Here you can pay little tributes to the musicians and actors that have passed away.

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Hey Sadie! Don't be sorry my friend, I understand!! Sorry you were having trouble with the site not letting you sign in!!! Strange!! :-( I see that's why you could only answer on the front page shoutbox!! Yes, that will sadly be gone soon on Friday!! :-( I see you posted a Very Nice message on the Shoutbox today!! It Looked like an Official message!! But, I knew it was from you!! :-)

Thanks!!! I'm Glad The 2018 Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame ceremony is now showing up on my HBO On Demand too!!! :-)

I remember you telling me that you had all of those Premium TV channels back in 2010 -2011. YES!! YIKES!! When your cable bill was $200 a month!! I see you remember them playing the same batch of movies all month long, "just at different time slots", like what a real movie theater would do!! The same with mine!!! SUCKS!! I see between them doing That and because it was obviously getting too expensive, that's why you canceled them all!!! I don't blame you!!! I see that HBO was and still is Both our Favorite Premium channel!! :-) Yeah, I had to trick my cat to get her into the cage!!! LOL!!! I do know that cats are smarter than most people think!!! And they eventually get wise to what you're really trying to do!!! I'm Hoping I'll be able to get away with that again next time!!! But, who knows? LOL!! ;-) Will see who's more clever when the next time comes!! ;-)

Thanks!! I'm Glad that the plumbing problem was fixed finally too!! Now that the warmer weather is finally here It's normal that you take more showers than usual. But, the shower drain is more likely to get clogged again!! :-( I'm Sure you Hate it when that happens!!! WOW!! I'm Sorry to hear there's been some bigger household issues like the electricity in the kitchen completely going out there!!! For that you had no choice but to call maintenance!!! :-( I'm Glad that they haven't charged you for any repairs yet too!!! It's Good that your new apartment complex is much better & updated than the old home, the maintenance people there are more professional at fixing things, as well!!! Glad to hear it!! :-)

You're Welcome for sharing that funny Donald Trump stuff!!! I'm Glad it cracked you up!!! :-) Yes, he does bare a striking resemblance to that ape!!! Yes, maybe he's an illegitimate descendant? LMAO!!!!! ;-) Trump actually sued Bill Maher over that a few years back!! As far as I know, Trump lost the case!!! LOL!!!! :-)

I see you also noticed that new member recently joined the Beatles site! I also wonder if Ann was the one that accepted their membership? Or, just maybe there is someone else who has been temporarily looking after the site after she stopped participating in it, like I said?? I agree!! Either way we both still think it's Sad, how Ann pretty much deserted both sites and us!! :-( No, they aren't Free Sites!! Because Ann was asking for help to pay for the sites some years back!! I also think that both of the sites were prepaid up until a certain point!! But, who knows exactly when that is?? Yes, it would be much easier if we at least knew some sort of time frame, regarding this site and the Beatles site's future existence!!! Because that would give you more time to set up a new social networking site or whatever!!! I'm So Glad you're still thinking about doing that!!!!! :-) I'm Also, Hoping that Ann or whoever else possibly paid for the sites, paid up enough for them to last at least one more full month!!! I'm Hoping even longer!!! And there are Beatles occasions in June too, like Paul's Birthday! Yes, if both sites closed down besides You and I, I know there will be a few other people upset to see it go!! Like the people you mentioned!!! I also, remember someone saying Alyssabeth (BeatleLuvr13) was helping to pay for the Beatles Abbey Road site and This site too, for a little while!! I don't know for how long, though? And not sure if she still does, or, if she prepaid up until a certain point?? I see she's still a member Here, "Kipp Buffy Hanks" on the members section on the front page. But, yes she has been an inactive member for quite a long time, though!! I know you can't ask Alyssabeth about this, for the reason you said!! :-( YES!! That's All We Can Do, is just enjoy both the sites while we still can!!! I'm sure you also fear that someday you'll come here and it will just be a blank white page too, like what happened with some of our old sites!!! :-( Yes, I do have your e-mail address, If anything scary like that ever sadly does happen!!! Thanks for posting it again!!! I know you have mine too!! Let's Hope for the BEST, My Friend!! That's all we can do!!!!

