Here you can pay little tributes to the musicians and actors that have passed away.

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Oh no, it looks like I now DO have a new classic celebrity death to mention...

 RIP Tab Hunter, the iconic 1950s star who passed away today at age 86. 

I enjoyed several of his movies! Rest In Peace! 

Beatlebob, hope to hear back from you soon! Have a great week! :-) 

Hey Sadie! Sorry it took a while to get back to you! I've been busy since Friday. My Mother has been feeling lousy with a stiff neck and to boot one old lady at the senior center banged into my Mother's back with her cart on Thursday. Right in the area where my Mother has those compression fractures in her back from the falls she had in the past!! She's in sad shape!!! Friday I was taking care of her and doing stuff around here. Saturday I had to do the laundry etc. Sunday I had to get groceries etc. Today I'm working on paperwork to bring with me to my Gastro Doctor Tomorrow explaining all the stuff that's been going on with my problems in that area etc. And to boot, Friday night I started getting this BIG lump on the top of my nose, and it's all red and irritated. I called the pharmacist at the drug store and he recommended that I put neosprorin on it with a band aid twice a day. It hurts and it looks horrible!! I don't know what the hell it is?? When I see my Gastro Doctor tomorrow I'll see IF he wants to send me for any tests or not? Will see what he says? As soon as I know what's happening with that, I'll then call my Dermatologist to set up an appointment to see him about my nose. FUN, FUN, FUN!! Will see? You're Welcome for writing back the other day!! Thank You for writing back!! I Hope you had Fun celebrating Ringo Starr's birthday!! Yes, I agree with you that some of Ringo's solo material is too good to be overlooked!!! I see that you've been listening to his latest album called "Give More Love" a lot lately!! I'm Glad you think it's Amazing and that you like it even more now than you did last year!!! I see that is really has grown on you, and you liked it then but you absolutely love it Now!!! :-) I'm Sure Paul's upcoming new album "Egypt Station" will be Great too!!! I can't wait for it to be released!!! :-) I don't have any of Ringo's albums. But, Saturday night I watched my "Concert For George" DVD that has Ringo performing two songs, and of course playing drums along with Paul, when Paul did some of George's songs from both the Beatles and All Things Must Pass. I love that part of the DVD the most!! Seeing Ringo and Paul playing together on the same songs!! :-)

I see you never heard of the band "Head East" either, but now you know a few of their songs. Yes, it's too bad the heat wave pretty much ruined your Independence Day experience this year!!! :-( WOW!! I see you also recently watched "A Hard Day's Night" on the Turner Classic Movies channel too!! I see that your cable service works the same way as mine!! :-) That it puts up a few movies every week from TCM available to watch again on demand!! GREAT!! And just like me, I see you also can't resist watching AHDN whenever it's on TV even though, you already have it on DVD!! LOL!! And I see that BeatleNut said she's the same way too!!! LOL!!! Yes, I do have FXM!! Yes, that premium network plays a mixture of both new movies and classics!! I have FXM On Demand, that's also on that same section that says Free On Demand, as I mentioned last time, that also includes TCM. FXM has FXM Movies and FXM Retro on mine to watch anytime you want to. Yeah, I know that usually the classic movies "FXM Retro" are shown after midnight when I'm not awake either!! On FXM's regular channels, other than On Demand! :-( Yes, it's very similar to TCM!! I'm Glad you have that too!!! :-)

You're Welcome for commenting on the stuff you posted over at the Beatles site!! :-) Yes, mostly stuff I've already seen about Paul's new upcoming album, etc. That's why I left just small comments about it. ;-) But, I Enjoyed the Pictures you posted there!!! :-) I see you didn't make that blue collage of Ringo pictures. That you found that one online. A Nice Find, though!! And Yes, I Really Enjoyed that Beatles poster from 1966 that you shared!!! Yes, that one was Perfect for the 4th of July, I see why you shared that one!! Yes, it was So Cool that it says "America is All 4 The Beatles" with the number 4!! LOL!!! I liked That!! :-) I Sure DID Enjoy the vintage Independence Day themed photos you shared here!!! I know you always post vintage festive photos for the holidays here!! Yeah, there won't be another holiday for a while, though. I AM Hoping that this site will still be here by that time!!!! Let's Hope!!!

Thanks So Much for Wishing me Good Luck on my Gastro appointment for tomorrow!!!! Will let you know how it went, as soon as I can!!! Thanks for Hoping I Feel Better Soon, My Friend!!! :-)

