I've got a very dear & close friend of mine who is a BIG deal in the music world, specifically The Beatles. He's in an award-winning Beatles tribute band now, but used to tour with "Beatlemania!"

He told me not too long ago saying that I should write for a music magazine because of my passion for music, my talent for writing, & my style as a critic. My attitude was that, "Who would want to be in the music industry NOW?"

I was told again today by a good friend of mine that I should be an archivist at VH1 Classic! He then made a more doable suggestion: start an online music magazine & write maybe an article a month.

If any of you know much about that or are good at research, I've got a few questions. Is there a better way than emailing out a Word document? Are there issues with copyrights if I included photos? How would I advertise? Should I just do two-page reviews on albums?

If any of you have ideas, suggestions, advice, or information...let me know! This should be a blast!

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LOL I have a separate e-mail address on Beatlemail just for all my Beatle related stuff, and a normal one for everything else. I remember once BeatleGirl went to a job interview and they asked if her "BeatleGirl" username was referring to the band or general "beetle" bugs. I hope the reason why they didn't hire her wasn't because they thought she was too obsessed. LOL my mother just told me a few days ago that I need serious HELP for my obsession. I sarcastically said "Thanks for reminding me to go watch 'Help' again!" HA!
I don't want help for my obsession! I'm with you, sweetheart!

I'm with the Both of You!! I Don't want help for my obsession too! Nothing wrong with an obsession like the one we have!! :-)

BeatleNut, were you asking for Paypal donations on the shoutbox of our Beatles site to start this new journalism project? I'd love to help, but I'm broke until Halloween (tomorrow). Good luck!

Sadie: That wasn't BeatleNut. That was "BeatleGirl" who left that SOS message on the shoutbox at BAR.
I'd love to help her out too!! But, I can't!  :-(

Oh! When I first read that, I was on a phone! Now that I'm on the computer I see it said "BeatleGirl" and not "BeatleNut". LOL! Thanks for correcting me, Beatlebob! I'd still love to "Help!" :-)

I wish I could "Help!" too...

I'm starting the magazine. I'm scared, but excited! We'll see how it goes...

Sadie! You're Welcome for the correction! :-) I Wish I could Help but I can't!  :-(

It's Great that You are Helping BeatleGirl with purchasing things on her Ebay!! That's So Sweet of You!! :-) Have a Happy Halloween! And a Great Weekend! Will catch up on Sunday!  :-)

BeatleNut9! GREAT!!! So Glad to hear you're starting your magazine! :-) BEST Wishes!!!

I tried searching for "musicreviewmagazine.tripod.com" but, couldn't find it?

Have a Great Weekend!!  :-)

Aww thanks Beatlebob, it's sweet of you to say that! I've bought some stuff from BeatleGirl on eBay a few times before. Always glad to help out! I hope BeatleGirl dosen't change the Halloween theme on our Beatles site yet, eventhough Halloween is over now. :-)
BeatleNut's link worked fine for me.
If you still can't see it, Beatlebob, here is a screencap...

You're Welcome Sadie!! That was a Sweet Thing to Do!! :-)
I Enjoy the Halloween Theme too on BAR!  :-)
What do you think of this for November?
I was thinking maybe for the beginning of November using the "Seasons" Pics I posted Or just using the Regular BAR Banners I made a while back? Then later this month Changing the Theme for Thanksgiving then a Tribute theme for George. What do You think?  ;-)

I Tried Again and Still can't get BeatleNut's New Site??  :-(  I looked at your screencap. But, still can't find it. Could you post the Exact Link here? I would appreciate it!! :-)

Everyone please check out MY new page!


Enjoy! :-)

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