Thanks for posting This!! I seen it on the TV news. RIP Actress Margot Kidder
That's a Nice picture of her!! I also, loved the original Superman movies!!!! Those were The Best!!!! She sure was a Great Lois Lane!!! I was also, Sad when Christopher Reeve died too!! Yes, Hopefully they are having a friendly reunion now!!

It was Great hearing from you, Sadie!!! The weather in New York has been Crazy!!! LOL!! We had some Full Blown Summer days here too with temperatures even reaching 90 degrees!!! Yesterday it was only in the high 60's, and the day before that it was near 90!! It's supposed to warm up again here. LOL!! We are having a lot of rain, though!! I see you had temperatures even reaching 90 degrees too!!! I'm also, So Glad that long boring winter is finally over with!!! :-) Thanks!!! I Hope You have a Great Weekend Too, My Friend!!! :-) Hope we Catch Up SOON!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Sorry it took a little while to get back to you! Yes, you guessed right. I've been super busy lately! I've been getting my apartment ready for the upcoming inspection / extermination spray on Thursday and Friday, and all the cleaning has left me too tired to come online. But I'm back now! YAY!! I've missed you too! Thanks for thinking of me and even sending me an email! That video from the Late Night with Seth Meyers show cracked me up! Thanks for posting it! LOL!!!  

WOW!!!! I LOVE all the summer Beatles pictures you shared here!!! Especially the ones that have multiple images of them all in one! Very clever! My favorite is the one with four images of "The Fab Four" all in one! So cool!!! Thanks for posting them! And the more commonly used photo of The Beatles swimming from the LIFE magazine cover. That underwater animated GIF was cool too! I hope all goes well with your shrink appointment on Thursday!

Sadly I have two new classic celebrity deaths to mention...

RIP Actress Patricia Morison

(March 19, 1915 – May 20, 2018)

RIP Actor Clint Walker  

(May 30, 1927 – May 21, 2018) 

 Wow! He lived to be 90 and she lived to be 103! I remember her from some old movies and him from the "Cheyenne" TV show, which he starred in as the main character. 

Well I'm gonna go now. I've still got a bit more cleaning up to do. I might not be online again for a little while, since those people are coming over to inspect soon! You probably won't be online on the day of your shrink appointment anyway. Hope to catch up with you sometime over the weekend! Have a great summer too, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! Great to hear from you!! :-) Yes, I guessed Right! I see you've been super busy lately getting your apartment ready for the upcoming inspection and extermination spray on Thursday and Friday!! I can imagine doing all that cleaning in preparation for This has left you too tired to come online!! :-( I'm sure you'll be glad to get Tomorrow and Friday over with!! Best Wishes with it All!! I'm Glad that you're back now, my friend!! YAY!!! :-) Aw! I Really Missed You Too, My Friend!! That's why I sent you that email!! :-) And You're So Welcome for sending you that email!! I'm So Glad that video from the Late Night show with Seth Meyers cracked you up!!!! It cracked me up too, and I wanted to share it with you!! LOL!!! You're Welcome for posting it!! :-)

I'm So Glad you Loved all the Summer Beatles pictures I shared here!!! :-) So Glad you enjoyed the ones that have multiple images of them all in one!!! :-) That's my Favorite one too! The one with the four images of "The Fab Four" all in one!! So Glad you thought it was So COOL!! Thanks!!! "FOUR images of the Fab FOUR"! LOL!! ;-) I made those a while back, and I'm So Glad you Really Enjoyed them!! You're So Welcome for posting them!! :-) That one you posted was a Rare one!! That's why I posted the more commonly used photo of The Beatles swimming, from the LIFE magazine cover! I'm Glad you liked the underwater animated GIF!! :-) Thanks My Friend!! For hoping all goes well with my Shrink appointment Tomorrow!! I'm sure my appointment with him will!! Just am Hoping the traveling won't take too long, as usual!! That's always the worst part when I see him!

I see that Sadly you have two new classic celebrity deaths to mention!! :-( Thanks for posting them along with the Nice pictures of them too!! Actress Patricia Morison and Actor Clint Walker. They both lived to a ripe old age!! He lived to be 90 and she lived to be 103! WOW!! The only movie I remember Her from was "Dressed to Kill". But, I sure remember Him from the "Cheyenne" TV show, which he starred in as the main character!! RIP to Both Of Them!!