WOW!!! That IS SAD News: "David Cassidy's ashes continue to remain in a storage facility until his last wish is fulfilled, most likely bound to be spread on race track in Saratoga Springs, New York soon." :-( I can imagine that upsets you so much!!! :-( So Sorry to hear you've been crying for days over that!!! I know you got physically ill watching the A&E documentary in June, and now you feel sick again!!! :-( So, I see that this new month of July also got off to a rough start with this disturbing news!!! :-( So Sorry, My Friend!! Yes, seems somewhat strange how they're considering spreading his ashes at a race track!!
But, since he loved to often visit Saratoga Springs and was born in New York, maybe that Really Was his "last wish" to have his ash spreading ceremony there?? I Hope So!!! But, I'm sure it makes you disgusted how his family & friends are treating his remains and legacy!! Keeping his (and his mother's!) ashes in a storage unit!!! WTF?? :-( They SHOULD be ashamed of themselves!!! I'm Glad at least there's a special horse race in his honor coming up soon, which is when and where the presumed ash spreading ceremony might take place!!! I see that the horse racing event was organized by his fans, and so were the 2 benches with his name engraved in them that were recently put up near the race track! WOW!! I see that You actually helped get those benches there earlier this year, by donating to the online fundraiser!!! :-) And it was 100% funded by the fans and you were so Glad when you all finally reached the goal because you all felt that he definitely deserved some sort of special memorial location!!!! I think that was Great!!! And I also, see that you all actually raised more than enough money, so they put up two benches!!! Now he has a special place for people to visit and pay respects, much like John Lennon's "Imagine" mosaic in Strawberry Fields!! That's Very COOL!!!!! :-) I see why Saratoga Springs was the most appropriate place for the memorial since he loved to often visit there and was born in New York!!! Hopefully you will be able to visit it someday!!! I can imagine that unfortunately you can't make it to the upcoming ceremony event since you can't afford to fly to NY, especially not on such short notice!! What can you do? Since you're very distraught by all this and still can't get over the fact that he's gone, you probably wouldn't enjoy that event anyway!!! :-( Yes, nearly 8 months later and you're still in just as much pain, if not even more, than last November!!! I Know all of this Really Hit You Hard, My Friend!!! :-( And I know that ever since then, you've fallen into even deeper depression and your health has gone down too!!! :-( I Know that last Thanksgiving was the worst one you ever had!!!! :-( I'm Glad that you're Not in those extreme dark days anymore!!! But, I'm So Sorry that you still can't seem to truly enjoy things as much, and you feel like your life will never quite be the same again!!! :-( I'm Sure that's why you can't believe his own family didn't seem to care much about him in life or even now in death!! When you're just a fan and feel so affected and heartbroken!!! :-( And I see to make matter worse, gossip sites like TMZ are reporting about it, which is so disrespectful and in bad taste!!! That Really SUCKS!!! YES!!! Hopefully this situation with his ashes can be straightened out soon, so he can finally Rest In Peace!!!! I Sure Hope So Too!!!!! I'm So Sorry you are still going through such distraught by ALL of this!!!! :-( But, I Understand, My Friend!!!

Oh, I see you sadly have a new classic celebrity death to mention! Tab Hunter, the iconic 1950's star who passed away today at age 86. I enjoyed some of his movies too!!! Thanks for posting the Nice picture of him!!! SAD!!! But, at least he lived to age 86.
Rest In Peace Tab Hunter!

Thanks for getting back to me!!! I Hope to catch up with you SOON too, My Friend!!! As soon as I can, will catch up with you!!! Thanks!!! Hope You have a Great Week!!! :-)

Hey Sadie! I Hope the following doesn't gross you out!!!! LOL! Just wanted to let you know about my gastroenterologist visit yesterday, etc., etc!

Well, I went to my gastroenterologist yesterday. He gave me a good examination. He stuck his finger up my Butt Twice. And the second time he did that he went way in and felt all around the area. That time, I thought I was going to Pee!! LOL! Then he inserted a scope up there too. He said what I was feeling in my rectum is my enlarged Prostate!! After I also told him about the Horrible problems I've been having with moving my bowels, along with the bloating etc., etc., he set me up for 4 Tests to take. To see what the Hell is going on with me! Starting next week I have to go there once a week for Four Weeks for these tests. Have to be there 9:00 in the morning each time!! FUN!! The first Three tests are Breath Tests. Fructose, Glucose, and Lactose tests.

"The hydrogen breath tests are used to identify abnormal growth of bacteria in the intestine. I will be asked to breathe into a breath collection device and my breath will be collected and analyzed for the presence of hydrogen. A wide range of sugars we ingest everyday, such as lactose and fructose, are usually absorbed within the small bowel. A large proportion of people absorb these sugars poorly, allowing the sugars to pass into the colon, or large bowel. Fermentation of incompletely absorbed sugars within the colon may result in the symptoms typical of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as bloating, abdominal pain, excessive wind, diarrhoea, constipation, or a mixture of both.
The breath test is based upon the fact that bacteria within the large bowel produce either hydrogen or methane gas (or a combination of both) when ingested sugars are not completely absorbed by the small intestine." I have to breathe into that breath collection device many times!! I do it once, then wait in the waiting room then they call me back in to do it again. Many Times!! The test lasts a long time till they are finished!! This is to see if I have problems with Fructose, Glucose, and Lactose in my system that may be causing the problems I have! And from the information above, IF I have a problem with any of these, is probably due to the fact that I had that Damn Stomach Surgery many years ago!! "Gastrectomy"!!

The last test is on a Friday at 12 Noon. That one is called an "Anorectal Manometry" test. "A catheter is connected to a machine that measures the pressure. During the test, the small balloon attached to the catheter is inflated in the rectum. This test measures the pressures of the anal sphincter muscles, the sensation in the rectum, and the neural reflexes that are needed for normal bowel movements." I went for the same test many years ago. And WOW is it painful!!! :-( They inflate that balloon many times!! So, between the breath tests and the "Anorectal Manometry" test Hopefully my doctor will know what's going on with me, and what needs to be done to help treat me!!!! Will see? FUN!!!!

