Candy O!! I LOVE This!!! "RockinAroundAnnaAndHerReindeers" GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! :-) And You did a FAB Job Photoshopping your Picture on this too!!! So Awesome!!! :-) Thanks So Much for sharing this with us!!! :-)
Aww that's cute Ann! We're both getting better at Photoshop! Beatlebob is still king though! Lol!
If my mother wasn't home I'd do a cover of that song too! LOL I've been told my voice is similar to Brenda Lee before. I love that song, it's always been my favorite Christmas song! I'll take a picture with a real wreath instead! LOL
You Both Sure Are Getting BETTER at Photoshop!!!!! :-) Awesome Work!!! :-)
re: "Beatlebob is still king though! Lol!"
LOL!!!! ;-) I'm not too sure about that anymore!! :-)
re: If my mother wasn't home I'd do a cover of that song too! LOL I've been told my voice is similar to Brenda Lee before. I love that song, it's always been my favorite Christmas song! I'll take a picture with a real wreath instead! LOL"
LOL! ;-) I'd Love to hear and see that too, Sadie!!! :-)
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