I see you Still have a bit more cleaning up to do! FUN! :-( We both won't be online again for a little while. Since we both will be busy Tomorrow, and you have the inspection and extermination spray on Both days. Best Wishes on Both Days with This, My Friend!!! Hope ALL Goes Well!!! I HOPE to catch up with you too, sometime over the weekend!!! Thanks again, for catching up!!! Thanks!! I Hope you have a Great Summer too, My Friend!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Yes I'm glad the three day Memorial Day weekend is finally here! I hope you have a good Memorial Day, my friend! I just realized the layout theme on the Beatles site will be perfect for Monday. And for the 4th of July which is coming up soon too. LOL! My apartment did the routine inspection/extermination spray along with some maintenance to our bathroom, which they're going to finish on May 29. Ugh! I plan on staying at the local public library all day next Tuesday while they continue their repairs. I don't like the idea of leaving my Beatles collection unattended at home but I have no choice! The repairs could take hours and I can't last that long without access to a bathroom! That sucks! Maybe I should try hiding my Beatles stuff in case any of the maintenance men are fans and might try snatching some of it while I'm away? LOL!!! Maybe I'm just being too paranoid like always! LMAO! I am ready for this whole month of May to finally be over. I hope the sites will still be around in June and July for our usual Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr birthday celebrations! I'm glad you saw the picture I shared on the Beatles site for Mother's Day. Hopefully you will find the time to catch up over there soon, especially with Mike Pell, who I also haven't had much time to catch up with his latest podcasts. I'm sure he understands! Even he seems busy lately, that's why he rarely goes on the Beatles site. But I was glad to see that he just posted about a new Memorial Day themed episode! Even if that site is pretty inactive nowadays, I still don't want it to disappear completely! At least not anytime soon! If anything does unfortunately happen, simply send me an e-mail and I will write you back with a link to the new site I will make if and when this one and the other one sadly go away. I remember some of those summer Beatles Photoshops you shared, but it's great to see them again! The two I commented on are absolutely amazing! Even you agree! :-)

It was 100 degrees today in my area! Summer is definitely here! It's perfect weather to take a walk outside while listening to "Good Day Sunshine" with headphones on! ;-)

I like the movie "Dressed To Kill" and the "Cheyenne" western show too! If only everyone could live up to that ripe old age! It's very sad when I mention deaths here from people who are only in their 60s. :-(

Thanks for the best wishes! I hope your shrink appointment went well? Lately I've been on a few long hot bus rides that were a real drag, so I know how you feel about the long rides to and from your appointments! I hope everything is going alright with you and your mother & I hope to hear from you soon! Have a great summer!!!! :-)

Hey Sadie! I'm Glad the three day Memorial Day weekend is finally here too! Mainly because the Memorial Day weekend means that the month of May will finally be over with soon! LOL!! Thanks!! I Hope you have a Good Memorial Day too, My Friend!! :-) Was doing laundry etc yesterday again. FUN! LOL! Yeah, the layout theme on the Beatles site Will be perfect for Monday, and for the 4th of July which is coming up soon too!! LOL!! That long lasting patriotic theme, on the Beatles site will finally be Perfect for Tomorrow and the 4th of July! LOL!! I see your apartment did the routine inspection and extermination spray along with some maintenance to your bathroom, as well. But, Sorry to hear they still have to finish that up on May 29! :-( I can understand why you're planning on staying at the local public library all day next Tuesday while they continue their repairs!! Those repairs might take many hours, and you can't last that long without access to a bathroom!!! SUCKS!! :-( But, that's a good idea!! I can understand that you don't like the idea of leaving your Beatles collection unattended at home, while they're working there!! But, you have no choice!! :-( That Sucks!! Maybe you SHOULD try hiding your Beatles stuff away!!! Just in case any of the maintenance men Are Fans, and might try snatching some of it while you're away!! Yeah, maybe you're just being too paranoid like always, about it? LMAO!!!! ;-) But, you never know? I think you Should, just to be on the safe side!!! If I had a Nice Beatles collection, I would try to hide away as much of it as I could, if I were in the same situation!! Maybe I'm just being too paranoid like always too! LOL!!!! But, then again, you never know?? I'm also, so ready for this whole month of May to finally be over with!!! I'm also Hoping the sites will still be around in June and July for our usual Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr birthday celebrations!!! Yeah, I thought that was a Great idea to post that picture you shared on the Beatles site for Mother's Day!! Great!! :-) I plan on catching up over at the Beatles site soon, when I can!! But, I would at least want to listen to that latest new Memorial Day themed episode, that Mike just posted there! I hate to just keep saying I haven't had the time to listen to his podcasts, when I comment on his post! I know you also haven't had much time to catch up with his latest podcasts. Yes, even Mike seems busy lately, that's why he rarely goes on the Beatles site! I was Glad to see he posted that new Memorial Day themed episode too!! I agree!! Even if that site is pretty inactive nowadays, I still don't want it to disappear completely!!! At Least, not anytime soon!!