The slow flow problem I've been having since my last treatment with my Urologist, is finally getting a "Little" better! Sometimes now I'm getting a little stronger flow when I pee. And other times I'm still having a slow flow, or dribbling. Hopefully this will get Better!!! It "Could be" why this is taking so long, is that I've been having bad problems with pressure from baring down so hard when trying to move my bowels? And the enlarged prostate is close to my rectum. I really don't know? Will see how it goes?

With that lump on my Nose, I've been treating it with neosprorin each day, and the redness has gone down a lot! I'll do it for two more days. Then stop using it to see if it forms a scab and heals up? Hopefully it will!! IF not, then I'll have to see when I can see my Dermatologist.

So that's the gory details, for now with me.

I Hope that you are Feeling Alright, My Friend!!!!

Hope we can catch up SOON!!!!!!

Have a FAB Day!!!! :-)

One of the benches for David Cassidy's memorial you helped pay for.

Hey Beatlebob! No problem. I've been busy lately too. Omg! Sorry to hear what happened to your mother! That's horrible! How is she doing now? I wish her a speedy recovery and hopefully that bump on your nose will go away soon! Thanks for letting me know what's been going on with you. No, those details about your examination and upcoming tests weren't that gory and actually didn't gross me out too much! I'm already used to it since I've researched and read alot of stuff like that regarding my father's recent Colonoscopy! LOL! Even I once had a similar exam done to determine why I had blood in my stool. Turns out it was just Hemorrhoids. I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and am Lactose Intolerant, so I understand some of your problems! Obviously I can't relate to the prostate things though, since I'm a female. LOL! ;-)

I know you're definitely not looking forward to those 4 upcoming tests since they can be very painful! But at least they will help you out! So just try to keep that in mind and hang in there, my friend! I understand if you won't be able to come online much during the time you'll be getting those tests done, even if they're only once a week and will all be over within a month. I'd appreciate it if you could still stop by here every once in a while if you feel well enough to do so. Or just send me an occasional e-mail instead. But don't worry about catching up with me! Your health is more important and should be your main priority! :-)

I sadly didn't have too much fun celebrating Ringo's birthday, since I've been very depressed lately. But I tried my best to celebrate somewhat. That's cool how you watched "The Concert For George" with Ringo in it! The part with Paul & Ringo together has always been my favorite scene! Last weekend I watched a tribute concert for John Lennon (similar to "The Concert For George", but for John's 75th birthday celebration!) Have you ever seen that? It was my first time seeing it! I watched it on a channel called AXS TV (not sure if you have that? Glad you have TCM and FXM!) and if it's on DVD, I want to buy it! Paul and Ringo are in it, and so was Yoko Ono! It was great seeing Ringo perform "I'm The Greatest" live, a song he wrote with John, just like he performed "Photograph" at "The Concert For George", which is a song he wrote with George Harrison. Well much like you, that was my little way of celebrating Ringo this year since I don't really have much of his stuff either! But lately I have been appreciating his solo music and movies more, and I suppose that's a way of celebrating! :-) 

I just read this: Tab Hunter passed away just 3 days before his 87th birthday. Aww! That's sad but you're right. At least he lived a very long life! I'm relieved there hasn't been too many deaths to report lately. This is only the second celebrity death I've mentioned in July. The news about David Cassidy has left me heartbroken though!!! I had been wondering all these months whatever happened to his remains and now I think I was better off not even knowing! It's been stashed away in a storage facility all along! Good grief!!! :-(

Thanks for sharing that picture of the tribute bench! I wasn't able to make a big donation for it but there were so many other "fund backers" that it didn't really matter and besides, every bit counts! I'm still honored that I had any type of of input towards it! They even asked us what the engraving should say. I'm glad we ended up going above and beyond the estimated goal and were able to put up two benches, both engraved. It's touching to see flowers and photos being left by fans over there. It's the closest thing to a grave and I hope to someday visit it and pay my respects as well! I had already seen some photos of the benches on Facebook but seeing one of them again here really lifted up my mood! Thanks again! :-)

On second thought, if he's ever going to have any sort of resting place, the racetrack and memorial benches in Saratoga Springs would be the best location! I guess I just didn't like the idea at first since I don't like the fact that he's gone in general! :-(    But finally laying him to rest would actually give closure and probably even make me and all the fans feel a little bit better. I heard they've re-scheduled the ceremony for sometime later this year or even in early 2019. I still can't afford to make the trip to NY but don't think I'd even want to! I'm hoping someone will share a live stream video of it online, like they do sometimes with Elvis events that take place at Graceland.

Well that's all for now. I hope we can catch up soon! I know you and your mother are not in the best of moods lately, to say the least! Neither am I! But please try to have a good weekend! I'm always wishing the best for you both! Have a fab day! :-) 

Hey Sadie! Thanks!! I see you been busy too! Thanks for wishing my Mother a speedy recovery!! My Mother's stiff neck has gotten better! But, her back is still hurting sometimes! Most likely because of those compression fractures in her back. I guess that will take more time. With that lump on my Nose, I've been treating it with neosprorin each day, and the redness has gone down a lot! I'll do it for one more day. Then stop using it to see if it forms a scab and heals up? Hopefully it will!! IF not, then I'll have to see when I can see my Dermatologist. You're Welcome for letting you know what's been going on with me!! I'm Glad that those details about my examination and upcoming tests weren't that gory, and actually didn't gross you out too much!!! :-) I see that you're already used to it since you've researched and read alot of stuff like that regarding your Father's recent Colonoscopy!!! LOL! And I see you once had a similar exam done to determine why you had blood in your stool!! I'm Glad to hear it turned out that it was just Hemorrhoids!!! :-) Yeah, I know you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and that you're Lactose Intolerant!! :-( So, I see why you understand some of my problems!!! Yes, obviously you can't relate to the prostate things though, since you're a female!! LOL!!! ;-)

