Yes, a "General Discussion" area already exists on this site...

But even that got a bit too crowded! 

So behold, yet another space to talk!

( I hope nobody minds this and understands my reason for doing so. I just find it somewhat complicated and confusing to continue bits of conversation in the comment section of several different pictures! Do you know what I mean? Hopefully this will make things easier for everyone, as it does for me!)

Enjoy!!! :-)

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Beatlebob, that is great news you now have a Tumblr page and are getting lots of followers over there already!

Yes, I bet if I just change my Tumblr layout, the "Ask" button will re-appear again.

But I guess it's not that big of a deal, since we can still talk here. I'm too lazy anyway! LOL!

I really appreciate you looking at my Tumblr page,

and clicking the heart shaped favorite button on some of the pictures I post! Thanks alot! :-)

That's also nice how you talk to Nowhere Man from our Beatles site even more now!

Happy Easter to you too!!!! :-)

Hey Sadie!  Happy Easter! :-)
Thanks!! :-)

re: "But I guess it's not that big of a deal, since we can still talk here. I'm too lazy anyway! LOL!"

LOL!! ;-) Yeah, if you don't feel the need to change your Tumblr layout not a big deal. We can Still talk Here!!  :-)

I Enjoy looking at your Tumblr page and clicking on the heart shaped favorite button on the Pictures and Songs that I Really Like!! :-) No need to thank me for that!! Thanks for posting the Page!! I'm Glad you like my page too!! :-)

Yeah, it's nice that I talk to Nowhere Man from BAR even more now. He's a Real Nice Guy! I had no idea he had a Tumblr page. I'm glad he let me know! :-)

Thanks My Friend!! Hope you are having a Happy Easter!  :-) Hope to catch up soon!! :-)

Nowhere Man is into Photoshop, just like you! I thought that picture he made of The Beatles with blue water was so cool!

Oops, I forgot to put that Kanye picture you made as my profile picture on April Fool's Day a few days ago. LOL! I don't think it would've been able to fool anyone though! Me suddenly becoming a Kanye West fan overnight? That's just too outrageous! Lmao! :-D

You made some beautiful Beatles Easter and Spring graphics! Looking at them today reminded me about that collage of lyrics I was planning on doing. You know, lots of song titles with a picture? You did that for George Harrison's birthday graphics. I remember you said you were looking forward to seeing mine. Well I'll be sure to post them here as soon as I'm done! Have a great day! :-)

Sadie, I see you changed your Tumblr Theme! NICE!! :-) I still Didn't see an ASK button. But, I tried that Envelope thing that was like a Note Pad. I left you a message on that. I don't know IF you received it or not? The envelope thing I have on my "Dashboard" is called Fan Mail? I don't even know what that is? LOL! And I think you have to join that thing to use it? And I chose not to. Because who knows who could read messages on that? Like I said, I hardly know Anything about using Tumblr features! Oh well.

Yeah, Nowhere Man is Certainly into Photoshop. He's Very Good at it, a lot better than me!! As far as I'm concerned he is an Artist! I just dabble. LOL! I also, thought that picture he made of The Beatles with blue water was GREAT!!

re: "Oops, I forgot to put that Kanye picture you made as my profile picture on April Fool's Day a few days ago. LOL! I don't think it would've been able to fool anyone though! Me suddenly becoming a Kanye West fan overnight? That's just too outrageous! Lmao! :-D"

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that Would Be just Too Outrageous! LOL!!! ;-D

Thanks My Friend!! I'm So Glad you enjoyed the Beatles Easter and Spring graphics!!! :-) Actually the Spring ones I made last year. And the Easter ones, I made a few years ago. But, I couldn't do anything Better than those!! That's why I posted them Again!  ;-)

Yes, I remember you said you were planning on making a collage of lyrics or lots of song titles like the ones I made for George Harrison's Birthday! And I DO Look forward to seeing the ones You make!! :-) GREAT!!! I'm Glad you'll post them here as soon as you're done with them!! I Look Forward to seeing them!! Thanks!! :-) And Thanks, You have a Great Day and a Great Week My Friend!! :-)

