Paul posted this on his official Facebook page today with the caption: "Happy Daddy’s Day with love from me and Jimmy Mac x "

Comment by 60s Fan on June 18, 2017 at 10:21am

He calls his father "Jimmy Mack"? Like the Martha & The Vandellas song? LOL! Weird how Paul didn't mention anything on his official site about his birthday today, just Father's Day! Still, it's an interesting picture and a new one for me. There's not too many pictures of Paul's dad around! Happy June 18th, everyone! :-)

Comment by BeatleBob on June 18, 2017 at 12:40pm

WOW!!! What a Great Picture of Paul and his Father!!!

Here is what I found about "Jimmy Mack" - Jim Mac's Jazz Band - "Jimmy Mac":
It was towards the end of the First World War that Jim started a swing band with his brother Jack on trombone to play at local functions. They called themselves the Masked Melody Makers and had a gimmick of wearing black harlequin masks. At one engagement the high temperature made the black dye trickle slowly down their faces, so they abandoned the masks and the name. "They became Jim Mac's Jazz Band" and wore dinner jackets with paper shirtfronts and cuffs. They were playing at dances, socials and occasionally in cinemas, and provided music at one cinema for the silent movie The Queen Of Sheba.
Tunes that Jim selected to play for the movie included 'Thanks For The Buggy Ride', played during the chariot scene and 'Horsey Keep Your Tail Up' for the Queen's deathbed sequence.
The band's repertoire included 'Birth Of The Blues', 'Some Of These Days', 'Chicago', 'Stairway To Paradise' and Jim's own composition 'Walking In The Park With Eloise'.
In addition to being pianist, Jim also began to play trumpet, but when his teeth gave out, he just performed on piano. Paul said, My Dad was a pianist by ear and then a trumpeter until his teeth gave out. He was a good pianist, you know, but he would never teach me, because he felt that you should learn properly. It was a bit of a drag, because a lot of people have said that I do chords a lot like he used to do. I'm sure I picked it up over the years.'
At another time he commented, 'Dad used to play the cornet a lot, just for fun, at home. This was my earliest musical influence at, say, the age of five. This and the radio, listening to Luxembourg under the bedclothes, the Top Twenty Show on a Sunday night.' Early in the Beatles' career, Paul was to say, 'Dad always encouraged me to take up music. He likes our sound, I think - but sometimes says we're away from home a bit too much. He put up with my practice sessions for years which shows he's a brave man.' On 6 July 1964, following the premiere of A Hard Day's Night in London, it was the eve of Jim's birthday. While they attended the after-show party at the Dorchester Hotel, Jim was introduced to Princess Margaret. At midnight Paul said, 'Happy Birthday, Dad' and handed him a painting of a horse.
'Thank you, son, very nice,' Jim said, thinking, 'It's very nice, but couldn't he have done better than that,' when Paul revealed that the painting was of a £1,050 racehorse called Drake's Drum which he'd bought as his father's present.
Jim was delighted, 'You silly bugger,' he said.

Comment by BeatleBob on June 18, 2017 at 12:41pm

Yeah, Like the Martha & The Vandellas song - "Jimmy Mack".  LOL!  ;-)

Yes, it is Weird that Paul didn't mention anything on his official site about His birthday today, just Father's Day! Maybe later today or tomorrow there Might be something about how he Celebrated his Birthday?? Yes, it IS an interesting picture and a new one for me too!! Great Picture!! I know there isn't too many pictures of Paul's Dad around. And a few of them are poor quality pictures. I found one that's not that bad. But, I Like the one You posted Better!!! And a New One for me!! Thanks Sadie!!  :-) Happy June 18th!!! :-)

Comment by BeatleBob on June 18, 2017 at 12:43pm

Comment by 60s Fan on June 18, 2017 at 1:19pm

Hey Beatlebob! WOW! I've never seen that black and white picture of Paul with his dad before. Thank you so much for posting it!!! I'm glad you enjoyed that color one I posted. But actually Paul himself or his management was the one who posted it today in the first place. Not me. LOL! I never knew all that stuff about Paul's dad either!! All I knew was he was a musician once too. I heard Paul say that before. Thanks for posting all that information. It was very interesting and I really enjoyed it, especially that story about young Paul taking him to a party to meet royalty and giving him a painting and horse. I just did a bit more research online and found out he died in 1976. Isn't Paul's real first name "James" too, after his father? Paul also has a son named James, who carries on the family tradition of musicians. BeatleNut9 has met him. Cool!! And thanks for sharing that song. I like how that record in the video is PINK!!! I wonder if it's just a coincidence or did Martha & The Vandellas really name that song "Jimmy Mack" after Paul's father? LOL!!!! Have a good week, my friend! :-)

Comment by BeatleBob on June 19, 2017 at 12:36pm

Hey Sadie! This is the first time I've seen this black and white picture of Paul and his Dad too! You're Welcome for posting it!! I Loved that Color one you posted!! Yes, I know you got that picture from his official Facebook page! LOL! I searched around to try to find out why Paul called his Dad "Jimmy Mack", and I found that information. :-) I also, knew his Dad was a musician once too. I found that information very interesting and I really enjoyed it too!!! After I read the information about Jim Mac's Jazz Band - "Jimmy Mac", I read the other information further down about Paul and his Dad, So, I figured I would include that too! You're So Welcome for posting all that information!! :-) I figured you would Enjoy it!! I also, enjoyed that story about young Paul taking him to a party to meet royalty and giving him a painting and horse!! And it was the eve of His Father's Birthday. ;-) Yeah, I read that Paul's Father died on March 18, 1976. I Think this is the Link where I found the information?

Yeah, Paul's name is James Paul McCartney. Yes, and Paul's son is named James too who carries on the family tradition of musicians. I think that's COOL! WOW!! BeatleNut9 met Paul's Son? That is COOL!!! You're Welcome for sharing that song!! Since you mentioned it I figured I would post it here too. ;-) Yeah, it is Cool how that record in the video is PINK!! :-) Yes, Martha & The Vandellas really DID name that song "Jimmy Mack" after Paul's father! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-) I found this about the Song:
Story of the song - Jimmy Mack, Martha & the Vandellas (1967):
"Jimmy Mack" is credited to Motown's writing/production team of Lamont Dozier and the brothers Brian and Eddie Holland, it was Dozier who came up with the original idea. At a music industry awards dinner in 1964, Dozier saw the mother of the songwriter Ronnie Mack accept an award for her son, who had recently died, for his composition "He's So Fine", a No 1 for the Chiffons. Under pressure to come up with a hit for Reeves and the Vandellas, Dozier and the team wrote "Jimmy Mack", in part a tribute to Mack the writer.  :-) So, it was in part as a Tribute to Mack the writer.
Thanks Sadie!!! Hope You have a Good Week Too, My Friend!!!  :-)


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