most of what you wrote here!! I had to get off of the computer because I had some more chores to do and my Mother needed a few things from the drugstore. I read the New e-mail you sent to my email address! I WANT to respond to it, as soon as I get more time!! And I Will!! I just wanted to see what you wrote Here, and also wanted to see what you had to say about your latest doctor's appointment!!! I have enough time right now to respond to what you wrote Here!! Have Laundry etc tomorrow as always, and will respond to the letter you sent me as soon as I can!!

You're Welcome for commenting on the stuff you put on the Beatles site about Paul's new album!! :-) I read what you wrote here about "Egypt Station" and I just found some information why Paul named the album "Egypt Station". The meaning behind it, and the release date. :-)

"Paul's Original Painting":
“My original inspiration was similar to a picture we were talking about the other day, with Egyptian symbols and shapes I got from looking at a reference book on Egypt. I was interested in the way they drew sunflowers, so two appear on the left and on the right. It was a nice shape, so I took that and then I also love the way they symbolize trees. I like the way they reduce a tree to just some very simple symbols.”
–Paul McCartney

"Paul named the album after one of his original paintings":
Paul McCartney will release his 17th studio album, Egypt Station, on September 7th via Capitol Records. The album, which the former Beatle named after one of his original paintings, features newly announced singles "I Don't Know" and "Come On to Me."

"The Idea behind the album "Egypt Station":
In a statement about the LP, McCartney says the title "reminded [him] of the 'album' albums we used to make," suggesting a kind of sonic journey. "Egypt Station starts off at the station on the first song, and then each song, and then each song is like a different station," he said. "So it gave us some idea to base all the songs around that. I think of it as a dream location that the music emanates from."

The singer-songwriter recorded the album throughout Los Angeles, California and England, with producer Greg Kurstin (Adele, Beck, Foo Fighters) helming all but one of the 14 tracks.

While McCartney has yet to detail a track list for the LP, which follows 2013's New, a statement about the record previews several songs, including "Happy With You," ("an acoustic meditation on present day contentedness") the opening and closing instrumentals "Station I" and "Station II" and a seven-minute, multi-part suite called "Despite Repeated Warnings."

Egypt Station is available to pre-order in multiple formats: digital, CD, standard vinyl, limited-edition 180-gram vinyl and a super deluxe, hand-numbered box set featuring bonus tracks. Each order includes instant-grat downloads of both "I Don't Know" and "Come On to Me."

"Album Release date: September 7, 2018 - Label: Capitol Records." :-)

McCartney is set to headline the 2018 Austin City Limits Music Festival, which takes place over two weekends: October 5th through 7th, and 12th through 14th. That performance will mark his first major show of the year after devoting much of 2017 on his "One on One" jaunt. :-)

Paul's Original Painting:
"Egypt Station" Cover:

I hope that answered some of the question you had about the album cover artwork and title, and what "Egypt Station" is in reference to!! :-) Yeah, I see why "Egypt Station" reminded you of the title "London Town" from Wings.

And Here are those Two Songs:

Paul McCartney - I Don’t Know

Paul McCartney - Come On To Me

I'm Really Excited for the new album coming later this year too!!! I agree! It's about time he put out some new music, it's been 5 years since he last had a Full Album of new material!!! You're Welcome for posting the release date of that Paul McCartney DVD you have called "Paul Is Live..."!! I see you bought it when in first came out in August 2003! Yeah, we both had some Beatles VHS video tapes!! I also, started buying some Beatles DVD's in the early 2000s after I got my first DVD player in early 2003 too!! I bought my first DVD player shortly after The Beatles Anthology DVD Box Set came out on March 31, 2003! I was getting DVD's in the mail when I belonged to NetFlix back then! After a while when I could afford it I bought The Beatles Anthology DVD Box Set!! And after a while I bought "Get Back" one! I'm sure you remember buying Concert For George, The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show DVD, etc!! And whenever you saw a new one at the store you would immediately buy it!! :-) I rented some of them first from NetFlix. Then when I could afford them, I bought them!! WOW!! I always wanted The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show DVD, but never got around to buying it. Someday I will!! I see you don't even buy DVDs anymore since there's so many videos to watch on the Internet like YouTube, etc. I could understand that!! Same goes for CD's!! But, we both bought the DVD's back then!! I see the first DVD's you ever bought for your new DVD Player were The Beatles Anthology DVD Box Set and Paul's Back In The Us Tour 2002 DVD. And you bought them all at once, the DVD player included!!! WOW!! It was the same with me, that the Anthology was actually the main reason I got a DVD Player too!! Then joined NetFlix and rented movies, and bought some later!! I see that you still remember how the cashier looked at you like you were crazy for spending over $100 that day!! LOL!!!! ;-) Yes, the "Paul Is Live In Concert On The New World Tour" one that you have is similar to the "Get Back" one I have, because they both contain footage from his early '90's tours!! Yes, I did see Paul live in 1990!! July 11, 1990 Paul McCartney World Tour, The Friends Of The Earth Tour, in New Jersey. Yes, my concert experience was very similar to what's shown on those DVD's! Even though I was seated in the nose bleed section!! LOL!!! ;-) I also, like that Linda is in those DVD's!!! I agree though, that it's sad how those are some of her last public appearances onstage with Paul!! :-( Yeah, looking back on it, it Was COOL that I saw her live along with Paul!!! I see that the Paul DVD from 2009 called "Good Evening New York City" is the one that's most similar to the concert experience you had when you saw him in 2010!! In Kansas City though, not NYC. The setlist, stage setup, pyrotechnics, etc in that DVD are much like the concert you went to. So, I'm sure you Love watching that DVD!!! Same with me when I watch the "Get Back" DVD!! :-)