Thanks for letting me know again, that just in case if the Sites Sadly go away! That I can just send you an email and you'll write me back with a link to the new site you will make!!! Thanks so Much for reassuring me about that, if anything does unfortunately happen!!! I Really Appreciate That, My Friend!!! Let's Hope the sites will remain for a good while yet!!! I'm Glad you remember some of those summer Beatles Photoshops I shared here!! :-) And I'm So Glad that it was great to see them again!!! :-) Yes, even I agree that those two you commented on are Really Good!!! :-) Thanks for saying "absolutely amazing"!!! :-)

WOW!!! It reached 100 degrees there in your area!!! Yes!! Summer is definitely There!! That IS perfect weather to take a walk outside while listening to "Good Day Sunshine" with headphones on!!! ;-)
"We take a walk, the sun is shining down,
Burns my feet as they touch the ground.
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine." :-)

Last night I watched part 3 and 4 of the Beatles Anthology! :-) Just had to watch it again!! :-)

It was almost 90 here the last two days. Today the weather dropped to the 60's and it's raining. And it's supposed to drop down to the low 50's in the evening. Strange!! Will only be in the mid 60's tomorrow then in the 70's after that. So, Summer Isn't really Here in my area yet! LOL!! But, soon, I imagine ;-)

I also, liked the movie "Dressed To Kill" and the "Cheyenne" western TV show too!! Yes, if only everyone could live up to that ripe old age!! I know it is Very Sad when you mention deaths here, from people who are only in their 60's!! :-(

You're So Welcome for the Best Wishes!!! Just am Sorry to hear about May 29!! What a Drag!!! :-( Hide that Beatles collection!! ;-) Thanks!! My Shrink visit went pretty good! And the traveling time was long! But, about the same amount of time as last month. Not too bad!! Still a very long day, though! I see that lately you've been on a few long hot bus rides that were a real drag!! :-( So, you know how I feel about the long rides to and from my appointments!!! Sorry you had to go through that too!!! SUCKS!! Thanks My Friend!!!! We are Hanging In There!! I Hope Everything is going Alright with You and your Parents too!!! HOPE to hear from you SOON!!! Thanks!! I Hope you have a Great Summer too, My Friend!!! :-) Thanks for catching up!!! Hope to hear from you SOON!!! :-)

Hey Sadie! Did you go to the local public library on Tuesday? I Hope they finished up with their repairs that day!! I bet it was a long day for you!! :-( Did you hide your Beatles stuff away, before they got there? LOL! I'm Sure you're Glad that all of that is finally over with!! I Hope to hear from you SOON, My Friend!! I Miss You!! I finally had a chance to listen to two of Mike Pell's podcasts! And went on our Beatles site. I made comments on Mike's posts, and on the Pictures you posted there. I posted a few pictures there too. After listening to Mike's Memorial Day podcast, I made a Memorial Day picture with That Show in mind. ;-) I used the same photo you posted for Memorial Day. Hope you don't mind!! And today I posted a few pictures for the Sgt. Pepper Album for June 2nd. Because I won't be online that day. I'll post them here too. WOW!! June 2, 1967 that album was released in the United States! Makes me feel Old!! LOL!!! ;-) Well, today is finally the last day of May!! I know you're Happy about that!! :-) Me too!! I posted two more Summer pictures Here and that Memorial Day picture I posted on our Beatles site Here too. I'm sure you'll remember the Sgt. Pepper Album pictures, I made them a few years ago!! But, wanted to post them again! ;-)

Last night I watched part 4 and 5 of the Beatles Anthology again! :-) I watched part 3 and 4 Sunday night! Always Enjoy watching them again!!! :-)

That's really something with that Roseanne Barr thing that happened!! :-( Not good at all, to say the least!! I only watched the NEW show once. I wasn't that fond of it. I used to Really Enjoy watching the Roseanne sitcom show that started in the 80's from 1988 to 1997. I still watch the show sometimes. Even though I seen them so many times, they still make me laugh!! I Hope the old shows will still be on TV!!! Will see?

