Have any of you dreamers have dreams of the past lately?

Mine felt like an inner body real life experience. I was reliving someone else's thoughts and feelings in her memory.  I sat cross-legged on the carpeted floor, across from my love interest, in a dim light. I stared lovingly into his eyes, I was leaning in, I closed my eyes. {Always and Forever by Heatwave was playing}

Our lips gently touched, with a soft press,

My heart was pounding, and it felt so right. My body felt every nerve that she was feeling.

This girl was had her first real romantic kiss that night.

Minute details: I had a woolen plaid dark red or rusty brown skirt, a long sleeved cotton shirt with ridges, his eyes were light blue or green. My hair could have been golden brown or maybe blonde, and it was long and straight. I could have been around 16.   

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Sadie!  re: "LOL, my recent dreams are suitable for adults only! If I shared them, I could write an elaborate "50 Shades Of Grey" style book! Lmao! ;-)"

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;-)

From what you said about the ioffer "Let It Be", "being from a 35 MM and on Blu Ray it should look and sound great!" Hopefully it Would look and sound Great!! Yes, $25 isn't a bad price at all!! Amazon wanted $45 for the ones they're selling! I Wish I had a Blu Ray player!! :-( Well, someday. LOL!  

Really? You dressed up as a go-go dancer for Halloween before? ;-) Sorry you found out the hard way that those were not made for walkin'!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!

Have a FAB Weekend!! Will catch up on Sunday!! :-)

I have a bootleg DVD of Let It Be and it's kind of blurry. It's probably just a rip transfer from VHS. It's still better than nothing though! LOL

I think I'd rather just wait it out for an official Let It Be DVD, instead of any more bootlegs. Eventhough I bet the one from iOffer is better than the one I already have. :-)

I guess I could share some of my dreams on here. Lmao the first one is funny, but I felt very embarrassed in the dream. I was dancing too much and fell offstage. My skirt lifted up for a second to make matters worse! No one actually laughed but I was still humiliated! LOL then I decided I was done with that career! So the other dream was after I stopped working as a dancer, I became The Monkees secretary! Everyone envied me because of my new job! And in the dream I told Mike that I'm so glad I can sit down all day instead of dancing in cages. Then he said "Why don't you lay down and get even more comfy?" and I'll spare you the rest! LOL!!! He didn't really have a country accent in the dream though, so I'm hoping it really was Mike and I didn't mess around with some stranger! The green hat was covering his face LOL

Yes, that bootleg DVD you have is most likely just a rip transfer from VHS! Yeah, it's Still better than nothing!! LOL! I don't have Let It Be anymore. :-( At least you have a blurry copy! :-)

Yeah, even though the one from iOffer is probably better than the one you have. It would be worth it to just wait till the official Let It Be DVD comes out!! At least you'll be Certain it will be So Much Better!! I'm going to wait for the Official one to come out too! Hopefully by then I'll have a Blu-Ray player! LOL!  ;-)

Thanks for sharing those Two dreams with us!! Those were Suitable for here!! :-)

LMAO!!!!!!! I found them Both Funny!!!! ;-)

re: "I'm hoping it really was Mike and I didn't mess around with some stranger! The green hat was covering his face LOL"

LMAO!!!!!!!! ;-) Thanks for sharing those with us!!! :-)

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