WOW!!! Thanks for posting that picture you found on Instagram!!! So COOL!!! Paul celebrating his birthday 2018!! "Happy Birthday Dad", posted by one of his daughters!!! COOL!! Yes, it IS interesting to see him at home, having a humble birthday celebration like a normal person!! LOL!!!!! ;-) Thanks again, for posting this!! :-) I'm Really looking forward to his new album too!!! And I'm looking forward to hearing back from you again SOON too, My Friend!!!!

Thanks!!! I Hope you have a FAB weekend too, My Friend!!! Will catch up with you as soon as I can!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Thanks for reading my email.. I'm looking forward to your response soon! Take your time! :-)

Yeah, I never had a "lactose intolerant" problem until recently. I read some people get it in adulthood. Weird. That's what happened with me. I wonder if it had anything to do with me drinking alcohol after turning 21? If so, it's my fault and I can only blame myself. But at least I don't drink anymore. Thanks for the advice about dairy substitutes. I was already planning on trying some out soon because the one thing I miss most is eating cereal. Hopefully the "Almond", "Coconut", "Soy", etc... milks will taste close enough to real milk and I can start enjoying cereal again! 

That's great your shrink still agrees to do the occasional phone visit! Hopefully Medicaid stopped charging both you and him and that crazy Medicaid problem is taken care of by now? LOL!!! Glad you enjoyed that picture of Paul celebrating his birthday that I found on Instagram. Thanks for sharing some more stuff about Paul's new album! It now has an official release date, September 7, 2018. YAY! I can hardly wait!!! I love the 2 new songs that are out already! "I Don't Know" is my favorite of the two, it sounds like it could be off his "Chaos & Creation" album from 2005. "Come On To Me" is pretty good too but I much prefer the ballad. Cool new lyric videos! I used to have a big book about Paul McCartney's artwork a long time ago. His "Egypt Station" painting was probably in it and I just don't remember it too well. It's a nice theme for an album! The long 7 minute song and super deluxe box set sound amazing! This is all so exciting! I already knew Paul was going to play that festival in Austin, Texas soon. BeatleNut9 is hoping to go but might not be able to, I highly doubt I can make it to see Ringo when he comes to Kansas City in October either but oh well. At least there will be a new Paul album in the fall to keep us all occupied! :-)

I had Netflix's mail disc rental service for a little while too. But not anymore since I don't have as much free time to watch stuff anymore, and I barely even watch DVDs these days anyway! Does their disc plan even still exist? If so, the price probably went up by now and I can't really afford it anyway. That was years ago when I had it, now I only subscribe to their streaming instant video plan. Sometimes I do miss it though. I loved getting those red envelopes in the mail! I liked how the description of the DVD was on the little paper sleeve. I also liked how they had such a big selection to choose from and there were no due dates. But more than a few of the discs they sent me were scratched up and had playback issues which is part of the reason why I cancelled it. Yes! It IS very cool that you got to see Linda McCartney in person back in 1990, even if only from far away! A nose bleed seat is still better than nothing! Even John Lennon once joked that the people in the cheaper seats are more likely to clap their hands! LOL!!! ;-)  Omg! I have a Paul McCartney tour book from the early 90s, and it might be "The Friends Of The Earth" tour! That name sure sounds familiar! I'll have to check it later and see! Cool that you saw it in NJ, I thought you did in NY. :-)

Wow! Did you hear about Michael Nesmith being hospitalized and cancelling the rest of The Monkees current tour? That was scary news! I was hoping he wouldn't die on us! It's too soon for me to deal with another death! The man is 75 though. It's good that he's still performing but I think he'd be better off retiring! 