I Hope You are doing Alright, My Friend!!! I Hope to hear from You SOON!!!! Have a FAB DAY!! A FAB Weekend!! And a FAB June!!! :-) Let me know how everything went on the 29th!! Hope to hear from You SOON, My Friend!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Thanks for missing me! I'm glad the household repairs are finally over, at least for now! I decided to just stay home and guard my Beatles collection instead of going to the library since they said it wouldn't take that long. I don't really trust leaving my stuff unattended, even if it's hidden and stashed away! LOL!!! I had to wait about 2 hours for them to finally finish fixing the bathroom sink but it was worth it. I enjoyed all of the pictures you shared both here and on the Beatles site! So cool!!! Celebrating Memorial Day, Summer time, and the Sgt. Pepper album anniversary! Pretty soon you can start posting Paul McCartney birthday celebration Photoshops too! Hopefully the sites will still be around by then, because I always look forward to the Paul & Ringo birthday celebrations every summer. :-) 

That's great you finally got a chance to catch up with Mike Pell and listen to his latest show. Of course I don't mind you using that same picture of The Beatles with an American flag! I don't own that photo or anything! LOL!!! The Beatles Abbey Road site itself uses that same picture for it's theme layout too, which sadly hasn't changed in over a year. Yes! Hard to believe that 1967 is so long ago! I wasn't a Beatles fan yet back then but have been for nearly 20 years now and that makes me feel old too! LOL! I need to watch the Anthology again sometime soon. It's been a while. I should watch the part that talks about the making of Sgt. Pepper. I watched that one many times, and I especially enjoyed the footage of the "A Day In The Life" recording session because Michael Nesmith was talking to John Lennon! I loved seeing Mike there! LOL!

I watched a few episodes of the new "Roseanne" show too. I thought it was alright but nowhere near as good as the original show which I also loved like you! I felt like they were trying too hard to make it a modern day update by putting politics, a transgender child, and an African-American girl in the cast this time. It was good to see all the old familiar faces again though! I was even planning on catching up on the rest of the new season soon when I had time, but then all this drama hit and I don't even feel like watching the old show anymore! I think it's unfair how the rest of the cast and crew are losing their jobs due to a stupid joke Roseanne said on Twitter. But I see why they cancelled her show. Her tweet really was in bad taste, to say the absolute least! This reminds me of when "Kramer" from Seinfeld went on a racist rant onstage and it ended his reputation and career in standup comedy. The same thing is happening to Roseanne Barr but she brought it all on herself! We should say RIP to her career on this Rest In Peace topic, since she's pretty much blacklisted from show business now. She already lost popularity by being a big Trump supporter. She should know better, and that you can't pull an Archie Bunker type joke nowadays! LOL!!!! I think the new show could continue without her character. I think they could still make it work by writing her off and making Dan the main character. Who knows? I just know that watching "Roseanne" will never be the same again and no, TV networks are not even airing re-runs of the old original show anymore! Sad!  

I am doing alright! Thanks for asking, my friend! I have a busy day ahead of me on Friday the first so I won't be online. Hope to catch up with you sometime over the weekend! Have a good month of June! Enjoy the Good Day Sunshine!!! :-)

Hey Sadie! You're Welcome for missing you! ;-) I'm sure you're Glad the household repairs are finally over with!! :-) I see you decided to stay home because they said it wouldn't take that long. And also, for the fact that you just don't trust leaving your Beatles collection and other treasured items unattended, even if it's hidden and stashed away!! LOL!! I see you waited about two hours for them to finally finish fixing the bathroom sink! But it sure was worth it!! That didn't take too long, at least!! Glad to hear it!! :-) Thanks!! I'm Glad you enjoyed all of the pictures I shared for Memorial Day, Summer time, and the Sgt. Pepper album, both here and on the Beatles site!!! :-) I do plan on posting some Paul McCartney birthday celebration Photoshops sometime soon!! :-) I also, always look forward to the Paul and Ringo birthday celebrations every summer!! :-) I'm Hoping the sites will still be here till at least the end of the summer!! And longer!!