I'm sure Not looking forward to the 4 upcoming tests!!! FUN!!! Well, I don't think the breath tests will be painful? Will see? They just take a long time to perform the tests, which Sucks!! The Fourth Test, I Know that one Will be Very Painful!!! I had it done many years ago!!! :-( But yeah, at least my doctor is trying to help me by taking these tests!!! Hopefully when the tests are done, he will know what's going on with me and will be able to help me!! Thanks!! I Will keep that in mind and hang in there, my friend!!! Can't wait till the tests are over with, though!! Thanks for being so Understanding!!! I'll be coming online, except for the days I'll be going for the tests!! And any other days when I'll be busy with other things, I won't be online of course. So, I'll still be online as often as I can!! I'll Sure stop by here when I can, to let you know how things went and see how You're doing!!! I want to catch up with You as often as I can!!! :-)

I'm So Sorry that you didn't have too much fun celebrating Ringo's birthday, since you've been very depressed lately!!! :-( I understand!!! I'm Glad that you tried your best to celebrate somewhat, at least!! Yeah, I wanted to watch "The Concert For George" with Ringo in it!!! I figured the part with Paul & Ringo together has always been you're favorite scene!!! Mine Too!! I see that last weekend you watched that tribute concert for John Lennon (similar to "The Concert For George", but for John's 75th birthday celebration). I seen part of it one night when they showed it again on "AMC". I was switching through the channels looking for something to watch. And happened upon it!! I only saw half of it though at the time! I found the Full concert on YouTube and another video with Paul's message to John from the concert. Which I'll post here! I liked what Yoko said near the end of the concert! Very Good tribute to John with a fine line up of performers!! :-) I don't have the AXS TV channel. But, I seen part of it on AMC. I Hope AMC will show it again!! Yes, it's Great that Paul and Ringo are in it, and so was Yoko Ono!!! I just watched the part on Youtube with Ringo performing "I'm The Greatest" live!!! I Loved seeing that!!! Yes, a song he wrote with John, just like he performed "Photograph" at "The Concert For George", which is a song he wrote with George Harrison!! :-) Yes, much like me, that was a little way of celebrating Ringo this year!! Since you don't really have much of his stuff either!! :-( Yes I know that lately you have been appreciating his solo music and movies more!! Yes, that's a way of celebrating!! :-)

Ringo Starr - Give More Love:

John Lennon 75th Birthday Concert, FULL Concert:

1:22:36 - Ringo Starr talking and singing "I'm The Greatest". :-)

Paul McCartney's Message To John Lennon on the John Lennon 75th Birthday Concert:

I see what you read about Tab Hunter!! It's Sad that he passed away just 3 days before his 87th birthday!! Yes, at least he lived a very long life!!! I'm sure you're relieved there hasn't been too many deaths to report lately!! This is only the second celebrity death you've mentioned in July. Let's Hope there won't be more any time soon! I Know that the news about David Cassidy has left you heartbroken!!! :-( I know you've been wondering all these months whatever happened to his remains!! Yes, you would have been better off Not knowing!!! It's been stashed away in a storage facility all along!!! So Horrible!!!! :-(

You're Welcome for sharing that picture of the tribute bench!! Even though you weren't able to make a big donation for it, there were so many other "fund backers" that it didn't really matter!! Yes, every bit counts!!! I'm sure you're still honored that you had any type of input towards it!!! And I see they even asked you all what the engraving should say. It's GREAT that you all ended up going above and beyond the estimated goal and were able to put up Two benches, Both engraved!!! It IS very touching to see flowers and photos being left by fans over there!! Yes, it's the closest thing to a grave!! And Hopefully you'll be able to someday visit it and pay your respects as well!!! I see you had already seen some photos of the benches on Facebook. But, I'm So Glad seeing one of them again here, really lifted up your mood!!!! You're So Welcome, My Friend!!! :-)

Yes!! If he's ever going to have any sort of resting place, the racetrack and memorial benches in Saratoga Springs would be the best location!!! I'm sure you didn't like the idea at first, since you don't like the fact that he's gone in general!!! :-( Hopefully finally laying him to rest would actually give closure and probably even make you and all the fans feel a little bit better!! At Least!!! I see that they've re-scheduled the ceremony for sometime later this year, or even in early 2019. I can imagine you still can't afford to make the trip to NY!! But, you don't think you'd even want to!!! I can understand that, my friend!! Yes, Hopefully someone will share a live stream video of it online, like they do sometimes with Elvis events that take place at Graceland!!! That would be easier on you for both reasons!!!

Thank You So Much for catching up with me!!! You're Right, that my Mother and I are not in the best of moods lately, to say the least!!! And I Know you aren't either!!! But, Thank You So Much for wishing us a good weekend!!! I Hope you Try to have a Good weekend too!!!!! Thank You, My Dear Friend!!! I'm Always Wishing the BEST for You Too!!!!! I Hope we can catch up SOON!! Have a FAB Day!!!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! I'm still wishing you and your mother a speedy recovery! 