Maybe you heard about Joe Jackson (Father of The Jackson 5) having terminal cancer? They say he could die any day now. But he is nearly 90. The only death I have to report today is: Vinnie Paul, drummer for the band Pantera, died on Friday evening at age 54. Sad! I never really got into that band but that is still young to go, only 54! He sadly had a heart attack and passed away in his sleep. I still remember when his brother "Dimebag" Darrell was murdered onstage (shot by a deranged "fan" on December 8, just like John Lennon!) That was very sad too! 

But enough of the sad talk, here is a happy full length new video: 

Just like that picture of Paul at home celebrating his birthday in a simple way, it's interesting seeing him just riding around and chatting like a normal person in that video too! I love how he's so down to earth despite being one of the most famous people on the planet! LOL!!!!  

I just realized that eventhough I didn't get much of a chance to celebrate Paul McCartney on June 18 due to my doctor's appointment, we sure have been talking about him alot lately and that's a way of celebrating! So happy belated Paul birthday celebrations!!! Yes I do enjoy watching my Paul concert DVDs! It brings back all the good memories of seeing him live for the first time! I think you can start sharing Ringo birthday things and Independence Day Beatles Photoshops now or sometime this week! Better late than never, as we're not even sure how long both The Beatles site and this one will last! 

Well I hope you have a fab week, my friend! July is just around the corner! Best wishes and hope to catch up with you soon! :-)

Hey Sadie! I finally had the time to answer your email!! I just sent it!! And also, forwarded the latest podcast I have from Mike Pell to you. I Hope the Links in it work! :-) You're Welcome for reading your email!!! :-)

Yeah, some people do become "lactose intolerant" in adulthood! Usually people get it when they're young. But, it does happen at different ages, as well. I don't think it would have anything to do with you drinking alcohol after turning 21? "Lactose intolerance occurs when your small intestine doesn't produce enough of an enzyme (lactase) to digest milk sugar (lactose). Normally, lactase turns milk sugar into two simple sugars — glucose and galactose — which are absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal lining." And for other reasons too. So, don't blame yourself!! It Happens! I'm Glad you don't drink anymore!! I don't either!! You're Welcome for the advice about dairy substitutes!! I see you were already planning on trying some out soon because the one thing you miss most is eating cereal. I like eating cereal too. I also, Hope the "Almond", "Coconut", "Soy", etc... milks will taste close enough to real milk too, so you can start enjoying cereal again!!! Best Wishes with that!!! If that one doesn't work well for you, try another kind!! Till you find the right one!!

Thanks!! I'm Glad that my shrink still agrees to do the occasional phone visit with me too!! Well, Medicaid still charges Me for my monthly payments to have Medicaid coverage! I pay them every six months!! Which is Rough!! The month I make That payment I'm Broke by the second week of that month!! But, they told me to pay for Six months at a time, to get Medicaid coverage for both inpatient and outpatient coverage. That's how it works Here! BUT, They are Still charging him for my Visits, which is So Screwed Up!!!! Sure Is CRAZY!!!! Hopefully sometime he can get that Mess straightened out!!!! LOL!! Thanks again for posting that!! I Sure Enjoyed that picture of Paul celebrating his birthday that you found on Instagram!! :-) You're Welcome for sharing some more stuff about Paul's new album!!! YES!! It now has an official release date, September 7, 2018. YAY!!! :-) I can hardly wait too!!! I also, Really Like the 2 new songs that are out already!! I Really Like "I Don't Know" too!! Yes, it does sound like it could be off his "Chaos & Creation" album from 2005!! :-) I also, Really Liked "Come On To Me" as well!! It's a Nice Up Beat song!! I like the guitar sound!! I see you prefer the ballad. I Like Both!! :-) Yes, COOL new lyric videos!! I see you used to have a big book about Paul McCartney's artwork a long time ago!! COOL!! And his "Egypt Station" painting was probably in it!! But, you just don't remember it too well. I think it's a Nice theme for an album too!! Cool how he came up with that!! Yes, the long 7 minute song and super deluxe box set really does sound amazing!!! Sure Is Exciting!!! :-) I see that you already knew Paul was going to play that festival in Austin, Texas soon. It would be Nice if BeatleNut9 could make it there!!! Hope she will be able to!! But, who knows? Yeah, you told me you really doubt you can make it to see Ringo when he comes to Kansas City in October!! :-( YES!! At least there will be a new Paul album in the fall to keep us all occupied!!! Can't Wait!!! :-)