Beatlebob, I just sent you a private message on here. It's about Photoshop. Thanks for the help with Tumblr. I never even noticed that "ask" envelope before until you mentioned it. That site has changed quite a bit since I last participated in it, years ago. I'm glad you finally found a way to communicate with me on there because I don't want to change my layout again. Thanks for the sweet message over there! Have a good day and week too!! :-)

Hi Sadie, I got the message and just now responded back. Thanks!!!  :-) You're So Welcome for the help with that Tumblr ASK Envelope!! :-) I could Imagine Tumblr changed quite a bit since you last participated in it, years ago!! I'm Also Glad I Finally found a way to communicate with you on there!! :-) I Certainly Wouldn't want you to Change your layout again because of that!! We could have just communicated Here about our Tumblr's if I didn't find that ASK Envelope! :-) Could You Please send me a message about Anything from your ASK Envelope, so I can see That I can receive messages Back Alright? No Rush, whenever you have the time! I'd Appreciate it!! :-) Your Welcome for the sweet message over there!! I Meant It!!  :-) And You Did a Fantastic Photoshop job with the Ricky with the Bunny creation!!! :-) Thanks!! You have a Good Day and a Good Week Too My Friend!!  :-) Will catch up soon!! :-)

Hey Sadie!! April 27, 2015. I got your message and sent you a New message back Today!! Have a FAB Day My Friend!!! :-) And a FAB Week Too!! Will catch up soon!! :-)

BTW... Mike Pell's ROCKOLLECTIONS: WHISTLING PT.5 has some Beatles and Stones songs in this one. ;-)

Have a Great Week!!  :-)

Thanks Beatlebob! I've listened to almost all of Mike Pell's podcasts, including his latest "whistling" themed series!

I even downloaded the Podomatic app to my phone too! Guess what? Now I have my own podcast series too! Enjoy Episode 1!!!! :-)


You're Welcome!! That's COOL that you listened to almost all of Mike Pell's podcasts, including his latest "whistling" themed series!!! I did too!! :-)

It's So COOL that you downloaded the Podomatic app to your phone!! I see you have Your Own podcast series now too!!!!! So COOL!!! Thanks for the Link!!! I listened to it and wrote you a private message about it!!! GREAT!!! And I Really Like the Photoshop Picture you made for your First Episode!!! :-)

You have a New private message today my friend!!! Have a FAB Day!! Will catch up soon!! :-)

Thanks Beatlebob!!! :-)

I really appreciate your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the first episode of my new podcast series called "Hep Cats Flashback"! 

Here is the full list of every song featured (in the order I played them), if you're interested...

"Navy Blue" and "Kiss Me Sailor" by Diane Renay

"Is It Because?" by The Honeycombs

1962 "Those Who Think Young" Pepsi Commercial by Joannie Sommers

"The Cycle Set" by The Hondells

"I Want You" by Jeannie & The Big Guys

"Concrete And Clay" by Unit 4 + 2

"Teenage Cleopatra" by Tracey Dey

"Just A Room" by The Turtles

"Your Nose Is Gonna Grow" by Johnny Crawford

"The Cheerleader" by Paul Petersen

"Summer Of Last Year" and "Summer Evening" by The Pyramid

"Mean Old World" and "I Paid For Loving You" by Rick Nelson

When you said you didn't really recognize or remember all of those songs, I actually considered that a compliment! Why? Because that's exactly what my goal is! To dig deeper into the jukebox, and play some rarely heard forgotten Oldies that people will discover!

You said that was the most interesting thing about my podcast! Aww, thanks! I agree!

And I'm glad you liked the description and picture I did for it too! That means alot! :-)

Yes, I am somewhat of a "Musicologist"! I know alot!

You discovered "Dear Ricky" by Vicky and "Ringo" by Cher from me recently!

Even I discovered some more forgotten Oldies from Mike Pell's podcasts too!