Glad her neck has gotten better, but too bad her back still hurts sometimes.
Did that lump on your nose fade away by now? And have you started taking those tests at the hospital yet? I see how the breathing tests shouldn't be that bad, but the last test sucks! Hang in there, my friend!

That's great how you've also seen that 75th birthday tribute concert to John Lennon, but on AMC.
I used to watch that channel alot too. Thanks for sharing that YouTube video of the full concert!
Wow! It was good to see it again!

I never knew much about Tab Hunter until I watched a documentary on Netflix called "Tab Hunter Confidential". It's very interesting and I recommend seeing it, if you haven't already! I also enjoyed some of his movies!

Yes I'm hoping if there's any special public memorial service for David Cassidy in the future, pictures and videos of it will surface online, even if the videos aren't live.
It would be too sad to attend something like that, not that I could afford to travel anywhere anyway!
Ringo will be in town soon and I can't even go to that!
That "AXS TV" channel I have, recently played 2 Ringo concerts though, and watching them made me feel alot better. At least I can still see his shows without actually being there! LOL!!!
I recently ordered a book online called "Postcards From The Boys" by Ringo, and I hope to finally buy his other book called "Photograph" soon too. It should be here by the end of the month, so receiving a Ringo gift in July (his birthday month) and watching that Ringo stuff on TV recently was my belated way of celebrating his birthday!

Did you get that e-mail Mike Pell sent with a link about Paul McCartney?? I noticed he only sent it out to a few of us on the mailing list, probably because we're the biggest Beatles fans. :-) 

Well I've got to go now. Sorry we haven't spoken for a little while.

Hope to hear back from you soon! 

Have a great weekend, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! Today is the first day that I've been online since Friday. I'm Glad to see that you caught up with me Here!! Thank You for still wishing me and my mother a speedy recovery!! Yeah, I'm Glad her neck is better now too!! But, her Back is still bothering her sometimes!! :-( I guess that's because of those compression fractures she has in her back. Hopefully the pain will subside Soon!! The redness surrounding the lump on my nose has faded away. But, the lump itself is still a bit red and isn't healing up yet. I really can't do anything about That yet because the Instruction Sheets for the Breath Tests that I'm taking state that I Can't be on any antibiotics for a month prior to the Tests!! :-( So, I'm waiting till the tests are over with, Hopefully by then that area on my nose will be healed up!! IF not or If it gets any worse I'll have to call and set up an appointment with a Dermatologist!! Will see? All 4 Tests are done at my Gastro Doctor's office. Yes, I started the First Breath Test this past Monday on the 16th. That was the Fructose Test. Yeah, the Breathing Tests aren't that bad. Except for the fact that they take so long to do!!! I arrived there around 9:15 AM and the test didn't start till 9:55! I blew into a device that had a balloon on the end of it. When the balloon was full they said stop. That was my Baseline test, since I fasted before the test. Then they gave me a large cup of water with Fructose mixed in and told me to drink it all and go back into the waiting room and come back in at 10:55. Then I blew into that device again. They said to come back in at 11:55 and blew into the device again. Then had to go back in at 12:55 to do that again. And that was the end of the test. Was a Long Test!!! FUN!!! The Breath Test is done by a Lab Worker there. I go back next Monday for my Glucose Breath Test at the same time in the morning. FUN!!! The following week on Tuesday I go for the Lactose Breath Test. And then take That Rectum test the week after that on Friday. My Gastro Doctor will be giving me the Rectum test so, Hopefully after That test he will give me the Results for ALL the tests on that day!! Will see? Yeah, that Rectum Test will be painful!! FUN!!!!! Yes, that last Test SUCKS!!! Thanks My Friend!! I'm Hanging In There!!!
So, All the tests ARE Long Days!!! :-( But, I'm Hoping the test results will show the cause of my problems!! And be treated for this Misery!!! I Sure Hope they can help me when the tests are all over with!!!!
Since I've been feeling so Lousy I had another Phone Visit with my Shrink on Tuesday. He understood and wished me the best with the tests. My Gastro Doctor's office is close by and I take a cab there. But, there was No Way I could make it to NYC and back to see my Shrink with the way I'm feeling with my Gastro Problems etc!! So, he gave me a phone visit again. Thank Goodness!!! Yesterday I had to get stuff from the stores that we needed, that's why I haven't been online till today.

Yes, I really enjoyed seeing that 75th birthday tribute concert to John Lennon!! But on AMC. I see you used to watch that channel a lot too! You're So Welcome for sharing that YouTube video of the full concert!!!! I'm Glad you enjoyed seeing it again!! :-)

I see you never knew much about Tab Hunter either, until you watched a documentary on Netflix called "Tab Hunter Confidential". Sounds Interesting!! No, I never seen it. I'll keep my eye out for it and Hopefully will see it on TV someday!! I'm sure you enjoyed some of his movies too!!