I remember you telling you also had Netflix's mail disc rental service for a little while too. But, since you don't have as much free time to watch stuff anymore, and you barely even watch DVD's these days anyway, you dropped the DVD plan. I had to drop that a long time ago too! Yes, they still have Movies and TV Shows on DVD and Blu-ray, as well as streaming of course! I'm Sure the price probably went up by now too!! And I can't really afford it either!! That was years ago when you had it, and now you only subscribe to their streaming instant video plan. Mine DVD plan was years ago too!! Sometimes I really miss that too!! I also, loved getting those red envelopes in the mail!!! :-) I also, used to like the description of the DVD was on the little paper sleeve. I also liked how they had such a big selection to choose from and there were no due dates!!! But, the same thing after a while happened to me too!!! I started getting more than just a few cracked and scratched up DVD's from them which had Bad playback issues!! :-( That's also, part of the reason why I canceled it too!! Yeah, looking back on it I think it was Great that I was able to see Linda McCartney in person back in 1990!! Yes!! A nose bleed seat is still better than nothing!!! LOL! :-) Plus they had some Big Screens on both sides of the Stage to see them close up. :-) I Remember that Quote!! With John Lennon joking that the people in the cheaper seats are more likely to clap their hands! LOL!!! And the ones in the better seats could rattle their jewelry!! LOL!! ;-) WOW!!! that would be So COOL if you have a Paul McCartney tour book from the early 90's!!! And it could be "The Friends Of The Earth" tour? I lost mine years ago!!! :-( All I have left is the Ticket from the show. Yes, let me know if you have it!! :-) Yeah, I seen the show at The Giant's Stadium in NJ! The only show we could get tickets for at the time!! It took a while to get there. But, it Sure was worth the Trip!!! :-)

I found a picture of "The Friends Of The Earth" tour, tour book etc. :-)

NO, I didn't hear about Michael Nesmith being hospitalized!! :-( I Found this: "A rep for The Monkees tells TMZ ... Michael did not collapse during the band's soundcheck -- he had a minor health issue before he even made it to the venue. We're told the issue's not serious, but he was advised to rest for the next week.
The rep adds, the remaining 4 dates on The Monkees Present: The Mike & Mickey Show tour have been postponed until a later date ... and Michael's in good spirits and heading back home. Michael Nesmith, guitarist for The Monkees, fell ill while preparing to hit the stage for a concert in Pennsylvania ... TMZ has learned.
We're told 75-year-old Nesmith collapsed to the ground during the band's soundcheck Thursday afternoon at the Keswick Theatre in Glenside, PA. Michael was not unconscious, but he was rushed to a hospital. The Monkees -- famous for their hits, "Daydream Believer," "I'm a Believer" and "Last Train to Clarksville" -- were in the middle of a national tour, and were set to perform at 8 PM ET. The venue has announced the show's been postponed "due to illness."
However, reps for the band tell us the rest of the tour -- 3 more dates in NY and NJ -- has been canceled.
His rep says Michael's already been discharged, but it's unclear what the medical emergency was that prompted his hospitalization." SAD!!! Yeah, that is Scary News!! I Hope he will be Alright!!! I'm Sure you were hoping he wouldn't die on us!! It sure is too soon for you to deal with another death!! He is 75 though. Yes, it's good that he's still performing!! I also, think he'd be better off retiring though!!!

Yes, I did hear on the news about Joe Jackson (Father of The Jackson 5) having terminal cancer!! Sad that they said he could die any day now!! But yeah, he's nearly 90! :-( I see the only death you have to report Today is: Vinnie Paul, drummer for the band Pantera, died on Friday evening at age 54. WOWW He wasn't that old!! SAD!! WOW!! He sadly had a heart attack and passed away in his sleep!! WOW!! And I see you still remember when his brother "Dimebag" Darrell was murdered onstage (shot by a deranged "fan" on December 8, just like John Lennon!) That was very Sad too!!! WOW!! December 8th., like John Lennon!! :-( I really don't know much about the band Pantera!!! But, that sure IS Sad News!!! RIP!!!

