Hey Sadie! Thanks!!! :-) I'm Glad You Did!! You're so Right about that!! Yes, Hopefully Miss Retro won't mind! LOL!! ;-)
Yes, I certainly know you've become such a big fan of Ricky!! That's why I asked about your Favorite songs. I was curious. Thanks for letting me know!! :-) WOW!! That includes listening to his entire catalog!!! I can imagine it's difficult for you to choose your favorite songs since you enjoy all of his music!! Cool!! Thanks for letting me know the ones you're especially fond of!! :-) And that's barely even scratching the surface for you!! LOL! ;-) Yeah, it's best to leave that list at only 5 songs, to prevent going overboard. LOL!!!!! :-)
I see you enjoyed all of his Albums but your Favorite is his 1964 one called "The Very Thought Of You". Yes, being 1964 it did come out during the height of Beatlemania!! Sounds like a Cool Album!! I see you like Several of his cover songs even more than his originals! Yes, could be that you're just bias, because you love him so much!!! LOL!! ;-) When I get some time I'll have to check out those songs you listed and "The Very Thought Of You" Album! :-)
Yes, I know you like him as an actor as well!! In both television and movies. But, you like him even more as a Musician! I also, think he's somewhat underrated as a musician! Which is sad! But, that's a Good Thing for You I see!!! LOL!! :-) Yes, unlike Elvis Presley fans who have to share the Enormous fanbase!!! ;-) Thanks for letting me know your thoughts on this!! And when I get a chance I'll listen to those songs you listed!! :-)
And Thanks again for Moving our Discussions over Here!!! A Very Good Idea!! :-) Have a FAB Day My Friend!!! Will catch up soon!! :-)
I asked you that because I wanted to use the songs in one of the Valentine's Day Pics I made for you! LOL! ;-) Plus, I also plan on checking those songs out on Youtube when I get a chance! I don't know if Mike Pell is a fan of Ricky or not? Yes, when I get a chance I'll listen to those songs you mentioned!! I see it took about a year to listen to Every Album. Now you know ALL of his songs very well!! COOL! Then he became your Favorite solo artist! :-) That IS Funny how you discovered him by searching for classic sitcoms and finding Ozzie & Harriet!! I Know you enjoy that show! So, you got into his music afterwards, because he performed on the show often. I enjoyed when he performed on Ozzie & Harriet too!! :-) He sounded very good!!
Yeah, it's too bad that Ricky didn't make more movies like Elvis did!! :-( But Yes, at least there's 435 episodes of his TV show!! WOW!! That will Sure keep me busy for a long while!!!! LOL!!!! ;-)
Have a FAB Day!! :-)
Sadie, I just now found Maybe I'm Amazed on SNL. I tried to embed it on BAR. But, it won't work! But the Link to it Works! Enjoy!
Here is the Link:
LOL!! Yeah that Kanye Profile Picture Would be a Great April Fools Joke!! LOL!! ;-) You're Welcome for the Link!!
When you click on the Link it takes a little while for the video to load. When it loads then click on the play arrow. Then 14 seconds or so of commercials. Then the Video Plays. I just tried it again and it worked for me. Give it a try again. You just have to be patient with it before it starts loading! Glad you got my emails!! I'm Glad you enjoyed reading Mike Pell's messages on Buddy Holly!! I'm So Glad that joke about Kanye as Ronald McDonald Cheered you Up!!! :-) Especially since you were having one of your sad days! :-( Yes, I know it's So Sad that we are uncertain of BeatleGirl's friendship with us!! :-( Especially For You, since you were Very Close Friends!! :-( I Miss Her Too!! And still wonder why she doesn't show up!? :-( You're So Welcome for the Giggle!! :-)
I just got the Link in the mail to Mike Pell's Podcast. I'll send it to you in your Yahoo mail! :-)
I Really Liked the Ricky Nelson Songs you mentioned!! I thought they were Great!!! :-)
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