Retro References in Modern Media (Movies, Music, & More!)

What have you heard, read, or watched that references anything retro lately!? :) Share it with us!

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Yes Beatlebob, I bet the doctors were just kidding with me! At least I hope so! I was scared they were going to take me away to the funny farm there for a second. Lmao!!! Yes I'm not having those stomach aches or side pains anymore. It was probably just something I ate that day. Or all in my mind? LOL!! Thank you! At least your pain isn't all the time eventhough it's still there. That's somewhat of an improvement for sure! :-)

Getting surgery almost is like being skinned alive. LOL!!!!!! Eventhough that happened a long time ago you still seem traumatized! Hopefully you won't need surgery every again!!!

Talk to you later, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! :-)

I'm Sure they were just Kidding with you!! :-)

re: "I was scared they were going to take me away to the funny farm there for a second. Lmao!!!"

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

GREAT!! :-) I'm So Glad to hear you're not having those stomach aches or side pains anymore!!! :-) Yeah, it could be Just something you ate that day? Once in a while when my Mother eats something, she gets weird pains in her stomach. But, they go away by the end of the day or by the next morning. That happens sometimes. I Doubt it was In Your Mind!! LOL!! ;-) You're Welcome for asking, my friend!! :-)

Yes, at least my pain isn't all the time now!! It IS Somewhat of an improvement for sure!! :-)

re: "Getting surgery almost is like being skinned alive. LOL!!!!!! Eventhough that happened a long time ago you still seem traumatized!"

LOL!!!! ;-) Well, whenever I think about that surgery I had, even though it was many years ago I remember it vividly!!!

Thanks My Friend!! I Sure Hope I won't need surgery ever again!!!!! And I Sure Hope you will never need Surgery too!!!

WOW!!! Remember I told you the main hard drive on my computer is running low on space? Whenever I try to do something in Photoshop my computer Crawls and acts up. I made this Car 54 picture for you. It was just a minor edit! For a laugh. After I shut down Photoshop I couldn't even empty my Recycle Bin!! I kept trying and my computer Crashed!! :-( That's why I hardly use Photoshop anymore! :-( I'm Hoping after I see what's going on with my stomach etc, and after I see what's needed to have my dental work done, I'll look into getting a new Larger Hard Drive!!! Will just have to wait though. :-(

LOL!  ;-)

click to enlarge ^

I just looked at BAR and I see Anthony Cappucci posted this:

Beatles On Film Social Network

Posted by Anthony Cappucci on September 21, 2015 at 9:31am
I've created another Beatles social networking site.  The software was included in my web host.  It works like this Ning site, but not quite as fancy.  Take a look.  You can access it from my home page.

I went to his site to see what it looks like. But, the Social Network took a Long time to finally load!! I tried the Direct Link on my other web browser and it took a while to load too?

Please let me know if it takes a long time for the Social Network to lad for you too. Are you planning on Joining?  Let me know.

Anyway, I Hope You have a FAB Week My Friend!!! Hope to catch up soon!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! :-)

My computer's been crashing alot too, so I removed some stuff from it. It's running alot smoother now!

Although the BeatlesAbbeyRoad site keeps on showing up weird looking no matter how many times I refresh the page! WTF? I don't think it's just my computer, since you have that same problem sometimes too. Whatever! I'll just hang out at Anthony's new Beatles social network for now. Even that took a little while to load for me too... since it's new, there's nothing too interesting over there yet but I'll still give it a try. It reminds me of my old Beatlemania site from Spruz!

LOL!!! Funny "Car 54, Where Are You?" picture you made! Herman Munster Muldoon! Lmao!!!

Hope you get your computer problems fixed as soon as possible! Hopefully you won't need to get rid of Photoshop!

Have a fab week! :-D

Hey Sadie! :-)

Sorry your computer was crashing a lot too!! :-( I'm Glad by removing some of the stuff on your computer, it's running a lot smoother now!! :-) I removed some of the stuff on my computer too!! But, it's still very low on left over free space!!! And I'm always getting those microsoft Security Updates that I Have To load on my computer! So, the free space I have left slowly builds up again! :-( Will just have to wait until After I see my Gastroenterologist and my Dentist. Mainly my Dentist, because I still don't know yet what dental work I might have to pay for?? After all of that, I'll see when I can afford to get a new larger hard drive!! Oh Well.

I know, the same thing has been happening with me when I go to the BeatlesAbbeyRoad site!! :-( It's NOT your computer, the same thing happens to me!! After trying to refresh the page there a number of times, I just tried logging into the site even though it was all weird looking. And after I logged in, the site looked Alright!!! Try That!! Weird Though!!! That was yesterday. A few days ago it wouldn't let me Log into the site? Everyday is different there! But try logging in, it might work! ;-)

I see it took a while to load for you too over at Anthony's new Beatles social network!  :-( Yeah, I guess since it's new. Maybe after a while his site will run smoother.  I seen there's nothing too interesting over there yet. It kind of reminds me too of your old Beatlemania site from Spruz!! I just looked there and I seen you joined. :-) I like your Profile Picture. A little bit of everything on that picture!! ;-) I'll have to join soon too! ;-) I just don't know what to post over there yet? LOL!! ;-)

I'm Glad you got a kick out of the "Car 54, Where Are You?" / Herman Munster Muldoon picture!!! LMAO!!!! ;-)

Thanks!!! I Won't get rid of Photoshop!! Whenever I can afford to get a new hard drive, I'm planning on Cloning my drive over to the new larger drive when I get it!! So, I don't have to go through trying to register Photoshop again with Adobe, because when you load it into the computer you have to register it for the rest of the program files to download. And I hear that's a real hassle trying to re- register the program through Adobe!! Plus, I don't want to lose all my other settings I have on my computer. So, I will try to Clone the hard drive! But, will take a while till I can get a new hard drive. Money Wise! :-(

Thanks My Friend!!! You Have a FAB Week Too!!! Will catch up soon!! :-)

I've been listening to an awesome '80s station all day and I discovered the song "And We Danced" by The Hooters which says "She was a be-bop baby on a hard day's night."

I love that lyric! It references both Ricky Nelson and The Beatles in the same sentence! My two favorites! How cool! :-)

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