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Since I dislike August so much, and I wish July was longer,

then today, I deem it July 33rd... 2012 :] or "1962". Haha.

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Sadie, did you make this? So Cool!! :-)

Sadie, Cool Picture of your CD's! I bet you have a lot of songs on them! I see the Ricky one!  ;-)
I see you use Verbatim CD-R's. I use Verbatim too. They are a Very Good Brand!

Candy O, I LOVE this Pic!! :-)

Candy O, This is a Great Pic of your Turtle! :-)

How is she coming along? I Sure Hope she's mending Alright!! BEST WISHES!!

Thanks, BeatleBob!

My turtle is acting fine like her usual active self! :) I am glad about that. I received advice from a few internet pals saying I should take her to the vet, but since I cannot afford that and I'm afraid to go out let alone go with my turtle outside, I am just going to order antibiotics and administer it to her so I can hopefully cure her myself! I am like a self-trained herpetologist now! :D

You're Welcome, Candy O!!

Thanks for letting me know!! I'm So Glad to hear she's acting fine like her usual active self!!! :-) GREAT!!! :-) I can imagine you're so Glad about that!!  :-) Yes, I was reading on that Turtle forum too that a lot of people say to take your turtle to the Vet if they get injured! I can understand that you can't afford to take her to the Vet!! :-( I can't afford to take my cat to a Vet either, and tend to her ongoing illness at home by myself. For a few years now I've been giving her medications with a syringe everyday. I can also understand that you're afraid to go out and leave your turtle alone at home! Let alone bringing your turtle outside with you!!

Or, am I Misunderstanding what you said?? "You're afraid to go out let alone go with your turtle outside". Is this part of your Illness? If so, I'm So Sorry to hear that!!  :-(( But, I can understand That too!! Because I have similar problems with going out to places because of my illness! I can relate!! :-(

Either way, you can't afford going to the Vet and it would be a Problem going out let alone bringing your turtle with you!!  :-(  I see you're going to order antibiotics and administer it to her so you can hopefully cure her yourself! I Wish you the Best with doing this!! I'm sure this is best for you under the circumstances!! Best Wishes My Friend!! YES, you're like a self-trained herpetologist now! :-)
I had to look that up. LOL! "A herpetologist is someone who specializes in the study of reptiles and amphibians."  ;-) Thanks for letting me know! I Wish you the Best with curing her yourself!!!  :-)

Thanks for posting the Cute Pic of your Turtle!! She's So Cute and So Colorful!! :-) And Love that Profile Pic of yourself! LOL!! GREAT!! :-) I like your instagram name too!! :-) Is "64" because you would love to be back in 1964, also of it being the year the Beatles hit the USA? I would imagine so!  :-)

BEST WISHES!!! Have a Great Day My Friend!!  :-)

Hey Beatlebob! No, I didn't make that painting (my father did) It's based on a picture of me when I was about 8 years old, and inspired by the Mona Lisa! LOL! Glad you like it!

I did create those CD-R's however! I don't have any working MP3 players anymore so I just use the good old portable CD player! LOL! I added some groovy stickers to it that Ann gave me!

I use any brand of CD-R's but Verbatim is my new favorite because they have some that look like little '45 vinyl records! Isn't that cool?! And yes, I've made tons of CD-R's with lots of songs, I always try to fill up the whole 80 minutes! LOL! The last one I created was the Ricky Mix one!

I agree that's a nice picture of Ann. And I'm so glad the turtle appears to be feeling better now!

I think it's cool how it has red ears! LOL! :-)

Hey Sadie!  :-) WOW! Your Father did a Great job with that painting!! I Think it Great! :-)

Sorry you don't have a working MP3 player anymore! It's good you still have the good old portable CD player! LOL! Hope it's in good working order!! :-) I see you added those groovy stickers to it! :-) It's Nice that Ann gave those to you! :-)

WOW!! I didn't know Verbatim made CD-R's that look like little '45 vinyl records! That's Really COOL!!  :-) I've been using Verbatim CD-R's and DVD's for years because they are very good and you rarely get a bad one out of the bunch. I used to buy them on a spindle in bulk. It's Cool that you made Tons of them with a lot of songs, and always try to fill up the whole 80 minutes!!!! LOL!  :-) Do you have 80 minutes of Ricky songs on that last you made?  :-)

Yeah, isn't that a Great Picture of Ann!! I'm So Glad too that her turtle appears to be feeling better now!! :-) Yes, doesn't her turtle have such Pretty Colors!! :-)

Ann, Can you straighten me out on what you meant by this? "and I'm afraid to go out let alone go with my turtle outside"

I Feel like an Idiot if I replied to that Wrong!!

I Wish you the Best with curing her yourself!! Please keep us posted on how she's doing!!

Aww, don't feel like an idiot, Beatlebob! That wasn't a silly question at all! I think BeatleGirl meant that she lives in New York and it's not exactly a safe place to go out alone in (you should understand!)

I've never made a DVD-R. I don't know how! LOL, that makes ME feel like an idiot! I've been burning CDs for years though. BeatleGirl said she dosen't know how to make a CD-R so that made me feel better. LOL! Yes, that Ricky CD-R in that picture has 80 minutes! I could listen to him all day!!! :-D

Best wishes to the turtle indeed! :-)

Thanks Sadie!! You made me feel better about that! :-)

re: "I think BeatleGirl meant that she lives in New York and it's not exactly a safe place to go out alone in (you should understand!)"

You're probably right about that!! Thanks!! :-)

I used to make DVD-R's on my Mac computer using Roxio Toast software. I had an external DVD Burner for my Mac. In Windows PC's I found a couple of Links for burning DVD's and CD's, using Windows Explorer.

Of course you have to have a DVD Burner in your computer, or an external one.  Not just a CD / CD-RW and DVD Player.  ;-)

Windows Explorer is in Start > All Programs > Accessories.



It shouldn't make you feel like a real idiot for not knowing how to make a DVD-R!! LOL! Just do some research, then you'll know how! ;-)

re: "BeatleGirl said she doesn't know how to make a CD-R so that made me feel better. LOL!"

LOL! Well, I'm sure you told BeatleGirl how to make them. And she could also, check out the links above. I'm Sure there are other ways of doing it too. Just takes some research. There are free software programs out there for burning DVD's etc too.  ;-)

I thought you filled that CD-R with 80 minutes of Ricky Songs!!  ;-)

YES! Best wishes to the turtle indeed! :-) Keep us posted about your Turtle BeatleGirl!!  

Anyone know who this is? xD

Nope LOL 

Hi Candy O!!!  :-)

No?? Who is this???? LOL!

Well, Summer is Here  ;-)

Love Summery songs such as those! :D Thanks for posting. I like watching the videos along with the songs!

Here is a picture of Alyssabeth. Can you make it into a movie poster, BeatleBob and title it "The Death of Flower Power"?

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