Wow! I'm impressed at some of the people you are friends with and have met, BeatleNut!
I do agree that you're a good writer. As a matter of fact, I think that every time I read your Cornflakes blog.
I get that compliment often too, but also didn't feel like becoming a professional writer in this day and age either.
Unless it was something like VH1 Classic. In my opinion, the modern mainstream music industry is not worth writing about, to say the least! LOL. I did try writing (or should I say, typing!) a free non-profit book on Amazon Kindle once just for fun but never got around to finishing it. I've got tons of unfinished notepads and word documents all over my computer. Ahh!
I think that you should probably just stick to 2 page length reviews for now. Although you'd be making it somewhat brief, as long as you've got the gist there and feel like you've gotten the main point across that's what really matters. Just to be on the safe side, I also suggest you not include any pictures or even quotes, etc... unless they are "public domain" to avoid any copyright issues.
Beatlebob and I are very good at research! And BeatleGirl knows about advertising.
So hopefully they will have more tips and advice for you!
Good luck! :)
Regarding copyright: When in doubt, ask for permission.
My suggestion is to have a blogazine and use social media so you can link followers to each article.
Here is one site with hundreds of followers, and it's easy to see why! http://goretro.blogspot.com/
WOW!! BeatleNut9! This sounds Great!! :-) And I agree with Sadie, I'm impressed as well at some of the people you are friends with and have met!! It would be Cool if you could be an archivist at VH1 Classic!! I think the More Doable suggestion about starting an online music magazine and write maybe an article a month would be the Best route to go!!! I think you would be Fantastic at doing something such as this!! I was very impressed reading your Sitting On A Cornflake Blog!!
Like Sadie said starting out with two page length reviews for now would be a good idea. And take it from there. And consider both about emailed documents through email subscriptions, or doing a Blog. See what works out Easier and Best for You!
I wish I had some tips for you!! But, all I do is google things to try to find answers to some questions on topics. If one google phrase doesn't work I try a different one. Sometimes when reading something I found from the first google search and not finding the exact answer I'm looking for, I'll notice something the person said in that article that leads me to a different phase too use in a new google search. BeatleGirl has much more knowledge about copyright issues and advertising than I do. And I'm sure Sadie has some good ideas about researching things!! Take their advise HERE!
I Wish You The Best With This!!! Sounds Great!! :-D
According to these two things I read, it looks like I should lean more towards an online magazine rather than a blog. I'm still researching, though! These both are directed towards business people, so we shall see...
1) http://webmarketingtoday.com/articles/wilson-ezines-vs-blogs/
2) http://www.solo-e.com/articles/internet-marketing/blogs/ezine-vs-bl...
"Ain't" is definitely a word to me, Sadie. I agree!
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. -Mark Twain
A problem with sending out a word document is when the file doesn't open up for some people's computers. For example, .PDF or .DOC doesn't open for me unless I download a software reader for it. And I can't be bothered with that. Or, sometimes the file gets lost, and I'll be like, I'll look for it later. Then I forget about it.
With a website, people can bookmark it, share it with friends, you can quickly link it on Facebook, twitter, and other social media.
Also, people can comment! :-) Who doesn't like feedback from your readers? It can spark up discussions.
Sadie I would deffo :P read your blog! Hahaha, words never started out as "real" words. Someone had to invent them! Willy Shavesbeared had to. Like Swagger.
He made up "green-eyed" too. We make up words all the time too! Like Beatlesexual or Beatletastic, Beatleful. There was even one time someone made up "Beatletime", and it would be Beatletime O'Clock.
I have been so weird lately with my sleep schedule, my Beatlesomnia stopped!
Yeah…& one of those sources said that the newsletter/magazine is better than a blog because blogs aren't as thought-out & written with care…but my blog is! LOL
I also do feel like emailing is a bit more old-fashioned. Do you know how many people I know that don't ever check their email anymore? Hmm. (I still check my emails, though, by the way! It's just not as common anymore.) I suppose I could do both, though, worst case! :D
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