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(I like that song by Harper's Bizarre! LOL!)

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Hey Sadie! I Figured you would answer the question I had about Trump's presidency, the way you did!! LMAO!!!!!!!! I feel Exactly the Same Way about this!! I STILL can't believe he got Elected!! It's like a Horrible Reality Show!! More like a Nightmare!!! Horrible and Very Scary!! YES, he should be worrying about building a wall to protect himself!!! LOL!!! I fear the worst is yet to come after Inauguration Day!! It's So Unreal!!!! :-( Yeah, even though those Pics for Candy O where somewhat old recycled ones, I thought she would like them! It does seem like she doesn't even look at this site anymore. Oh well. Thanks for wishing me good luck on that procedure I'll probably be having in January!! I Don't want it!! It's a Horrible Painful procedure with some Risks!! Much Worse than the last two procedures I had done! Will see what he has to say when I see him. Yeah, I'm Not seeing any improvement from the last procedure I had. So, I'm still feeling lousy! :-(

WHAT??? You're being Evicted?? And right around the holidays!!! I'm So Sorry to hear this!!! :-( No wonder you are feeling Lousy!!! YES!!! It's Really Cruel for the landlords to do this to you and your family, especially right around Christmastime!! They want you to move out immediately, simply because they want to do some remodeling!!!! In the Winter!!! DAMN!!! :-( WTF?? Yes, being old and religious, you would think they would be more Considerate!! Yes I agree, So Phony!! Since they are the Landlords, I guess you can't sue them or just stay there?? DAMN!!! :-(
RE: "So it looks like instead of chestnuts roasting on an open fire, I'll be moving heavy furniture out in the snow and cold weather soon. Bah humbug! :-("
Bah Humbug is Right!!! :-( How soon do you have to do this? And where are you moving to? It's Horrible that This is Happening to You!!! I Feel So Bad For You!!! :-( This is just Awful!!!! Please keep me posted about this!!

Thanks for the Good Christmas wishes my friend!! Hearing about This, I WISH I could Wish YOU the same!!! I'm So Sorry to hear about This!!!!!! :-( Try to Hang In There the Best You Can!!! I Wish You the Best with the Move!!!! Keep me posted when you can about the outcome!!! Yes, I too can't wait for this god awful year of 2016 to finally be over and done with!!!! I'm just wondering how bad it will be in 2017??? Let's Hope for the Better!!!
Best Wishes My Friend!!!!!! :-) Somehow I Hope You have a Good Christmas in spite of what's happening to you!!!!!

Hey Beatlebob! Aww, Thank You. I really appreciate the concern! :-)

Well they're already starting to work on their remodeling/repairing stuff tomorrow, while I'm still living there! So I've got to go hang out in the library or something for a few hours until they're done! Boo! But at least they seem to have calmed down somewhat. At first they were so ruthless, practically fighting and kicking us out, only giving us 2 weeks time to leave eventhough we already paid one month's rent! We've been living there for 8 years straight and never missed a single rent! Or gave them any other problems! As a matter of fact, this elderly couple has known my mother from church for like 30 years! So WTF. They wanted us out by Christmas, no matter what! How heartless! They also said they were evicting us simply because we had a bit "too much stuff" in our home. Have you ever seen the TV show "Hoarders"? Now THAT is too much stuff! Some people on that show even had dead animals, trash, etc... Eww! Our home is not like that at all! The only reason it's a bit overcrowded is because it's just a small place in general! My Beatles collection alone deserves it's own room! These people are crazy old country farm folk! LOL I'm hoping they will change their mind and let us stay now that we've cleaned things up a bit. But if not, I don't really care anymore! I'm not going to worry too much over it. At least I know I'll never be homeless. If all else fails, I'll stay at a hotel for a little while until I can find a good place to stay!! So don't worry about me! I actually do hope to somehow still have a good Christmas in spite of all that's been happening to me lately! :-)

To be honest, I'm not looking forward to the new year that much. I'm scared of what could happen after Inauguration Day too! I'm also afraid of what could happen with me and my residential problems! And your next possible procedure! You're right, it's all so unreal! But I'm going to just let whatever happens happen. There's not much I can do except pray! So let's just hang in there, and try to have a better day, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! You're So Welcome for my concern! :-) Sorry it took a while to get back to you!! But, I always Will get back to you!!

BOO!!! :-( That Stinks that you have to go somewhere for a few hours on the days while they are doing the remodeling/repairing stuff, until they're done!!! :-( Like the library or some place. :-( But, I'm Glad to hear that they at least calmed down somewhat!! It's Horrible that at first they were acting so Ruthless like that!! And only giving you 2 weeks time to leave, even though you already paid the rent for the month!!! :-( I see you've been living there for 8 straight years, and never missed a rent payment!! And you never gave them any other problems!! And also, this elderly couple has know your Mother from church for around 30 years! What Nerve they have!! WTF? Sure IS Heartless that they wanted you out by Christmas no matter what!! And they used a Lame excuse that they were evicting you because a bit Too Much Stuff in your home!! WTF? Yes, I've seen that show "Hoarders"! Really!! That IS Way Too Much Stuff those people have on that show!!!! And even dead animals and trash, etc!! YIKES!! I"m SURE your home is Nothing like that at all!!!! It's JUST a bit overcrowded there because it's a small place!! Your Beatles collection alone deserves it's own room, I can imagine! I remember seeing a few pics of your place and it looked so Nice, neat, and uncluttered!! YES, these people are CRAZY Old Farm Folks, set in their Stupid Ways!! LOL! Unfortunately for You, they are your Crazy landlords!! :-( Now that you cleaned things up a bit, I'm Hoping they will change their minds too!!!

re: "But if not, I don't really care anymore! I'm not going to worry too much over it. At least I know I'll never be homeless. If all else fails, I'll stay at a hotel for a little while until I can find a good place to stay!!"