Yeah, I'm Glad that I finally got a chance to catch up with Mike Pell and listen to his latest show!! :-) Thanks!! I'm Glad you didn't mind that I used that same picture of The Beatles with an American flag!! :-) Yeah, you don't own that photo!! LOL!!!! ;-) Yes, the Beatles Abbey Road site uses That same photo on the Top banner! :-) Really!! Which Sadly hasn't changed in over a year! :-( Yes, it is hard to believe that 1967 is so long ago!!! Makes me feel old!! LOL!! I know You weren't a Beatles Fan back then!! ;-) But, you have been for nearly 20 years now!! And I see that makes you feel old too!!! LOL!! Especially when there isn't anything on TV I like to watch the Beatles Anthology DVD's again from time to time! I see it's been a while since you watched the Anthology! Yeah, you should watch that part that talks about the making of Sgt. Pepper!! I watched that part the other night again! COOL!! I Love that part!! I also, watched that one many times!! I also, Love the footage of the "A Day In The Life" recording session!! I see you especially enjoy it because Michael Nesmith was talking to John Lennon!!! LOL!! :-) I also, like seeing Mike there!! So COOL!!! :-)

I see you also watched a few episodes of the new "Roseanne" show. I agree, it was alright. But, nowhere near as good as the original show which we both loved!! I also, think they were trying very hard to make it a modern day update by putting politics, a transgender child, and an African-American girl in the cast This Time!! The old shows were just about every day life in general. They sure went overboard with the modern day themes they used in the New Show!! Yes, it was Good to see all the old familiar faces again, though!! I see you were planning on catching up on the rest of the new season soon when you had time. I would have too. But then all this drama hit, and that ended it all!! I see you don't even feel like watching the old show anymore! I still would want to watch the old show anyway, because I really enjoy it!! But, reruns of Roseanne are being pulled from the networks!! :-( I also, think it's unfair how the rest of the cast and crew are losing their jobs due to a stupid joke Roseanne said on Twitter!!!! :-( Yes, I also see why they canceled her show, that tweet she made was Really in bad taste!! Yes, it also reminds me of when "Kramer" from Seinfeld went on that racist rant onstage, and it ended his reputation and career in standup comedy!! Yes, the very same thing is happening to Roseanne Barr!! But she sure brought it all on herself!! Yeah, since she's pretty much blacklisted from show business now, we Should say RIP to her career on this Rest In Peace topic!! She indeed already lost popularity by being a big Trump supporter!!! She Should have known better, and kept it to herself!!! Even though it was part of her character in the new show! Yes, you Can't pull an Archie Bunker type joke nowadays!! LOL!!!!! I also, think the new show could continue without her character! I wish they could still make it work by writing her off and making Dan the main character!!!

I found this online:
"There is some cautious optimism that Roseanne, cancelled by ABC on Monday, could continue without co-creator and star Roseanne Barr. I hear the show’s producers will be meeting with Disney-ABC executives on Monday to pitch a revamped Roseanne without the title star (and likely the original title too). Details about the concept that will be pitched are unclear but the show is expected to stay true to the praised first season of the revival — the series’ 11th overall — featuring the other cast members except Barr. There could be stronger emphasis on Sara Gilbert’s character Darlene, which can be expected since the revival was centered mainly on three characters, Roseanne (Barr), Dan (John Goodman) and their daughter Darlene (Gilbert) who moved back home with her kids.
As we previously reported, executive producers Tom Werner, who also executive produced the original series, and Gilbert, the main driving force behind the revival, are believed to be spearheading the efforts to continue the show and keep the writers, led by executive producer/showrunner Bruce Helford, and crew employed post-cancellation.
Overall, prospects for Roseanne 2.0 look a little brighter today than they did immediately after the show’s sudden cancellation. Still, sources close to the situation caution that there are major hurdles to overcome."