WOW!!!! Thanks for posting This Video!!! :-)

The beginning, Talking the lyrics from HELP! LOL!! COOL!!!! "Drive My Car"!! :-) "Penny Lane"!! :-) COOL when he went into the barber shop!! Those people loved it!! What a COOL Video!!! WOW, when he talked about "Let It Be"! Then sang it!! Loved everything Paul said during the video!! Loved all the Old sites they visited!! COOL that they visited his Forthlin Road house where he used to live!! And all his memories! Acoustic Chamber, His Bathroom!! LOL!! When I'm 64, Cool! :-) WOW!! A lot of people there!! LOL!! Beatle Wig! John Lennon Garb! LOL!! WOW!! Loved all the songs they sang in the car!! Then they played that surprise gig at the club the Beatles played at many years ago!! COOL!!!!!! Paul & his Band! Many snippets of old songs from The Beatles!! :-) Then Hey Jude! WOW!!! The crowd Loved it!!! Thank You for the Magical Mystery Tour to Liverpool video!! ;-) Thanks to James Corden and PAUL!!! :-) LOVED IT!!! :-)

Yes, interesting seeing him just riding around and chatting like a normal person in that video!! I also, love how he's so down to earth despite being one of the most famous people on the planet!!! :-) LOL!!!!

Yes, even though you didn't get much of a chance to celebrate Paul McCartney on June 18 due to your doctor's appointment, we sure have been talking about him a lot lately!! And that IS a way of celebrating!!! :-) YES!! So, happy belated Paul birthday celebrations!!! :-) I'm Sure you Do enjoy watching your Paul concert DVD's!!! So Do I!!! Same for Me!! It brings back all the good memories of seeing him live for the first time!!! :-) Yes, pretty soon I'll start sharing Ringo birthday things and Independence Day Beatles Photoshops!!! Getting near that time!! :-) Later this week!! Yes! Because of the reasons you mentioned!! :-(

Thanks My Friend!!!! I Hope You Have A FAB Week Too!!!! And July is just around the Corner!! BEST WISHES To YOU!!! Hope we can catch up SOON, My Friend!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! OMG!!! That is the exact SAME Paul tour book I have! So cool that it's from the same tour you attended, or around the same time period! Mine didn't come with that poster or inserts in it (I found it used at a thrift store) but it's still in good condition! That's cool how you still have the ticket all these years later! I still have my ticket to see Paul too, from 2010. It is difficult to get tickets for him in general, especially ones that are good seats! I see it was the same way back then in the early 90s too! You traveled all the way to New Jersey to see him? I would too!!! Anywhere for PAUL!!! I've found some cool stuff at thrift stores, including a rare Paul CD called "Never Stop Doing What You Love". LOL!!! I am glad he never stopped doing what he loved! The book I had was simply called "Paul McCartney Artwork". I wonder whatever happened to it. I think it's lost now but I would love to buy it again someday. It looks like this and most likely included his "Egypt Station" painting: 

Thanks for providing some more information about lactose intolerance! I'm glad you really enjoyed that video I shared of Paul's "carpool karaoke" session. Yes I'm still celebrating Paul and will continue to do so until July!!!  

It's too bad I won't be able to afford to see Ringo soon! But with his birthday coming up next week I'll be able to celebrate him and that will make me feel alot better! :-)

That was a close call for Mike Nesmith!! Wishing the best for him! Yeah, I don't know much about the band Pantera either, but wanted to share that sad news about their drummer. He was very big in the rock community and friends with many famous rock stars. That is horrible how he witnessed his own brother be murdered right next to him onstage. At least it's comforting to know they are probably together again now and at peace. RIP Vinnie Paul. I know Michael Jackson didn't have a good relationship with his father, and if Joe Jackson passes away soon, hopefully they will finally make peace with one another. Just like I hope David Cassidy and his father are at peace now. Even Shirley Jones said that in her official statement last November. 

I sadly have some more new deaths to report:

Sad news! I love the show "Pawn Stars"! It will never be the same again without him! RIP.

Deanna Lund,

who starred in the late-’60s sci-fi series Land of the Giants 

and went on to appear in dozens of films and TV shows, died Friday at age 81.

I also like "Land Of The Giants"! But I wasn't aware which cast members were still living until now. RIP.

Left Bank Drummer George Cameron Dead at 70

Sad! I love the songs “Walk Away Renée” and “Pretty Ballerina”. RIP.

I sent you yet another email! Sorry if it turned out being a bit too lengthy. You don't have to respond to all, or any of it, unless you want to and have the time to. Enjoy the last week of June! Hope to catch up soon! Looking forward to your Ringo & Fab 4th Of July Photoshop posts soon and any new patriotic themed podcast show from Mike Pell! Have a great July, my friend! :-)

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