I'm sure if there's any special public memorial service for David Cassidy in the future Online, that seeing just pictures and videos of it will surface!! Even if the videos aren't live. I Understand My Friend!! I'm Sure it would be too sad to attend something like that!! And it's not like you could afford to travel anywhere, anyway!!! Also, Ringo will be in town near you too!! And I know you can't even go to that!!! :-( SUCKS!!! But, I Sure Understand!!!
It's Great that the "AXS TV" channel you have, recently played 2 Ringo concerts!!! :-) WOW!!! I Wish I had that "AXS TV" channel too!!! I'm Glad that watching them made you feel a lot better!!! :-) YES, at least you can still see his shows without actually being there!!! :-) LOL!!! ;-)
I see that you recently ordered a book online called "Postcards From The Boys" by Ringo!!! COOL!! I remember reading about that book when it first came out!!
"Postcards From the Boys is a book by Ringo Starr released in 2004. It features reproductions of postcards sent to Starr by the other three members of the Beatles, along with his commentary. The postcards range from the mid-1960s to the 1990s." Sounds GREAT!!! :-) And I see you Hopefully will finally buy his other book called "Photograph" soon too!!! :-) "From September 2015 - From behind the drums to behind the lens, in PHOTOGRAPH Ringo Starr opens his archives to share memories of his childhood, The Beatles and beyond. Rare and unseen photographs taken by Ringo, with others reproduced from his family albums, are showcased here for fans of The Beatles and anyone passionate about modern music. Accompanied by Ringo's original manuscript of over 15,000 words, PHOTOGRAPH gives unprecedented insight into the life of one of the world's greatest musicians. From Pwllheli to Delhi, obscurity to superstardom, join Ringo on his travels in his photographic memoir." I remember us talking about that book on our Beatles site when it came out!! Will be Great to have Both of those Books!!! You should receive "Postcards From The Boys" by the end of the month!! :-) Yeah I Agree!! By receiving a Ringo gift in July (his birthday month) and watching that Ringo stuff on TV recently was your belated way of celebrating his birthday!!! :-) GREAT!!!! :-)

When I got my emails before I came here, I did see that email Mike Pell sent with a link about Paul McCartney!! I didn't open it yet though. I wanted to come Here First! I see you noticed he only sent it out to a few of us on the mailing list, probably because we're the biggest Beatles fans!! :-) It's Nice that he sent that to us!! I'll have to check it out!!! :-)

I'm Sorry we haven't spoken for a little while too!!! But, we both have been busy!! I'm Glad I had a chance to catch up with you!!!! Thanks So Much, My Friend!!! I Hope we can catch up again SOON!!!!!

Thanks!!!! I Hope You have a Great Weekend Too, My Friend!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob,
Thanks for explaining how those breathing tests go! That's interesting how they use balloons and test you for reactions to different substances. Hopefully they will be able to finally tell you exactly what's going on soon. Sorry you had to go through all that fasting and long waiting times for each test though! And sorry you still have that upcoming awful rectal exam! I'll be wishing the best for you, my friend! It will be painful but worth it in the end, for you to finally know exactly what's up with your body. That sucks how your nose isn't completely healed up yet, and you have to refrain from taking any antibiotics during this testing period. By the time all the exams are done, your nose might be better enough that you might not even need to take any antibiotics though! Who knows? I just hope you will fully recover as soon as possible! I appreciate you saying that you will still try your best to come online as often as you can, even during all this! Thanks! I always try to do the same! Have you seen the Beatles Abbey Road site lately? It's now "unlocked", meaning anyone can see the front page again without signing in first. Even more interesting is how BeatleNut9 came back and actually said something over there! Wow! I'm glad she was able to finally recover her password and regain access to her account. Eventhough the future of that site is unknown, it's still good too see some new activity on it. Yes, I do remember us discussing that Ringo book called "Photograph" on the site a few years ago when it was first released. But I still haven't read it yet! I'm really looking forward to, and finally reading "Postcards From The Boys" too. Thanks for sharing some information about both books! I also remember hearing about the "Postcards" one when it first came out, in 2004. I always wanted it but could never find it at such a low affordable price until now. I guess some special things are worth waiting several years for! LOL!!! I noticed how Ringo also has an album called "Postcards From Paradise". Cool! I've enjoyed every single album he's released in recent years! The "Postcards" one from 2015 was actually one of my favorites! Yes, that "AXS TV" channel is great. I really enjoyed watching those 2 Ringo Starr shows and the tribute to John Lennon concert they recently gave. Too bad your particular cable package doesn't have it! It's very similar to how "VH1 Classic" was, except "AXS TV" sometimes plays movies & kickboxing/martial arts fights, but most of the stuff they give is music related programming. Do you have "MTV Classic"? I don't have that channel but was wondering if it's anything as good as "VH1 Classic" was? I might consider getting it, if it's any good, since "VH1 Classic" sadly doesn't exist anymore. I actually haven't had time to check out the link to an article about Paul McCartney that Mike Pell recently sent us by e-mail either, but I plan on checking it out soon! I'm glad he finally responded to me over at the Beatles site and was happy to add me to his mailing list! I laughed when he said "Welcome to the 'Rockollections Cult!" LOL!!!! Don't be sorry about us not speaking for a little while! I understand you've been very busy lately getting all these exams done and taking care of you and your mother's health is way more important than talking to me anyway!! Besides, I will be quite busy myself, with a dentist appointment on Monday the 23rd, etc... but I will always stop by, at least once a week here! And now that BeatleNut is back on the Beatles site, I'll be stopping by there more often too! Let's hope that site and this one last for at least the rest of the summer! :-)

I just read this...