I would Rather they made Dan the main character!! It would make more sense!! But either Dan or Darlene would be fine with me!! Who Knows? I Hope they can work this out!!! But, you're right, watching "Roseanne" will never be the same again!!

I also read this:
"On Tuesday, ABC canceled Roseanne after Roseanne Barr tweeted a racist message about Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to President Obama. And now, it looks like it’ll be extremely difficult to even find reruns of the old series on television.
The Wrap reports that reruns of Roseanne are being pulled from Paramount Network, TV Land, CMT, and Laff. Hulu is also dropping episodes of the revival series from its streaming service."

Yes, I see that the TV networks are not even airing re-runs of the old original show anymore!!! So Sad!!! :-( I tried the channels that aired the old shows on my TV too!! They're Gone!!! :-(

You're Welcome for asking!! So Glad that you're doing Alright, My Friend!! :-) I see you had a busy day ahead of you on Friday! I was busy the past couple of days too. Friday I went and got a short haircut for the summer, and did some other things. Yesterday was Laundry FUN as usual!! Then had to get some food from the stores. I HOPE to hear from you Very SOON, My Friend!!!!! And Thanks!! Hope you have a Good Month of June Too!! Thanks for saying "Enjoy the Good Day Sunshine!!! :-)" Yesterday, was Sunny and Hot!! Today its raining and colder here. Tomorrow too. Tuesday, I'll enjoy the Good Day Sunshine!! :-) Have a FAB Day!! Hope to hear from you SOON, My Friend!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Turns out my whole week has been busy! But that's how the first week of the month always is for me, paying bills, etc. The household repairs are STILL not over. There's people coming over tomorrow to fix up a bit yet again! I'll be staying in my room with the door closed, keeping a close watch over my Beatles stuff! LOL!!! Yeah, I was recently flipping through channels and came across "TV Land". I remember the original Roseanne show was always playing on that channel but not anymore. I would still watch the new revival Roseanne show if Dan and/or Darlene became the main character(s). Have you heard of the new A&E special about David Cassidy? It's called "The Last Session" and it will be airing on A&E on Monday June 11 at 9 PM. I'm both excited and sad to watch it soon! Just the trailers for it already made me tear up! Let me know what you think of it, if you watch it too. It's hard to believe it's been 6 months without him already. :-(

I also used to watch The Beatles Anthology DVDs whenever I couldn't find anything too interesting to watch on TV! The Anthology series is something you can never get tired of no matter how many times you've seen it! I hope you're having a good month of June so far? Paul's birthday is just around the corner! YAY!!!

I sadly have some new deaths to report...

Robert Mandan, Actor best known from the television series "Soap" has died at age 86

Jerry Maren, the last surviving Munchkin from "The Wizard Of Oz" movie has passed away at age 98

Yet another original Mouseketeer...

(I heard about that Mouseketeer's passing on Facebook and that's also where I got the picture from)

and even 2 suicides, fashion designer Kate Spade and chef/author/TV personality Anthony Bourdain.

Very sad and shocking to hear about Anthony Bourdain. I always enjoyed his show about traveling!

Rest In Peace!

Beatlebob, I I Love that Beatles picture you shared here that says "Enjoy Your Summer". So cool!!! :-) 

I hope you enjoy your summer too! Hope to hear from you soon! Have a fab week! :-)

Hey Sadie! So Glad to hear from you!! I know what you mean about the First week of the month is always a busy one!! And I see the household repairs were STILL not over with! Sorry to hear it!! :-( I see when they came over to fix it up again, you planned to stay in your room with the door closed so you can keep a close watch over your Beatles stuff!! LOL!!! So, how did it go? I Hope they weren't there too long!! I see you were also flipping through channels and came across "TV Land". Yeah, I used to watch the original Roseanne show on "TV Land" too. They always played those Roseanne shows on that channel, but Not anymore!! :-( I also would still watch the new revival Roseanne show if Dan or Darlene became the main character(s)!! I'm Hoping they can work something out!! NO, I haven't heard about the new A&E special about David Cassidy!! I'm sorry I wasn't on the computer the past few days!! Otherwise I would have seen your message here and watched it last night!! :-( Hopefully they will air it again! I'm sure you were Both excited and sad to watch it!! I can imagine just watching the trailers for it already made you tear up!!! :-( Yes, it's hard to believe it's been 6 months without him already!! :-( I Know how hard it's been on You!! :-( Let me know what you thought of "The Last Session" special!! I'm interested to hear your thoughts about it!! I'm sure it had a lot of Sad parts, though!!

