Over here, we can talk about my favorite 70s/80s new wave band, The Cars! :)

The Cars are an American rock band that emerged from the new wave scene in the late 1970s. The band originated in Boston, Massachusetts, with lead singer and rhythm guitarist Ric Ocasek, lead singer and bassist Benjamin Orr, guitarist Elliot Easton, keyboardist Greg Hawkes, and drummer David Robinson. -Wikipedia

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LOL Sadie! Remember when we said it sounded like a Spanish hip hop song with handclaps?!!!

Sadie Nelson said:

That totally sounds like an outfit he would wear! Those are all great Cars songs  Beatlebob mentioned! My favorite is I'm Not The One LOL BeatleGirl/Candy O got me addicted to it!

You're So Welcome My Friend!! I'm Glad you enjoyed them!! :-D

re:"LOL Sadie! Remember when we said it sounded like a Spanish hip hop song with handclaps?!!!"

LMAO!!!!!!!!!  ;-)

COOL!  :-)

My BFF absolutely loves these guys! I've never cared for much music that came after the 70s (& even their 70s music sounds 80s) but they're definitely growing on me lately. I follow an 80s band around that I'm friends with & hearing them do this music is making me enjoy it so much more! However, I have LOADS of respect for them because they had already created/started the 80s sound back in the 70s. They were so groundbreaking! They may not be my favorite, but the fact that SO many people that I love adore them so, I am convinced to have endless respect for them! They're just so "new" for me, hahaha! :-)

My BFF loves this band too! (that would be BeatleGirl AKA Candy O. LOL!) We have a similar taste in music, BeatleNut! Actually I'm a bit worse than you because I actually don't care for much music after The Beatles era, LOL!

That's why I never was too big into this group. They were a bit too "new" for me also! I like some stuff after the '60s but not alot! But with Ann being an influence, I recently started to discover and appreciate more and more Cars material that I never knew before! As a matter of fact, I heard their song called "Since You're Gone" in a grocery store last night and instantly recognized it.

I remember when I first heard The Cars music, I was surprised to find out that they were from 1978 also because they sounded so contemporary! So we gotta give them credit for being innovative and ahead, indeed. I may not be as big a fan or know as much about them as Candy O. does, but they have earned my respect as well! :-)

I'm glad you can relate, Sadie :-)

My main Love for music was from the 60's! But, I did like some music in the 70's as well. I like a few bands from the 80's and 90's too. I became familiar with the Cars watching MTV and also hearing them on the radio in the late 70's. I Really Liked some of The Cars songs! They Certainly were innovative and ahead of their time! Candy O turned me onto them again, on this site. I started listening to their songs again and I appreciate them even more now than I did in the past!! :-)

I'm glad you guys have turned on to The Cars again! :) BeatleBob, I love those two videos!!! And that's GREAT, BeatleNut9! :) Haha, I loved what you said, Sadie!

I just really love the band, and wish they shot out more albums, together & solo!

Here's what someone said to me:

"Ben did a mean Paul McCartney cover or two in his younger day! ("I'm Down") one of his childhood friends and band mates (when they were 17) described Benny as a cross between Elvis and Paul. He also did a great "Yesterday" and "A Day In The Life""


Happy Birthday to Elliot Easton!!! :) December 18

Photo from: https://www.facebook.com/events/596337507165968/

Here is a music video of his new band, The Empty Hearts! 

The band is made up of Wally Palmar of The Romantics on lead vocals, rhythm guitar, harmonica, Elliot Easton of The Cars on lead guitar and vocals, Andy Babiuk of The Chesterfield Kings on bass guitar and vocals, (Also the author of Beatles Gear), and Clem Burke of Blondie on drums and vocals.

I Really Like The Cars "now" even more than I liked them back then!! Thanks to You Candy O!!  :-) I'm So Glad you Enjoyed those two videos!!!  :-D

I wish they did more albums together and solo too!!! Would have been Great!!

WOW!!! So Cool!!!  "Ben did a mean Paul McCartney cover or two in his younger day! ("I'm Down") one of his childhood friends and band mates (when they were 17) described Benny as a cross between Elvis and Paul"

I Wish I could listen to it too!!!!!

Happy Birthday Elliot Easton!  :-)

I Really Liked That Song!!! Sounded Great!!! And the Video had a Retro Sixties Style. Cool!! Elliot Easton rocked on guitar! And an impressive line up of band members. The Empty Hearts are Really Good!! Thanks for the Video Candy O!!  :-)

Some facts and old vids I found pre-cars:

The Grasshoppers Mod Socks

The Grasshoppers Pink Champagne

Tribute to Benjamin Orr // Everyday - Ocasek & Orr // Bootleg // Rarity
 Everyday (Buddy Holly) performed by Benjamin Orr and Ric Ocasek in 1974.

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