Nancy Sinatra, the first wife of legendary singer Frank Sinatra, has died at the age of 101.

Aww! I remember last year when another one of his wives, Barbara Sinatra, passed away. That's amazing how they all (including Frank) lived to such a ripe, old age. When I first read that news, I panicked thinking it was 1960s star Nancy Sinatra! But when I saw the age said 101, I knew it had to be her mother, who shares the same exact name. RIP.

Well I've got a busy weekend of Laundry, cleaning and chores ahead so I will catch up more with you later! I know it will be difficult for you to try and have a fab day until all your tests are finally over, but I still want to wish you one anyway! I hope August will turn out to be a much better month for you! Have a fab day, my friend! :-)

Hey Sadie! You're Welcome for explaining how the breathing tests go!! Yeah, the balloon I breathe into is a disposable unit that they stick into the top of the device that takes the readings. Each time I go back into the lab they stick the balloon thing on that device again. I breath into it till the balloon is full, and they dispose that part and put a new one in the next time. They jot down the readings from the main device each time. Then reset that device. Interesting!! The Glucose Test I took this Monday was Horrible!! After fasting they took 3 different readings with 3 different balloons this time for the baseline readings. Then they gave me a cup of Glucose mix to drink. It was So Bitter Sweet I thought I was going to vomit!! Was hard to drink all of it down!! Then they told me for this test I have to go back in every 30 minutes to breath into the balloon. While waiting in the waiting room for the next time to go in, I felt Very Sick to my stomach!! I had to quickly use the bathroom there and had a little bit of Diarrhea!! I made it through the test, but still was feeling Horrible!! About a half hour after I got home, I had more Diarrhea!! I've been feeling sick to my stomach ever since then, and all Bloated up!!! :-( And can barely move my bowels at all!! Horrible!!! I took a laxative suppository this morning to see if it would help. But, hardly helped at all!! I Hope This Subsides SOON!!! FUN!!! :-( Next Tuesday is the Lactose test. Will see how Horrible that one will be?? YES!! Hopefully they will be able to finally tell me exactly what's going on, after the Last rectal exam test!!! Yeah, it Sucks going through all the fasting along with long waiting times for each test!! The upcoming Lactose test as well as fasting, I also can't have any dairy products for three days before the test!! I'll miss my Ice Cream!! LOL!! :-( Not looking forward to that awful rectal exam!!! At least that will be the Last test I have!! Yes, it will be painful but worth it in the end, for me to finally know exactly what's up with my body!!! Thanks for Wishing Me The Best, My Friend!!! :-) And yes, it really Sucks that my nose isn't completely healed up yet!! And sucks that I have to refrain from taking any antibiotics during this testing period!! :-( At least it's not any worse than it was! I'm Hoping by the time all the tests are done, I won't even need to take any antibiotics!! Will see? Thanks Again for Hoping I'll fully recover as soon as possible!!! Am Hoping!!! I would have come online sooner but, I just have been feeling so Awful!!! I wanted to come online now for a bit to catch up with you!! And will come online as often as I can!! I appreciate that you'll always try to do the same!!! Thanks!!! Yes, the last time I was on here I stopped by the Beatles site and Did notice that's it's Now "unlocked"!! Great!!! :-) And when I checked my emails before I came Here I noticed that BeatleNut9 left a message on my profile page!! As soon as I'm done catching up Here, I'll see what she said!! :-) So Glad to see that BeatleNut9 came back there!!! It's Great that she was able to finally recover her password and regain access to her account there!!! :-) Yes, even though the future of that site is unknown, it's still good too see some new activity on it!!! :-) I see you do remember us discussing that Ringo book called "Photograph" on the site a few years ago when it was first released!! I thought you would!! I see you still haven't read it yet. But, I'm sure you'll get to it soon!! I'm sure you're really looking forward to reading it, and finally reading "Postcards From The Boys" too!!! :-) ENJOY!!!! :-) You're Welcome for sharing some information about both books!!! I figured you remembered hearing about the "Postcards" one when it first came out, in 2004. Since you always wanted it, I'm So Glad you finally found it for such an affordable price!! Yes, some special things are worth waiting even several years for!!! LOL!!!! Yeah, it's COOL that Ringo also has an album called "Postcards From Paradise"!! :-) I see that you enjoyed every single album he's released in recent years!! :-) But, the "Postcards" one from 2015 was actually one of your favorites!!! :-) That "AXS TV" channel does sound great!!! I'm Glad you really enjoyed watching those 2 Ringo Starr shows and the tribute to John Lennon concert they recently gave!! :-) I Wish I had that channel!!! You said it's very similar to how "VH1 Classic" was, except "AXS TV" sometimes plays movies & kickboxing/martial arts fights, but most of the stuff they give is music related programming. Sure does Sound GREAT!!! Yes, "VH1 Classic" used to be Great!!! I Really Miss it!!!Yeah, I have "MTV Classic". But, the few times I checked it out it's Not as good as "VH1 Classic" was!! :-( They only show some old MTV music videos from the past. And they keep repeating the same ones. I haven't seen it in a while, though. I wasn't impressed! I also haven't had time to check out the link to an article about Paul McCartney that Mike Pell recently sent us by email either!! :-( But, I will when I can!! I'm Glad to hear that he finally responded to you over at the Beatles site, and was happy to add you to his mailing list!!! :-) I figured he would!!! I can imagine you laughed when he said "Welcome to the 'Rockollections Cult!" LOL!!!! ;-) Thanks for understanding that I've been very busy lately getting all these exams done and taking care of you and your mother's health problems!!! Yes, it's important!! But, I Still Miss talking to You, My Friend!!! Hopefully when all these tests are done with, I'll have more time then to be online!!!! I see you're also busy!!! And Hope your Dentist appointment on Monday the 23rd turned out Alright!!! I'm Glad that you'll always stop by, at least once a week Here!!! Till things are less busy!!! I'll do the Same!!! Hopefully sometime Soon we will Both be less busy and be able to be in touch a lot more!!! Yes, now that BeatleNut is back on the Beatles site, you'll be stopping by there more often too!!! :-) Me too, when I can!!! YES!! I'm Hoping that site and this one will last for at least the rest of the summer!!! Am Hoping!!! :-)