I see you also used to watch The Beatles Anthology DVD's whenever you couldn't find anything interesting to watch on TV too!! You're So Right!! The Anthology series is something you can never get tired of no matter how many times you've seen it!!! :-) Yes, Paul's birthday is just around the corner! YAY!!! :-) June 18!! I'll be posting some Photoshops of Paul Soon! :-) I'll post "One" here today. ;-)

Paul McCartney performing 2018 :-)

Thanks for hoping I'm having a good month of June so far!!! But not so good, so far!! :-( I had to see my Urologist for my three month visit and treatment on Thursday. And had some complications the morning after the treatment. Friday I called his office and he called in a prescription for it. He said to give it a week to see how I'm doing. Hopefully this will get Better!!! Otherwise I'll have to call his office to see him again about this!! I Hope you're having a good month of June so far, my friend!!!

I see you sadly have some new deaths to report! :-(

Robert Mandan, Actor best known from the television series "Soap" has died at age 86. Jerry Maren, the last surviving Munchkin from "The Wizard Of Oz" movie has passed away at age 98. And yet Yet another original Mouseketeer! :-( Thanks for posting the Pictures!! I see you heard about that Mouseketeer's passing on Facebook and that's also where you got the picture from. SAD!! :-( And Yes the 2 suicides, fashion designer Kate Spade and chef/author/TV personality Anthony Bourdain. I seen that on the news on TV. Yes, it was Very Sad and Shocking to hear about Anthony Bourdain!! :-( I too, always enjoyed his show about traveling!!!

Rest In Peace!!

Thanks Sadie!! I'm So Glad you loved that Beatles picture I shared here that says "Enjoy Your Summer"!! :-) Thanks for saying it was So Cool!!! :-)

Thanks Sadie!!! I Hope You Enjoy Your Summer Too, My Friend!!! :-) Hope to hear from you SOON!!!! Thanks!! Hope you have a FAB Week Too!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Yes, it's actually more like the first two weeks of every month that are very busy for me. But the first one is the most busy. I see it's the same way for you. I understand that's why you haven't been on here in a while. Welcome back! :-)

Sorry to hear you had some complications from your latest Urologist appointment. I hope you feel better soon and that the 3 months of treatment go by fast and without any further complications. Is this your first month or not? Sending you best wishes!

I was surprised to hear of Anthony Bourdain's suicide. He seemed like a happy person and had such a great job that paid well and enabled him to travel all over the world, meet people, eat, etc... but you never know when someone is struggling with depression! Very sad! I will miss his show! 

Yes these last 6 months have been very hard on me! CLICK HERE to watch the new David Cassidy special on A&E's official site. It works fine for me, you have to sign in with your particular cable provider to see it though. I watched it when it originally aired on TV and again on the website. The first time I saw it was the worst. It was so painful seeing him in such bad condition shortly before he passed away. Some scenes from that documentary were filmed just 2 months prior to his death. I cried alot watching it but feel a sense of closure now after seeing it for a second timeI am glad that it was ultimately made along with his last musical recordings, although both were released posthumously. He really wanted to finish that album and was actually working on contributing to that documentary but unfortunately passed away in the middle of making it. It's ironic, how the documentary which he participated in and was originally meant to show his recording session is now seen as a tribute to him. I think A&E did a great job putting together all the pictures, audio, and video footage. It was interesting to see some famous people talk about him too, like Danny Bonaduce and Alice Cooper. If that link doesn't work for you, hopefully A&E will show it again sometime soon and you'll have a chance to see it this time. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. It's sad, but I know you will also enjoy it. :-)

This month has been going by so fast! I can hardly believe that Paul's birthday is just around the corner! I LOVE all the pictures you posted here for June 18! So COOL!!!! I'll be stopping by The Beatles site later, in case you shared anything over there as well. I need to catch up with Mike Pell too. Well I've got to go now. It was great hearing from you again! Feel better soon, my friend!!! Have a fab week! :-)

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