About those small problems you mentioned... The slightly muffled sound when I talk is because I recorded it on a smartphone indeed!

At least it masks my little girl voice somewhat. I also noticed dogs barking in the background sometimes.

I couldn't figure out how to get rid of that either! LOL!!!!

And as for some of the songs ending abruptly, that was actually intentional. I chopped down the duration of some tunes a bit, because I wanted my podcast to fit approximately into the 30 minute time frame I had in mind. But I won't do that anymore, because songs really do sound best when heard in entirety! I'd never do that to a Beatles song though! That would be blasphemy!

The only time the "song chopping" technique (other than during the intro and outro that introduces and signs me off) sounds good is when it happens at about 5:50, and that's because I was trying to make a retro sounding commercial.

I thought that would add a nice touch to my podcast and was very pleased with the way that part turned out!
You probably also noticed how in the beginning,

Lurch from "The Addams Family" and Maynard from "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis" say "You rang?"

I added that for a laugh! LMAO!!!

Stay tuned for more podcasts coming soon! ;-)

You're Welcome Sadie!! :-) I was Glad to give you some feedback and I Surely Enjoyed the First episode of your New Podcast!! Thanks for posting the list of songs here!! I did remember "Just A Room" by The Turtles", "The Cheerleader" by Paul Petersen, and "Mean Old World" and "I Paid For Loving You" by Rick Nelson!!! But the other one's I didn't remember.

I'm Glad you considered that a compliment!!! For the very reason what you said here!!! Yes, I Agree!! That's the most interesting thing about your podcast!! :-) I Surely Liked the description and picture you did for it too!!! Great Job!! :-) I see you know a lot!!! That's why I said you were like a "Musicologist"!!

Yes, you helped me discover "Dear Ricky" by Vicky and "Ringo" by Cher from you recently!! Never knew that existed!! :-) I'm Glad you discovered some more forgotten Oldies from Mike Pell's podcasts too!! That's Great!! Thanks for clearing that up for me, I thought that was the reason why your voice sounded a bit muffled! LOL!! "At least it masks my little girl voice somewhat." ;-) Really? I didn't notice dogs barking in the background sometimes? LOL!!! Well, as you get to know Podomatic more I'm sure you'll figure out how to get rid of any unwanted background noises!! ;-)

Oh, I see that was intentional why some of the songs ended abruptly! Yes, I agree that songs really do sound best when heard in entirety!!!

re: "I'd never do that to a Beatles song though! That would be blasphemy!"
LOL!!! I Agree!!! ;-)

I Enjoyed those parts that you did making it sound like a Retro sounding commercial!! :-) I thought that turned out Great Too!! :-) And Yes, I Did notice Lurch from "The Addams Family" and Maynard from "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gillis" say "You rang? LMAO!!! That was GREAT!!! You did a Very Good Job!! And I Really Enjoyed it!!! I look forward to your next podcast!!! :-)

I Hope Candy O will hear your podcast too!! I'm Sure she will enjoy them!!! :-)

Have a FAB Day!! I won't be online Tomorrow. Have to go out and take care of some things!! Will catch up again on Friday!! And You have a new message today, Sadie!  :-)

I love that Turtles song! I don't really hear it on the radio often. Just "Happy Together", etc...

and that Cheerleader song is funny and cute! I Love Paul Petersen!! ;-)

I watched the whole Donna Reed Show Season 4 this week just to see him! LOL!!!!

Good! I'm glad you didn't notice the dogs barking! But if you do try listening real closely, you will hear it while I talk sometimes! Like at 13:44 for instance. LOL!!! But since that was my first podcast, any imperfections are not that big of a deal! Thanks for letting me know what I need to work on improving though! I agree. No more song chopping! I'll just have to pick out 30 minutes worth of music from now on. Eventhough I spun quite a few songs, I wanted to play even more! But my 30 minutes were already up. At least that saves me some more songs for my next show though! :-)

See you back on Friday, Beatlebob!!! :-)

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