Yes, I heard about that on the news too, about "Nancy Sinatra, the first wife of legendary singer Frank Sinatra, has died at the age of 101". I see you remember last year when another one of his wives, Barbara Sinatra, passed away too. It Sure is amazing how they all (including Frank) lived to such a ripe, old age!!! When I seen the news about the Elder Nancy Sinatra on TV they also had a short clip with 60's star Nancy Sinatra talking about her mother. So, I knew it wasn't "These Boots Are Made for Walkin" Nancy Sinatra who passed away!! LOL!! ;-) I can imagine when you first read that news, you panicked thinking it was 1960's star Nancy Sinatra!!! :-( Then you saw the age said 101. RIP!
Thanks for sharing the Nice Picture of Frank and his first wife!!!

I see you also had a busy weekend of Laundry, cleaning and chores!!! I did too!!! FUN as always!! Yeah, I haven't had a Fab day in a while and will have to wait till all my tests are finally over with to Hopefully feel Better!!! But, Thanks for still wanting to wish me one anyway!!!! Thanks My Friend!!!!! I'm Hoping August will turn out to be a much better month for me!!!
Thanks!!!! I Hope You have a FAB Day and a FAB Weekend and a Better August Too!!! :-) Hope we can catch up SOON!!! :-)

Hey Beatlebob! Wow! Sorry to hear that Glucose test you recently had was horrible! :-(

I know that stuff they make you drink before those exams usually tastes real bad.
It sucks even more how the flavor seems even stronger after you've been fasting for a while.
I also wanted to vomit & use the bathroom when I had a similar test done! They found out I was allergic to Penicillin. You should just take it easy since you still have that big final rectal exam ahead.
I can imagine how much you're dreading that!! When exactly is that appointment?? Or did it already happen?? If so, I hope everything went alright! I see why you took a laxative but I think that was a bad idea, considering how you're not even supposed to be on antibiotics until all the tests are over! That might just make things even worse! Did your nose heal up yet? How about the constipation, nausea & bloating? Did that calm down at least somewhat by now? I sure hope so! Sorry to hear you're dealing with all this, my friend! As always, best wishes and take some time to recover before commenting me back!

I hope August will be a much better month!!!!!

Yikes! Have you heard about this? 

Monkees’ Michael Nesmith Recovering From Quadruple Bypass Heart Surgery

“I think, candidly, I’m back to 80 percent,” says the Monkees singer-guitarist. “I’m seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It all feels like a natural healing process.”

OMG! I'm glad he survived that procedure and is doing better now! I just hope his health lasts! It would be so sad if he retired soon and even worse if he passed away!!! I can't handle anymore devastation! :-(

That's great BeatleNut9 left a comment on your profile over at the Beatles site!
I was shocked to see her back over there again!
I was also surprised to see everything on the site is now unlocked.
If only BeatleGirl would finally say something, but that still seems highly unlikely.
BeatleNut asked on my profile page if I had any idea how long that site will last?
I'm guessing she asked the same thing to you? I wish we could answer but only Ann would know.

Thanks for telling me what you think about that "MTV Classic" channel!
I figured it wasn't as good as "VH1 Classic". The closest I can find to that is "AXS TV".
I read some other people's reviews online about "MTV Classic" and they all said the same as you.
Nothing too impressive, so I'm not really interested in upgrading my cable package anymore to get it.
I recently dropped "FXM" because it was considered a premium channel and cost more, and I didn't think it was worth the price, since they mostly just air the same old movies which are mostly shown when I'm not even awake, like at 4 AM! Eventhough those movies go on demand, they expire too quickly and "FXM" isn't a full time classic movie channel anymore. I liked it much better when it used to be called "FXM Retro" and was very similar to "TCM" with all day classic programming. Too bad it changed and is more like "HBO" now with a few classic films thrown in after midnight. Even "Turner Classic Movies" isn't as good as it once was, in my opinion. But I will always keep that channel since it's my absolute favorite!

My dentist appointment went well. It was just a routine cleaning and checkup. I have a few fillings to get done on August 7. So I won't be online that day. I also have to schedule two shrink appointments for August so if you don't hear from me for a little while, it's just because I'm busy. That shouldn't be a big deal since I figure you'll also be taking some time off the Internet to recover from all your exams. Please let me know the results when you get them! Hopefully nothing is seriously wrong with you and you will know exactly what's going on with your body. Just hang in there! It will all be worth it in the end!

Have a fab August!!!! :-)

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