That's the spirit my friend!!!! At least you Know you'll Never be homeless!! And Yes, if all else fails you'll stay at a hotel for a bit until you can find a good place to stay!!! I Do Hope they Will change their minds!!! But, if not you'll do what you have to do! Well, I do worry about you! But, I'm Glad to hear what you said you'll do if they don't change their minds!!! I Hope you still somehow have a good Christmas in spite of all that's been happening to you lately!!!! :-)

I Hear You My Friend!!! I'm also not looking forward to the new year!!! I'm Scared about what might happen after Inauguration Day with CRAZY Trump as our President!!! Very Scary!! I'm sure you're afraid of what could happen with you and your residential problems!!! :-( I would be scared if I were in that situation too!! But, as you said above you will find a way to find a new place to live!!! Thanks for your concern about my next possible procedure my friend!!! I Will have a good long talk with my doctor before I decide to go ahead with That procedure!! YES!!! It's ALL So Unreal!!! :-( You're Right!!! There's not much we can do about these things, except pray and hope for the best!! And just let whatever happens happen!! YES!! We have to just Hang In There, and try to have a better day, my friend!!!! :-)

Beatlebob! Thanks for all the new comments! You didn't have to comment on ALL of those Christmas pictures I posted. I'm too lazy to comment you back on every single one. LOL!! I agree though, some of them look like they were just taken yesterday. Glad you enjoyed them all! I've got so many problems going on right now. The place I stay in is old, so it has alot of things wrong with it. One of the main things they're always trying to fix is the water heater, which is always breaking down, even hours right after they fix it! I've been taking cold showers for nearly 2 months now! Besides that, we haven't had a working car in over a year now. So I've also been walking outside in the cold pretty much on a daily basis too! It's awful! And now I could still possibly be evicted soon, and have to worry about not being homeless. On top of all this, I've been sick lately with a sore throat and cold. My life sucks lately man!! I sometimes wouldn't mind if Trump started an apocalypse. It would be an easy end to all my problems! LOL! I got myself an Elvis calendar for Christmas! Have you ever been to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee? I would like to finally visit it someday, hopefully next year!! Lately Tennessee has been having so many Wildfires though. I guess we're not the only ones not having a good year! I'm going to start 2017 off with positive dreams! :-)

Hey Sadie! You're Welcome for all the comments! Well, I wanted to comment on all of them! I Enjoyed them! LOL!!! Don't worry about commenting back on every single one! ;-) Yes, some of them were in Great shape for old pictures, like they were just taken yesterday! :-) I Did Enjoy All of them!

I see you got so many problems going on right now!! :-( It's no wonder why the place you're staying at has so many things wrong with it, being that it's old!! :-( WOW!! That's Horrible that the water heater keeps breaking down, even hours after they thought they fixed it!! That's terrible that you've been taking Cold showers for nearly 2 months now!! :-( They should have just replaced the water heater with a new one, after trying to fix it so many times!! I think I remember you telling me that you didn't have a working car in a long time. And it's still not working in Over A Year Now!! That Sucks!! :-( It's not like you live in a big City like NYC. So you have to walk outside in the Cold weather pretty much on a daily basis!! I can imagine it's Awful!!! :-( It's no wonder you've been sick lately with a sore throat and a cold!!! So Sorry to hear it!! And on top of it all you have to worry about being possibly evicted soon, along with the possibility of being homeless!!!! :-(

Yes! You're life Sucks lately!!! :-( I'm So Sorry that you're going through all of this!! :-( I Sure Hope you Won't be evicted!!! But if it happens, I Hope you can at least find a hotel to stay at for a little while until you can find a good place to stay!!!

re: "I sometimes wouldn't mind if Trump started an apocalypse. It would be an easy end to all my problems! LOL!"

LOL!!!!! Yes, that would be an easy end to all of your problems. I sometimes think that way about my problems too!! And Trump is the man to do that! LOL!!! I Know you are overwhelmed now with all that's going on!!! But as you said earlier above, you know you'll never be homeless!!! It's just All of the Worry, with all that's been happening!!! You'll work it out!!! Just Hang In There My Friend!!! I Wish You The Best with all of this!!!!

Nice!! I see you got yourself an Elvis calendar for Christmas! Sounds Great! :-) No, I've never been to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. It would be Nice if you can finally visit it someday!! Who knows, maybe next year? :-) I know about Tennessee having so many Wildfires lately! Those poor people there! I feel for them! YES! We're certainly not the only ones not having a good year!! :-( I'm Glad to hear you're going to start 2017 off with positive dreams!!! Hopefully at least some of those dreams will come true!!! :-) HANG IN THERE!!! And I Hope you get rid of your sore throat and cold somehow soon!!!

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